Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,581 to 20,600 of 58,960
  1. Anti-Bolshevik exhibition; Nazi Party Rally (Nuremberg): Armed Forces Day

    Overhead shot of crowds waiting, SS men. Wide view of exhibition building with crowds in front, swastika banners, and the building-wide exhibit title: "Grosse Antibolschewistische" [Great Anti-Bolshevik Exhibition] (pan, words shown one at a time). Men exiting exhibition building. 00:06:29 EXT stadium with Nazi banners. 00:06:58 Nuremberg parade grounds, crowds at seats, swastika flags. Marching (mostly trims of reasonable length). 00:07:40 Group of Italian officers, talking, laughing. 00:08:59 Trims of young men with SS badges eating. Flags with swastikas and SS. CUs, faces, men in SS swea...

  2. Photographs relating to Buchenwald and Ebensee

    Consists of seven photographs showing various scenes of the U.S. Army in Germany at end of World War II, including tanks and troops moving through a village, liberated concentration camps prisoners, a performance perhaps by Marlene Dietrich, Gen. Patton meeting with a Soviet counterpart, and ruins of German city. Likely copies of Signal Corps photographs.

  3. Adam Rogowski memoir

    Typescript memoir, bound, 264 pages, titled "Lost and Found," an English translation of Adam Rogowski's Hebrew-language memoir of his Holocaust experiences, titled "B'Akalton Yelech Adam."

  4. Lorenz Schmuhl papers

    The Lorenz Schmuhl papers consist of correspondence, writings, diaries, photographs, and documents relating to Major Lorenz Schmuhl's service as the first American commander of the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation and his work at a DP camp in Wiesbaden, Germany. The collection also includes information about Karl Koch, Kommandant of Buchenwald during World War II, and his wife, Ilse Koch, as well as testimonies and writing about Buchenwald and Lorenz. Photographs include originals and copies of Buchenwald during and after the war. Correspondence includes letters, announcements...

  5. A memoir entitled "The Survivors of Buchenwald" relating to Nicholas Burliuk's experiences with survivors on a Hospital Ship

    Testimony, photocopy of typescript, five pages, by Nicholas Burliuk. Recounts Burliuk's experiences as a U.S. Army medic at the liberation of Buchenwald.

  6. Oral history interview with Joe Dobryman

  7. German occupation of France and Belgium

    Tank crossing river. MCU, workmen building bridge. MCU, horse-drawn wagon driven by German soldiers. German soldiers on bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, side cars. Tanks fording small stream. Truck hauling large German mortar. German aircraft in flight. City below. Pilot of German aircraft, taken from nose of plane. City smoking. Wreckage around railroad yard. German soldier firing machine gun, digging foxhole, firing into city streets, talking in street. Street is ablaze. Bullet in hand of soldier. Pan, burning building, city. German trucks moving through wrecked city. Inspecting destroyed...

  8. Adolf Stone papers

    Consists of photocopies collected by Adolf Stone, originally from Germany, who emigrated to the United States and joined the military. Includes information about the establishment of the Central Jewish Information Office and copies related to a memorial service held on June 10, 1945, at the St. Ottilien displaced persons camp. Included in the documents related to the memorial service are a short narrative of the service itself, a copy of a speech by Dr. Z. Grinberg in which Dr. Grinberg described his Holocaust experiences and the program of a musical performance led by Michael Hofmekler.

  9. Bassia Wharton memoir

    Testimony, three pages, typescript, similar description to that of husband (David Wharton; see 1995.A.1150), of life in Kaunas, invasion, ghetto of Slabodka.

  10. Frank and Shirley Krigel papers

    Contains photographs showing a concentration camp shortly after liberation. Includes a handwritten brief bio of Frank Krigel, the American solder who acquired the images in 1945.

  11. Walter Saunders papers

    The Walter Saunders papers contains correspondence with Walter’s parents while they were in Marseille and Les Milles. The documents contain reference letters, naturalization certificate, and an Austrian citizenship certificate. The photographs include portraits of Paul and Klara while at Auschwitz, a group photo with Paul at Camp Gurs, a young Walter with his brother Kurt, and a younger Paul while serving in the Austrian Army during World War I.

  12. Mieczyslaw-Mitchell Tukaj testimony

    Testimony. Typescript, 5 pages, written in 1991, recounting author's experiences in his hometown of Czestochowa, Poland, and his arrest and imprisonment in Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen due to resistance activities in occupied Poland, 1941-1945, including photocopy of his Auschwitz mug shot.

  13. Main Military Rabbinate of the Polish Army

    Contains photocopies of documents from Main Military Rabbinate of the Polish Army files concerning organizational regulations, orders, and personal data on rabbis and cantors. Included are a list of secret papers in the Centrale Archiwum Wojskowe; names of military personnel; and documents relating to promotions, hospitals on the front, transfers, soldiers' working and hygienic conditions, and disciplinary actions against individual soliders.

  14. A memoir relating to experiences in Terezin and Prague

    Testimony, typescript, two pages, circa 1990s. Discusses childhood in Vienna, the Anschluss, work as a forced laborer in Saxony (near Dresden), evacuation to Theresienstadt after bombing of Dresden, and the end of the war.

  15. Estelle Laughlin papers

    The Estelle Laughlin papers consist of post-war immigration documents for Edith Wakschlag (also known as Esther or Estera) later known as Estelle Laughlin. The documents include a Legitimation Ausweis identifying her as a former prisoner, April 1946; a Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS) identity card, July 1947; a smallpox vaccination certificate, July 1947; and an Anmeldung certificate which identifies that Michaela, Frieda, and Edith Wakschlag have registered with the local police as stateless persons who resided in Poland prior to the war, October 1945.

  16. Trudi Birger photographs

    Contains three photographs of Trudi Birger and family; two are pre-war, one is from 1993. Includes captions on the verso.

  17. Memoir relating to experiences during the Holocaust

    Testimony, typescript, 2 pages. Written by a native of Berlin who immigrated to South Africa. Describes immigration and efforts to get other family members out of Germany.

  18. Stanley B. Frosh collection

    Contains a letter from a U.S. soldier, dated 24 April 1945, written to his wife, using letterhead of Nazi Party Gauleiter of Franken, describing sights and events in Nuremberg and surrounding area at that time.

  19. Gouverneur des Distrikts Lublin (Sygn.180)

    Contains correspondence, questionnaires, name lists, situation reports, and various other documents from the office of the Gouverneur des Distrikts Lublin (Generalgovournement) and police offices in Lublin, Hrubieszów, Pulawy, Bilgoraj, and Chelm districts. The documents contain information about activities of the Gouverneur's office; activities of police in the Lublin area; population statistics for Jews and other nationalities in the Lublin area; activities of partisans (bandits); crime in the Lublin area; confiscation of Jewish property in the Lublin area; executions of Poles; and Poles...

  20. Susan Kolker and family papers

    Contains correspondence between Philip Levin, of Baltimore, and his cousins Margarete and Anna in Berlin, as well as another cousin in New York, Sal Reinhart, all related to their efforts to obtain visas for Margarete and Anna to immigrate, dated 1938-1939. Includes one pre-WWI postcard of Berlin, as well as a photo of Margarete Reinhart from 1900.