Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,461 to 20,480 of 58,960
  1. Jules Barrash letter

    The Jules Barrash letter consists of a typed testimony, written as a letter to family, by Jules Barrash, a Jewish-American liberator of the Buchenwald concentration camp, April 16, 1945. In the testimony, he describes the camp physically, his impressions taking a tour from a newly liberated French prisoner, and the hospital before bringing the other soldiers in his outfit in for a tour. He wrote that what he saw at Buchenwald showed him the reason they were fighting the war.

  2. Margot Stern memoir

    Contains a memoir about Margot Stern's experiences being sent to Riga, Latvia, from Stuttgart, Germany. A listing of family members who perished during the Holocaust is also included.

  3. Don Weitz collection

    News clippings, mid-1990s, from Toronto, and unpublished letters to the editor by Weitz, regarding Nazi war criminals in North America.

  4. A memoir entitled "The Book With the Brown Cover" with related documents

    Testimony, typescript, circa 50 pages, consisting of photocopy of journal kept by donor's father, telling of experiences of Peper family in German and in occupied Holland during the war. Also have a couple of photocopied documents, including letter awarding Allegonda Peper a medal for participation in partisans in Netherlands during occupation.

  5. A memoir relating to experiences during the Holocaust

    Testimony, 4 pages, typescript, plus one photocopy of news article, some written by Liza Alpert, some by others, about experiences of Leon and Liza Alpert, and their respective experiences, in pre-war Poland, in camps (Dachau, Stutthof), and as DPs.

  6. Photographs of World War II Nazi concentration camp scenes

    Contains photographs of Buchenwald taken after liberation.

  7. Lou and Clari Levy collection

    Two propaganda leaflets, one in German ("Himmler Gegen Deutschland!") and one in English ("Benjamin Franklin's Prophecy"). Latter is antisemitic propaganda, former is anti-Nazi propaganda.

  8. Records of der Kreishauptmann Radom-Land (Sygn.157)

    Contains applications, death notices, petitions, and various other documents relating to general administration matters in Radom, Poland, handled by the Kreishauptmann including applications of businessmen to serve German military personnel, permission for telephone lines, and petitions to send money to prisoners in Auschwitz; death notice for Józef Deugoszek, a partisan shot by the SS; death notice for Kasimir Jaslan, prisoners of Oranienburg.

  9. Jewish publications in Kovno

    Two newspapers, in Hebrew or Yiddish, from Kaunas, Lithuania, 1920 and 1927.

  10. Women and babies

    Women in hospital. Babies being baptized. Women laughing, breast feeding. CU babies.

  11. Ruth Cohen Horowitz collection

    Contains V-mail relating to conditions in liberated areas of Germany and Austria.

  12. Jacket issued as a uniform to an inmate in the Dachau concentration camp

    Issued to Alex Jacquemart.

  13. Leningrad troops advance

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel"/ "6"/ "Moscow"/ "January 1944"/ "Directed by I. Vendzher"/ "Film-reporting from the frontlines"/ "Leningrad advances"/ "Film coverage of the Leningrad troops approaching the Polkovo Heights" ELSs of Leningrad followed by lengthy montage of Soviet cannons firing. ELSs of Soviet airplanes intercut with POV shots of bombs dropping. Various shots of corpses. ELSs of Soviet troops advancing into the countryside. 03:30:20 Title: "In development, our armies have approached Krasno Selo" Various shots of soldiers loading mortars and advancing onto battlefield. Coverage of b...

  14. Oral history interview with Nat Ross

  15. A memoir relating to experiences in Ukraine

    Testimony, 2 pages, handwritten, Russian, describing experiences of Serafima Podolskaya in Domanevka. English summary enclosed.

  16. Danek Gertner collection

    The Danek Gertner collection contains primarily two memoirs and a collection of records copied from the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv. The copied records contain police records, Zionist organization questionnaires, and information concerning specific people from Żabie, Ukraine; the hometown of Danek Gertner. The first memoir in the collection is entitled Hitlerism in the History of the Jews, and was written by Col. Yuri Schulmeister, a friend of Danek’s. The memoir is written in Ukrainian. The second memoir is entitled The Holocaust: Michael Silberg’s Experiences, wr...

  17. Testimony relating to the atrocities discovered by the U.S. Army at Gardelegen

    Testimony. Typescript letter, 3 pages, written by Alex Weiss after visiting the USHMM in 1993, about his experiences as a soldier who encountered the Gardelegen massacre.

  18. Alfred E. Cohn papers

    The Alfred E. Cohn papers consists primarily of Cohn’s correspondence with various organizations regarding the state of Jewish life overseas, and the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. Other letters from organizations thank him for his contributions. Other material in the collection includes pamphlets and news clippings, discussing relief efforts for Jewish communities in Europe. In addition, postcards consisting of more personal correspondence are also in the collection.

  19. Postcards from the General Government

    Postcards (2), sent by Samuel Goldman of Grybow, occupied Poland, to Alfred Glaser, in a town near Novosibirsk, Russia. Difficult to read dates, but appears to be 1944.

  20. Oral history interview with Helen Lankin