Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,601 to 19,620 of 58,960
  1. Otto Salzer papers

    Correspondence, original from National Cathedral in Washington, DC, recording efforts of Dean Powell of the Cathedral to contact State Department on behalf of Otto Salzer, an Austrian Jew who wrote to him in 1939 asking for an affidavit to immigrate.

  2. A family history

    Photocopied typescripts compiled by various members of the extended Marmorek family, documenting their emigration from Austria during the Nazi era. Compiled in 1991.

  3. Lilly Isaacs diaries and photographs

    This collection includes three diaries created and written by Lilly Isaacs while imprisoned in the Sömmerda labor camp from 1944 until after liberation in 1945. During her imprisonment Lilly worked in a munitions factory where she used materials from the factory, such as paint and paper, to make her diaries. In the diaries Lilly writes about being separated from her family at Auschwitz, missing her family, air raids, the development of the war, her experiences in Sömmerda, and liberation. The diaries also include poetry. The collection also includes photographs taken in 1940 of Elizabeth ...

  4. Memoir of Dr. Blanca Rosenberg

    Testimony, typescript, in chapters, circa 150 pages. Recounts experiences in either Eastern Poland or western Soviet Union (Kolomija) from time of German invasion, through deportation to ghettos in Lwow and Warsaw, and time as forced laborer in Heidelberg.

  5. Ana Jinno memoir "Stories of Survival"

    Personal narrative authored by Ana Jinno (née Anna Klein, previously Anna Kalina), originally of Košice (Slovakia), and titled “Stories of Survival.” The narrative describes persecution in Slovakia, her father Ferdiand Klein’s deportation to Žilina concentration camp, his release from the camp, the family going into hiding, Ferdinand’s experiences with partisans, and post-war immigration to La Paz, Bolivia, Montevideo, Uruguay, and Petah Tikva, Israel.

  6. Memoir of the Vilna, Stutthof, and Dautmergen ghettos

    A memoir relating to experiences in the Vilna, Stutthof, and Dautmergen Ghettos.

  7. ID card from Deutsche Ortskommandatur Mogilev

    Consists of one identity card issued by the Deutsches Ortskommandatur Mogilev.

  8. Lydia Golston papers

    The papers consist of a Polish passport with a visa allowing residence in Canada for the duration of World War II issued by the Polish embassy in Japan to Lidia Barbara Fruchs [donor] and a permit allowing temporary residence in Japan issued to Lidia Barbara Fruchs.

  9. Oral history interview with Lewis Lax

  10. Kommandeur der Schutzpolizei in Distrikt Radom work journal (Sygn.172)

    Contains a work journal (diary) kept by the commander of the Schutzpolizei station in Radom, Poland, from June 15, 1944, to December 12, 1944. The journal contains information about police activities and various crimes commited such as trespassing, robbery, kidnapping by partisans (bandits) and theft.

  11. Bergen-Belsen, nine days after liberation

    Interior of hospital ward, drawing on wall of "Tiger" tank passing over barbed wire. Camera pans down, child lying in hospital bed. Chalking FULL on wall. Stretcher removed from back of ambulance; one of the stretcher bearers is member of Quaker Relief Service team RS100. German orderlies take stretcher into hospital. "Contaminated" drawn on ambulance doors. CU of woman's shoulder badge combining Red X and Order of St. John symbols. Ambulance being unloaded in BG. Female relief worker, Miss Russell Smith, drives "clean" ambulance off screen right. TYPHUS sign at right. German medics in whit...

  12. Fighting at Narvik

    UFA Newsreel. Title: Frontberichte der Propaganda-Kompanien. REEL 1: Part 1: on the fighting at Narvik. Shows German warships in the harbor. German demolition teams blow up a railroad. White clad alpine troops fire on attacking British troops; German dive bombers attack British lines. German paratroopers land, assemble, and go into action. Part 2: German planes take off from an airfield. Show wrecked planes on a French airfield. Dive bombers attack an allied marching column. Shows wrecked allied equipment and dead. Part 3: German bombers fly in formation over Antwerp.

  13. Oral history interview with Max Edelman

  14. Memoir

    Testimony, 5 pages, handwritten, from Tuten in form of letter to Michael Abidor at Jewish Community Center in Charleston, SC, written in 1993. Describes experiences in U.S. Army during WWII, and in particular, account of atrocities committed at camp between Helmstedt and Magdeburg (is likely describing aftermath of Gardelegen massacre).

  15. Juozas Kungys case

    Contains copies of depositions, transcripts of proceedings, and other documentation used in the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Investigation's prosecution of Juozas Kungys, accused of Nazi war crimes in Lithuania.

  16. "Julius Feldman's Voice From Behind the Wall"

    Testimony, approximately 46 pages, photocopy of typescript, titled "Julius Feldman's Voice from Behind the Wall," translated and with comments by Joseph Soski. Feldman (1923-1942) was in the camp at Płaszów, and his memoirs were kept by his family, who loaned them to Soski for this translation in 1993. Was subsequently published in 2002 as "The Krakow Diary of Julius Feldman."

  17. Henry Gordon papers

    The papers consist of two letters, one written by Henry Gordon to his father and one written to his parents on May 7, 1945. Henry Gordon sent the letter dated May 7 to his father at his father's office, leaving the decision of whether his father would relay information about the death of his mother's family in the Holocaust.

  18. Report on Buchenwald and a captioned photograph of Dachau

    Report, 3 pages, from P.W. and D.P. Division, U.S. Group Control Council, 16 April 1945, reporting on conditions at liberated camp of Buchenwald. Photograph included; caption states it is from Dachau.

  19. Roman Freulich photographs

    Consists of copyprints and film negatives taken by Roman Freulich in Łódź, Poland, in February-March, 1938. Includes photos of members of his family, as Freulich made the trip in part to encourage family members to immigrate to the United States. Also includes images of street scenes in Łódź, and two images taken in Warsaw.

  20. The Jewish community of Velke Kapusany collection

    Contains a photocopy of a brief history of Martin Shlanger's hometown in Velke Kapusany, Slovakia.