Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,421 to 18,440 of 58,960
  1. Oral history interview with Binjamin Wilkomirski

  2. Eva Josefsson b. Bas̀z life review

    Contains Eva Bas̀z Josefsson's memoir describing her conversion from Judaism and baptism as a Jehovah's Witness in 1941; her arrest while distributing religious material and deportation from Ujpest (Hungary) to Auschwitz concentration camp; her transfer to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1944; the punishment she suffered when she refused to do bomb clearance work because she felt it would violate her religious principle of neutrality; and her emigration to Sweden after the war. A black and white photograph of her taken in 1945 is included.

  3. Photograph

    Photograph portrait of woman wearing a black headband, black dress, and fur; mounted in wooden frame covered in gold paint, with glass front and red-and-white paper backing.

  4. Syma Crane papers

    The Syma Crane papers consist primarily of photographs documenting Crane’s service as United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) director of the children’s homes at Leoben and Bad Schallerbach in Austria. The collection also includes an autograph book, biographical materials, correspondence, and printed materials documenting her escape from Vilnius in 1941 to Kobe and Shanghai and eventual arrival in London. Contains certificates, correspondence and documents of Syma Minc Klok a.k.a. Syma Miller relating to her escape in 1941 from Vilnius, Lithuania first to Kobe, Japan...

  5. Elizabeth Simon collection

    Contains information regarding Elizabeth Simon's internment at Mauthausen: certification of her internment, dated 22 May 1945; Claims Conference questionnaire, not dated; and an affidavit for indemnification claim, dated 1967.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tel Aviv Schools

    Herzelia secondary school in Tel Aviv. First day of Mourning, of a week of mourning in memory of the millions of Jews tortured and killed by the Nazis, with a special ceremony at all schools in Palestine. Busy street, buildings. People exiting building en masse. 06:43:15 Lines of school children doing drills. Israeli flag. Women conducting girls singing hymn of Faith (brought from the ghetto). 06:44:35 Man reads oath from scroll to girls. Hebrew writing: "The remnant of Israel shall multiply on its soil. It shall rise. The hope of Israel shall never wane. His home shall be upbuilt and firml...

  7. Leon Egert memoir

    Contains a handwritten memoir of Leon Egert, dated Brzuchowice, June 6, 1943.

  8. Romanian State Archives records

    New documents related to the confiscation of Romanian archives by the Military Allied Commission added on July 23, 1998 Fond: Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Sanatescu, Radescu. Contains additional photocopied materials to RG-25.002M: requests made by Jews to Presidency of Consule of Ministers; specific case of Sally Solomon Karmitz. This folder is in Archivele Statului, Inventar 300, Presedentia Consiliuluide Ministrii, 1941, dosar 641.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of SS Brazil in Uruguay, 1938

    "Brazil" sign on SS Brazil boat (tendered by the US Maritime Commission to North and South American diplomats, bankers, and businessmen to initiate the "Good Will Service" to South America). LS, MS, view of Montevideo, Uruguay from boat. Shots of harbor, steamship, boats, people. 02:01:49 Flags on building. 02:02:13 Officials on patio at government house, including Admiral Emory S. Land, Ambassador Breckinridge Long, Alberto Guani (Minister of Foreign Affairs), Don Fermin Carlos de Yereugi, and Leslie Reed (US Charges d'Affaires). Suited men talking. In garden at the President's residence: ...

  10. The girls from Salzwegel: 40 lager girls, by Itka Najman Slodowski

    Consists of a photocopied manuscript containing the memoirs of 40 women survivors of Salzwedel concentration camp. Each memoir includes a photocopied photograph of the survivor and a questionnaire asking her name, date of birth, names of her parents and siblings, her ghetto- and camp-internment dates, names and addresses of other Salzwedel survivors with whom she is in contact, and names of women who did not survive. Copies of a Salzwedel camp map, a speech given by Itka Najman Slodowski during a June 1996 survivors' reunion at Salzwedel and survivor lists are included in the manuscript. A ...

  11. Portfolio

    A portfolio of prints, No. 28932 mówi-- : Oranienburg, by Stefan Horski was published in Poland in 1946. This is probably a copy of that publication.

  12. Estonian State Archives of the former Estonian KGB (State Security Committee) records relating to war crime investigations and trials in Estonia

    Contains photocopies of evidence documents, interrogation transcripts, decrees, biographical data sheets, witness statements, photographs, miscellaneous court and trial documents,and sound recordings of trial proceedings relating to the arrest, investigation, prosecution, and sentencing of war criminals accused of atrocities in concentration camps, mass killings of Jews,Communists, and prisoners of war in Estonia during World War II. Documents range in date from 1940 to 1987 with the bulk of the documents dating from 1950 to 1962.

  13. How I cheated the angel of death

    Holocaust related experiences as a political prisoner.

  14. Auschwitz-Prozess 1. Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozess: 20.12-1963-20.08.1965: 183 Verhandlungstage : Schwurgericht beim Landgericht Frankfurt am Main

    Contains photocopies of articles from Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, newspapers dated December 12, 1963, to August 20, 1965, concerning Auschwitz-related legal proceedings. Lists of the accused, their sentences, and officers of the courts and maps of Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps are included.

  15. David Tennenbaum papers

    The David Tennenbaum papers consist of false identification papers for David and Fanny Tennenbaum and photographs of David and Fanny Tennenbaum and Fanny Tennenbaum’s father, Nachman Gruber. The false identification papers include two forged birth and baptismal certificates under the names Teresa and Franciszka Wieczorkowska, and an authentic identification card and change of address registration form using the same false names. Photographs include a tintype of Fanny Tennenbaum with her father and twelve prints of Fanny and David Tennenbaum documenting prewar family vacations in Poland and ...

  16. A wish for a prayer A memoir

    Holocaust experiences in Hungary: forced labor camp; interrogation.

  17. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  18. Book

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    Brief shot, harbor, loading ship. CU, man. 01:24:06 Arabs hauling bags of oranges. Crane loading oranges for export on French SS Champollion. Passengers on deck. 01:24:43 "Gerusalemme / Trieste" ship at dock. Soldiers. Loading and unloading crates, oranges. 01:25:46 CUs, orange boxes. 01:25:57 Several scenes of unloading donkeys with a crane. 01:26:25 Polish immigrants on board ship. More shots of Poles. 01:26:57 Stevedores working with Haifa in BG. Oranges for export loaded onto Norwegian ship. 01:27:32 CU, Mr. William Peasley, Director of Customs and Excise, talking to British Police Serg...

  20. Jura Lokaj papers

    The Jura Lokaj papers consists of photographs of Nazi persecution of Jews in Zhitomir, Ukraine, in 1941. The photographs include images of execution by hanging of Jews and partisans, as well as a possible “action”. The papers also includes the publication "Die Wahrheit ueber das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald" (Weimar: Verlag antifaschistischen Schrifttums, 1945; 63 pages).