Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,501 to 20,520 of 58,960
  1. Eugene Waters memoir

    Testimony, 12 pages, handwritten, from Eugene Waters, describing childhood in Kosice, Slovakia, and wartime events there.

  2. Donald J. De Lotell papers

    Correspondence (2 V-mail letters from Donald de Lotell to his wife, describing impressions of liberated camp in April 1945), and clippings from 1980s and 1990s describing de Lotell's wartime experiences.

  3. Articles relating to the murder of Jews in Lwow

    Newspaper. Issue of Yiddish newspaper "Ibergang," published in Munich, 1 June 1947. An article about Lwow ghetto is circled in red pencil at bottom of page 1.

  4. Auf einen fremden planeten das lager BIIb in Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Testimony, 10 pages, typescript in German, with corresponding English translation, about author's experiences in "family camp" B II b at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

  5. Oral history interview with Ida Turner and Murray Turner

  6. Morris Kiel collection

    Contains handwritten and typescript miscellaneous correspondence, photocopies of cover pages of antisemitic publications and a photograph showing a front view of the offices of the newspaper Der Stuermer in Nuremberg. The collection includes but is not limited to the following: certificates, license, a postcard, Thereseienstadt scrip, and slips of paper with the original signatures of some Nuremberg Trial defendants.

  7. Remarks relating to an American Gi's experience at Dachau

    Testimony. Photocopy of typescript, 5 pages, titled "Remarks Holocaust Memorial [sic], Capitol Rotunda, April 16, 1993," which is the text of speech given by an American GI who was present at liberation of Dachau. Comments were read at a Days of Remembrance observance at the U.S. Capitol in 1993.

  8. Isaac Stone collection

    Contains two copies of the International Military Tribunal indictment, 1945, of the major war criminals with attached list of errata; "International military tribunal Nurnberg Germany 1945-1946" which summarizes the indictment and brief biographies of the major war criminals; "Guide to captured German documents, prepared by Gehard L. Weinberg, 1952"; and "Conference on Jewish material claims against Germany : Annual Report 1965."

  9. Records of the SS in Lublin (Sygn. 22)

    The bulk of the collection contains the records of the Zentralbauleitung der Waffen SS und Polizei in Lublin, Poland, relating to the design and construction of various camp facilities in and around Lublin, among them KGL (Kriegsgefangenenlager) Lublin and "Lager F" in Lublin. Records from other occupation agencies in Lublin contain information about general administrative and police matters in Lublin and surrounding communities. Also includes records of the Jewish councils (Judenräte) in Biskupice and Zamosc ranging from 1939 to 1942. Among these records are several lists of Jewish citize...

  10. Memoir

    Testimony, 10 pages with 7 page supplement, photocopy of handwritten account, in Russian, titled "Vospominaniya" ("Memoir"). Brief English translation is also included. Originally from Kharkiv, describes enrollment in Red Army, being stationed near Lithuania and German attack in June 1941, time as POW and imprisonment at Neuengamme.

  11. Hermine and Horst Schmidt collection

    Testimony, 5 pages, typescript, in German, of experiences of Hermine Schmidt (Koschmieder), a Jehovah's Witness originally of Danzig, imprisoned at Stutthof, who at end of war was able to escape to Denmark by boat. Photocopy of same text in Danish as it appeared in a publication in 1945, and other copied materials including photographs.

  12. Celia Trunk memoir

    Testimony, 4 pages, photocopy of typescript, sent by Celie Trunk (also Trunck), a survivor of Bergen Belsen, in response to a questionnaire sent out by historian at Bergen Belsen Memorial site in 1994.

  13. Oral history interview with James Swindell

  14. History of the Jews of Kaisersesch (Germany)

    Report, compiled by a resident of the town of Kaisersesch, circa 1970s-1980s, examining Jewish history of town (in Rheinland-Pfalz), and what happened to them during Third Reich. Author tracked down descendants of Jewish emigres in America and obtained further information from them (some photocopied material, also have photo snapshots of houses that formerly belonged to Jewish families and of Jewish cemetery).

  15. "Dina's Story"

    Contains one memoir, 13 pages, entitled "Dina's Story," written in 1994 by Dina Littman, originally of Zgierz, Poland. In the memoir, she describes the confiscation of goods, life in the Łódź ghetto, forced labor in Shwachsztrom. In 1944, she was deported to Auschwitz and from there, to Bergen-Belsen and to forced labor in Salzwedel, where she was liberated. She briefly returned to Łódź, married a fellow survivor, Jakob Littman, and tried to emigrate to Israel. After a brief internment in Cyprus, she emigrated to Israel and eventually to the United States.

  16. UNRRA work in Europe

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Brief shots of fires used by Britain as defense against invasion in 1940. Work of UNRRA in Europe: camp in Germany for refugees and displaced persons; food supplies sent to Austria.

  17. Khonya Epshteyn papers

    Testimony, photocopy of manuscript, 100 pages, plus copy of Belarus identification card of 1994, and certificate attesting to Epstein's wartime service as a partisan fighter, and copied excerpt from "Vestnik," November 1994, containing Epstein's account of Krugliansky ghetto. Testimony contains detailed account of his life as a partisan after murder of his family.

  18. Invasion of Norway

    Pan, German ships and troops in Norway. Pan, city of Oslo, Norway. Bicycle troops at railway station. German DDs. German boat steaming at high speed in water. Captain on bridge. Guns firing off forward section of boat, plane catapults. German troops on deck, snow-covered hills in BG. Machine gun firing on British plane. German seaplane landing on bay. Harbor, many ships. High mountains on side of fjord. German troops passing baggage from ship to tugs. Tug loaded with troops. German seaplane taking off from harbor, city and hills in BG. German troops along road, disembarking from ship. Tanks...

  19. The abandoned

    Typescript memoir, 65 pages, titled "The Abandoned," by Evelyn Romanowsky Ripp.

  20. An article and news clipping relating to the plight of Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust

    Obituary for James Elder (1929-1994), Holocaust survivor originally from Hungary, and photocopied text from a book, "Amcha" by Sol Friedman. The copied text (pp. 284-302) is a chapter about a boy named "Jimmy Elephant," likely about Elder and his experiences in Hungary and Auschwitz.