Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,321 to 18,340 of 58,960
  1. Early Nazi struggles for power; Hitler speech; parade

    Film Title: "The Nazi Plan" 01:00:52 Certificate and Affidavit from E.R. Kellogg, Cmdr, US Naval Reserve 01:02:46 "Part I: The Rise of the NSDAP, 1921-1933." 01:02:54 "Alfred Rosenberg Describes the Early Nazi Struggles for Power" Alfred Rosenberg describes early Nazi struggles for power. 01:06:13 scenes of rallies and riots. "Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1927" Hitler speaks at Nuremberg in 1927. "Deutschland erwache!" Hitler reviews a parade after another speech in 1929. "Julius Streicher" "Auch Die übrigen Führer begrüssen Die Ankommenden" "Kolonne reicht sich an Kolonne" "Deutschlands Freihe...

  2. Hitler poster

    Poster with black and white photograph of Hitler against a black background with white text. The portrait photograph was taken by Heinrich Hoffman; 1932. The poster is mounted on a linen backing

  3. Pamphlet

  4. Schwarz and Mandl families papers

    The Schwarz and Mandl families papers include identification papers; birth, marriage, and death certificates; immigration and military records; restitution files; and photographs documenting the Schwarz and Mandl families of Vienna Austria before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Clearing ruins/rubble of Warsaw

    LS ruins of Warsaw. In FG, Polish cart. 06:01:56 German prisoners of war clearing the ruins of the Ghetto. 06:04:10 German prisoners of war working on future tram line which will cross the ex-Ghetto as a prolongation of the main street of Warsaw. 06:05:13 A detachment of the garrison of Warsaw marching among ruined houses with shovels on their shoulders. 06:09:06 In FG, civilians working among rubbish. Soldiers marching and singing. Soldiers loading lorries with rubble. LS at sunset, ruins of highest concrete building in Warsaw. 06:09:27 Men and women clearing the ruins of Warsaw.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Rally, NYC

    Citizens' Rally against oppression at Carnegie Hall, NYC. LS, from above, of Carnegie Hall then closer, men seated behind. 03:21:58 Second speaker with curly hair, "Dangers in situation in Germany...". Man, older, waiting behind curtain. 03:24:22 LS, crowd, well behaved. Participants (from March of Time card catalogue) include: Mayor LaGuardia, Victor Ridder, William Dodd, Theodore Green, Fulton Sheen, Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace, Bishop Manning.

  7. Selected records from the Ternopil (Ternopol) State Oblast Archive

    Contains records relating to statistical census data and the registration of Jews, the use of Jews in forced labor (including name lists), cases of corruption by Ukrainian officials, the issuance of passports and identification papers to Jews, and the activities of the Judenrat in the Ternopil and in the Skalat ghettos. There are also lists of confiscated Jewish properties, leases for renting Jewish-owned houses, lists of Ukrainian police, files relating to German policemen, and documents collected by the KGB relating to war and other crimes.

  8. Alfred Neil Kramer collection

    Contains genealogical information regarding the donor's family, the Kramlats and the Gelbers.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish refugees, Jewish Brigade in Palestine, Jewish Agency

    Young Jewish refugees, having escaped the Germans, arrived at the Athlit Camp near Haifa wanting to join the Jewish Brigade. 05:13:08 Yellow stars pinned to coats and vests. General shot of the recruiting. 05:13:27 Several young Jews stand before the table to sign up. MS, Jews signing up, Yellow Star of David is apparent. 05:14:28 General shot of young Jews entering the Recruiting Department of the Jewish Agency of Tel Aviv. 05:14:45 CU, sign of recruiting bureau in Hebrew and English. 05:14:58 The Mobile Jewish Brigade of Tel Monte - a special armed Jewish brigade authorized by the English...

  10. Flight from the Nazis A memoir

    Contains information regarding the Silverstein family's flight from Antwerp, Belgium, to France as seen through the eyes of Philip Silverstine [donor] at age 10. In the early part of 1941, the family was able to obtain visas, passports, and boat passes to sail to America via Spain.

  11. Völkischer Beobachter (Berlin, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Munich newspaper tracking Adolf Hitler's "success" in Austria.

  12. Sylvan Katz papers about John Henry Weidner

    Contains correspondence, memoirs, and newspaper clippings about John Henry Weidner's efforts to assist and rescue Dutch Jews during World War II.

  13. Ray Buch photograph collection

    The collection consists of eight photographs and one copy print of the Mauthausen concentration camp near Vienna, Austria, at the time of liberation. The photographs were compiled by Ray Buch, a sergeant in the United States Army who assisted in overseeing the reburial of victims at Mauthausen after the war.

  14. Selected records of the Départmental Archives of the Bas Rhin in Strasbourg

    Contains documents from series AL (Reichsland d'Alsace-Lorraine) of the Archives départementales du Bas Rhin, Strasbourg, pertaining to the operation of the Natzweiller-Struthof camp and sub-camps in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France, as well as materials related to the German occupation of Alsace-Lorraine in general.

  15. Thessaloniki Jewish Community records

    The collection contains registration records for over 43,000 Salonika Jews completed prior to their deportation to Auschwitz. The cards contain personal information as well as itemized lists of real and material property subsequently aryanized by occupying forces and Greek collaborators.

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Scenes from "Land of Promise"

    Farmers, industrialists working. Pan up telegraph pole. 04:12:44 Pushing rocks, cameos, breaking stones. 04:13:47 Fabric factory. 04:14:14 Soap factory. 04:15:40 Woman looking through book, studying, science experiments. 04:16:08 Building, many people entering. 04:16:23 Children sit with chickens. Sheep, cows. 04:17:25 Orange and fruit packing. Men working. Cuts between factories, fruit packing, hard labor, typing.

  17. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg

  18. Records relating to the international settlement in Shanghai, China

    Documentation of German foreign office response to Japanese reception of Jewish refugees in Shanghai. Collection also includes documents on the embargo on weapons for the republicans during the Spanish Civil War and the policies of various countries toward Jewish refugees. The latter contains significant material on George Rublee, the Evian Conference, and its aftermath.

  19. Oral history interview with Daniel Ripp

  20. George Lieberum Jr. collection

    Collection contains photocopies of certain chapters from George Lieberum, Jr's [donor] memoirs including "Dachau," "The meritorious wreath," and "My moment in the sun." Several poems by the donor and a colour print with annontations of medals awarded to the donor.