Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,101 to 18,120 of 58,960
  1. Aveda Ayalon photograph collection

    The collection primarily consists of photographs depicting Aveda Ayalon's family in Chełm and Warsaw, Poland, before, during, and after the Holocaust. Included are photographs of Aveda’s uncle, Szmuel Artur Zygielbojm (1895-1943) a member of the National Council of the Polish Government-in-Exile.

  2. Jewish Brigade badge

    Patch from the Jewish Brigade given to Walter Reed by a member of this group after the British Army had pulled the Jewish Brigade from the front lines.

  3. Photograph of Avram Kanczuker's children

    The collection consists of a pre-war photograph depicting the two children of Avram Kanczuker in Zbaraż, Poland (Zbarazh, Ukraine). Both children perished during the Holocaust.

  4. Der Stuermer newspaper display case and keys

    Red display case with a glass front used to distribute the anti-Semitic newspaper, Der Stuermer.

  5. Fragebogen zur Lage in Deutschland, Februar 1936

    Contains an underground questionnaire on the situation in Germany, dated February 1936, that had been clandestinely written and published by politically exiled resisters of the Nazi movement who were members of the German Social Democratic party. The questionnaire was distributed with the "Deutschland-Berichte" newspaper.

  6. Hermine Hanlin papers

    The papers consist of a letter written on pre-printed stationery by Josef Spitzer [donor's father] in Dachau concentration camp to his family in Vienna, Austria; a letter written on pre-printed stationery by Josef Spitzer in Buchenwald concentration camp to his sibling; a letter sent through the German Red Cross by Josef and Josefina Spitzer in Vienna to their daughter, Hermine Spitzer [donor] in England; and a letter sent through the British Red Cross by Hermine Spitzer to her parents in Vienna.

  7. Kenneth S. Wherry collection

    Contains photocopies of Senator Kenneth S. Wherry's impressions of his trip with other members of Congress to Dachau, Buchenwald, and Dora, as well as the official report to the Congress of the United States entitled Atrocities and Other Conditions in Concentration Camps in Germany.

  8. Moser family papers

    The papers consist of handwritten and typed postcards and letters written by a Jewish family, the Arnhelms, in Berlin, Germany, to relatives in the United States as well as a typewritten genealogy of German Jewish family starting with "Karl Moses, geb 15.9.93zu Kolberg, mosaisch, Preus."

  9. Envelope

    The envelope was sent from David Aronson [donor's brother] in the United States to Tania Aronson [donor's mother] in Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania, in 1941 and returned.

  10. Selected records from the Ministère des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre

    Contains records from various concentration and other camps, includes mainly various name lists, statistics, reports, questioners, correspondence, and testimonies. Included are camp medical records, lists of deportees, and internees, list of arrivals and prisoners, registers of deaths and death certifications, lists of capos and gestapo agents, general camp statistics and registers, general camp documentation, witness reports and testimonies about living conditions, 1945-1965; lists of survivors, reports of special commissions after liberation, excerpts of the journal of war orphans, corres...

  11. Julius and Selma Einstein papers

    Consists of correspondence (letters and telegrams) received by Julius and Selma Einstein between 1939-1941 and 1946-1947. Julius and Selma's daughter Ruth emigrated to the United States in 1939; though the collection contains correspondence sent to Selma Einstein while she was interned in Camp de Gurs in France, Selma was able to immigrate to the United States through Casablanca, Morocco, in 1941 and was briefly interned in Camp Ouedzum in Morocco. Julius Einstein, unable to emigrate, perished after being deported to Theresienstadt (Terezin). Includes correspondence between the Einsteins an...

  12. [Newspaper]

    Newspaper published in Croatia during the Holocaust.

  13. Hela Weinreb memoir

    Contains a memoir about Hela Weinreb's childhood years in Krakow and her experiences in Plashov, Auschwitz, and Mauthausen during the Holocaust.

  14. Stadthauptmann der Stadt Krakau. Kennkartenlisten Starosta Miasta Krakowa (Sygn. 450). Wykazy dowὀdow osobistych (Kennkartenlisten) wydanych Żydom

    Contains questionnaires of Jews who applied for personal I.D. cards from circa 1940 -1941.

  15. Annexation of Austria; Munich Pact; Invasion of Poland and Denmark

    Reel 3: Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg addressing government, speech in progress. Schuschnigg replaced by Arthur von Seyss-Inquart in Austria, riding in automobile, waving to crowd. CU, transcription of Goering's conversation with Keppler. In city street, Nazis round up civilians, slowly closing in on them with horses and police, man carried away. Nazis marching in streets, heiling, waving flags. Crossing Austrian border, over bridge LS, lifting up pole, Austrians with big grins. 21 May 1935: Annexation text superimposed on screen. Tanks moving through streets lined with crowds. 05:20...

  16. Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp records Abteilung I - Kommandantur

    Contains telegrams and Entlassungscheine (discharge certificates) from Auschwitz concentration camp relating to prisoner deaths, prisoner escapes, and prisoner discharges. All records relate to the main camp, Auschwitz I. The materials date from 1940 to 1944.

  17. A Cabaret in the Warsaw Ghetto

    Contains a cabaret of music with readings from the Warsaw Diary of Chaim Kaplan.

  18. Morris Silberger postcard

    A postcard dated December 6, 1945, written by the wife of Dr. Sandor Rado (Mrs. Sandor Rado) from Budapest, Hungary, to Morris Silberger in Brooklyn, New York. Contains information about the fates of family members during the Holocaust, including Dr. Sandor Rado, who was a prisoner in Dachau concentration camp.

  19. Von Auschwitz nach Amerika Das erstaunliche Leben des Zigeuners Karl Stojka

    Contains a memoir, 128 pages, about Karl Stojka's experiences in Auschwitz.

  20. German Air Force collection

    Consists of interrogation reports, target assessments, and translations of training manuals collected by American military intelligence, specifically the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS), in 1945-1946. The reports contain information regarding medical issues related to the German Air Force [GAF or Luftwaffe], including equipment manuals and interrogations of doctors. Report 3A details the cold water experiments conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rascher in the Dachau concentration camp.