Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,581 to 19,600 of 58,960
  1. Nazi propaganda: war in the Balkans

    This "Sonderbericht der Deutschen Wochenschau" [Special report of the German weekly newsreel] starts on April 4, 1941 with footage of Goebbels addressing the German people via radio and von Ribbentrop delivering diplomatic letters to the ambassadors of Yugoslavia and Greece. Then soldiers, armored personal carriers, and tanks cross the Yugoslav border into Croatia from Styria, thus opening the Southeastern front of WWII after an alleged 'new provocation by the British.' German Stukas [dive fighters] and Italian warplanes fly over Greek mountains. Serbian fortresses and bunkers are captured,...

  2. Ferenc Hamori family papers

    Photocopies of documents related to Ference (Franz) Hamori, during and after German occupation of Hungary. Includes copy of his Swedish "Schutzpass," and postwar documentation attesting to what had happened to Hamori while in hiding in Budapest, as well as the fate of his wife, who was deported and died of dysentery at Ravensbrück. Hungarian with English translations.

  3. Documents relating to Janis Lipke rescuer of Jews in Latvia

    Photographs and news clippings (mostly in Russian) related to memorial that was created in 1987 to honor the memory of Janis Lipke, a Latvian who saved 53 Jews in Riga during the occupation. Includes photos of Lipke as an elderly man, photos of the memorial, and of the dedication event.

  4. Matthew Tovian papers

    Contains a memoir entitled "Matthew's Story," and photographs related to the donor's Holocaust experiences in Poland and the Soviet Union.

  5. "Der 9 Nov. 1938 (die Kristallnacht) in Wien und der 10 Nov. und meine daraus erwachsenen Erlbenisse."

    Photocopy of typescript testimony, 10 pages, in German, entitled "Der 9 Nov. 1938 (die Kristallnacht) in Wien und der 10 Nov. und meine daraus erwachsenen Erlbenisse." The unnamed author is a woman living in Brno, Czechoslovakia, who travels to Vienna to help an elderly rabbi from Austria get out of the country to Palestine, via Italy. She mentions leaving her young son Daniel behind in Brno.

  6. Letter to Phil Scholder

    Photocopy of letter from Max Scholder to Phil Scholder, December 1941, thanking him for offers to help him.

  7. German invasion and capture of Antwerp, Leuven, and Brussels

    MCU, German troops during street fight. MS, pan, German soldier on motorcycle in city streets. MS, German troops firing in harbor. LS, shells exploding across bay. 02:02:44 German troops crossing river Schelde in small boats, with the cathedral of Antwerp in the background. MS, pan, German troops on dock with equipment. LS, oil refinery under fire and burning, large oil tanks, black smoke. 02:03:37 Boerentoren, Antwerp. MS, city streets captured by Germans. Group of German soldiers, looking down canal. MCU, German troops sleeping in city streets. 02:04:12 Central train station Antwerp. LS, ...

  8. Diary of Mrs. Paul Wolf

    Consists of one typed, bound, and translated copy of the memoir of Mrs. Paul Wolf, which was written in diary-form. In the memoir, which describes the period between March 19, 1944 and January 18, 1945, Mrs. Wolf described the German invasion of Hungary, the takeover by the Arrow Cross, the bombing of Budapest, and the Russian liberation of the city. Includes handwritten and typed notes at the end of the memoir.

  9. Holocaust stories "A tribute to our parents."

    Testimony, 70 pages, photocopy of typescript, titled "Holocaust Stories: A Tribute to our Parents," assembled by Roseanne, Ed, and Phyllis Lion. Describes parents' childhood (in Baden and Bavaria, respectively), rising anti-Jewish persecution, Kristallnacht, internment in camps in France, etc. SEE 1995.A.0937

  10. Capture of Rotterdam

    Columns of smoke. Pan over river, showing destroyed Rotterdam. Explosion. CU, sniper, trees, smoke. Destruction, burning of Rotterdam. LS, Dutch troops walking toward camera waving white flags. Burning buildings, tanks, armored vehicles. CU, night shot: burning buildings in Rotterdam, troops. Civilians in FG, rubble. Aerial shots of Rotterdam. CU, government officials entering buildng. INT, Dutch surrendering Rotterdam to the Germans, officials seated at table. German plane as it turns over, three German planes taking off from airfield, more German planes in formation. Aerial shot, refugees...

  11. Laura Rasch family papers

    Photocopies of documents relating the the Mayer and Mane families.

  12. Home movies of Sigal family in Zborow, Berezhany, Vienna, and Baden

    Margaret Siegal Weiss (the donor, age 12) and her father Morris (42) spent six weeks visiting family in Zborow from July to August 1936. 02:08 Title: "Main Street - The Broadway and Boulevard of Zborov" Road leading to Zborow (shot by Nathan Okun, also from Zborow - he is the man in the white hat). Pedestrians, homes. Brief sequence of family, child running towards camera. Pan countryside, village with homes. Quick pan, group of six men. 03:07 Large group poses for a picture, summer (perhaps in the U.S.?). Morris appears near the end of the group posing for the picture, next to a man with m...

  13. Document relating to the imprisonment of a female Jewish communist

    Photographic copy of a document (and accompanying negative of same), pertaining to Elisabeth Sencovici, in Romania, August 1944. Appears to be statement recording prison sentence from 1944 to 1967, for "crime" of belonging to a subversive political organization.

  14. Oral history interview with Morris Kesselman

  15. Born twice

    Testimony, typescript (photocopy), unpaginated (about 30 pages), author describes experiences in suburb of Bratislava, deportation to Auschwitz.

  16. Max Liebster papers

    Photocopied documents, including post-war ID identifying Liebster as former prisoner at concentration camp, family photo, list of Jews from Reichenbach and their fates.

  17. Katarina Grünsteinová collection

    The Katarina Grünsteinová collection contain various documents relating to Katarina’s imprisonment during the Holocaust. Items include two postcards sent while Katarina was in Auschwitz-Birkenau, a Red Cross card, a camp newsletter, and a court decision ordering her father Moric, to dissolve his company. Other items include two newspapers, a copy of Katarina’s Czech memoir, and a small booklet about her hometown during the Holocaust.

  18. Stanley Lewan collection

    Photocopies of postcards from family in Poland to Sam Laurie in Chicago, 1941.

  19. "And It Was No Lie"

    Testimony. Typescript, 78 pages, titled "And It Was No Lie," by Ruth Weiss, describing her experiences from childhood in a village in Sudetenland, moving to Prague after that area was annexed by Germany, occupation of Czechoslovakia, deportation to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, life in DP camps after war, return to Prague, and the immigration to Israel.

  20. Documents relating to Stanislav Sorochinsky, a candidate of the "Righteous Among Nations"

    Documents, photocopied, related to family of Dina and Stanislaw Sorochinsky, including birth certificates, testimonies from survivors, attesting to Stanislaw Sorochinsky's role in saving Jews in Vinnitsa during occupation.