Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,081 to 18,100 of 58,960
  1. Occupied France

    Footage with musical soundtrack documenting several years in occupied France from the perspective of the resistance. Brief shot, city street. Doriot speaking (synch): "L'Angleterre est vaincue." Maps, airplanes, air attack. 02:20:23 "1941" Train station, people, children getting off train, smiling. Various CUs. Tracking shot, city street, buildings, German signs. INT, party. Hitler. Children presenting flowers. Woman buying newspaper. CUs, newspaper headlines. HAS, camp. Workers. Photograph. "Maison du Prisonnier" Men entering building, creating care packages. Crowd in street, Hitler and Go...

  2. Wallace Community College Days of Remembrance

    Contains the speeches from the Wallace Community College Days of Remembrance ceremony in Selma, Alabama.

  3. Records of the city of Lubartów Akta miasta Lubartowa (Sygn. 43)

    Contains records of the administrative division of the city of Lubartów, Poland, relating to religious confessions; supervision of churches in the Lubartów area; addresses of Jews and Jewish property in Lubartów; Jewish refugees from the Pomerania and Poznań districts; displacement of the Jews from Lubartów to Ostrów and Parczew; and the imprisonment of all inhabitants of the village Palikije (community of Wojciechowka) in a penal camp.

  4. Miriam Winer memoir

    Miriam Winer's memoir describes her experiences in Bialystok and Treblinka, and her move to Bolivia after the Holocaust.

  5. Richard and Ernestine Benes papers

    The Richard and Ernestine Benes papers contains a diary, biographical material, and emigration and immigration documents relating to Richard and Ernestine Benes attempts to emigrate from Austria to the United States. The diary was written by Richard from June 6 - July 4 1941. In the diary Richard writes about their emigration from Austria to Prague, Berlin, Paris, and Spain as well as their time aboard the ship and arriving in New York City. Biographical materials include birth and baptism certificates, a marriage certificate, proof of citizenship, identification cards, passports (Reisepass...

  6. Manfred Wildmann family letters

    The Wildmann family letters consist of correspondence among Heinrich, Rebecca, Manfred, Hannelore, Margot, and Hugo Wildmann. The letters describe camp conditions, health and sanitary concerns, and food availability at the concentration camps at Rivesaltes and Le Barcarès, Heinrich’s situation at a hospital in Perpignan, Manfred’s situation at the children’s home in Grammont, and the family’s efforts to find better arrangements for each of them. The collection is accompanied by transcriptions and annotated translations created by Manfred and Sylvia Wildmann.

  7. Verzeichnis von Ghettos, Zwangsarbeitslagern und Konzentrationslagern Vorgelegt nach Beschluss der Vertreter der obersten Wiedergutmachungsbehoerden ...

    Contains an alphabetical list of ghettos, labor camps, and concentration camps administrated by the Nazis during World War II.

  8. Zwieberge-Malachit death certificates and related records

    Contains exhibit material relating to war crimes case 000-50-9, including approximately 600 death certificates sent from the Buchenwald Aussenkommando Malachit to the camp physician’s office. Also included is “Tagebuch 6,” approximately 200 pages of prisoner personal data, including whether or not the prisoner was alive or dead.

  9. Identification card

    The identification card ("Buletin de Identitate") was issued to Sali Spinrad in Cernauti, Romania (Chernivt︠s︡i, Ukraine).

  10. Selected records, list of deportees from Malines (CCIX)

    Contains name lists of people deported from Malines and press clippings and propaganda concerning Belgian occupation and resistance.

  11. Dziedzic family papers

    The Rosh Hashanah postcard from the Bergen-Belsen DP camp bears a photograph of Teddy and Sarah Jay [donor's parents] and their daughter [donor] and other photographs of life in the camp. A banner near the bottom is printed with the greeting, "L'Shana Tova / T'catevu v'Tchtamu" (Happy New Year / May you be inscribed in the Book of Life). Also included are documents and photographs illustrating post war displaced persons experiences of Tejwie Dziedzic, his wife Sara Dziedzic and their daughter Michla (donor) in Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp.

  12. MS St. Louis postcard

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn515240
    • English
    • 1934
    • pictorial area: Height: 4.000 inches (10.16 cm) | Width: 5.750 inches (14.605 cm) overall: Height: 8.100 inches (20.574 cm) | Width: 9.750 inches (24.765 cm)

    Framed and matted postcard with both sides visible: recto- black and white drawing of ship at sea; verso- inscription in English, dated July 1, 1934. Postcard was sent to the United States from on board the SS St. Louis

  13. Samuel Althaus collection

    Contains an illustrated story about Samuel Althaus's Holocaust experiences and thank you notes written to him by Grafton Middle School Students in York County, Virginia.

  14. French resistance, street fighting; Liberation in Paris

    "Le Journal de la Resistance" Title: "Realise clandestinement et sans aucun moyen materiel entre le 16 et le 26 aout 1944 par une equipe de cineastes de la Resistance, ce film apporte a la France et au Monde un temoignange authentique sur la Liberation de Paris" View of Paris just prior to liberation. Empty street, trucks, Germany rebuilds, tank. Men running in street, hanging posters. CUs, various posters. Mobilization. Removing posters. FFI. Shots fired. MS, men's heads at window. Running, firing in streets, commotion. Automobiles with "Police." Sandbags. Buildings. Blood on sidewalk. You...

  15. Ruth Neubeck memoir

    Contains a six-page memoir about the experiences of a German family.

  16. Miriam Patipa prayer book

    The prayer book is a thirteen-page Hungarian translation of a published Hebrew prayer book completed by Miriam Patipa while she was working as a slave laborer rebuilding an oil refinery in Gelsenkirchen concentration camp. The Hebrew prayer-book belonged to a fellow laborer at Gelsenkirchen.

  17. Proces zaloga Chełmna nad Nerem, I (Sygn. Ob.217)

    Contains investigation files, evidence, and court documents relating to the war crimes trial of certain Chełmno extermination center staff.

  18. Rena Herzog papers

    The papers consist of twelve photographs, three identification cards, and four documents relating to Rena Herzog's family before World War II in Poland, during the war in the Soviet Union, and after the war in Poland.

  19. Basel family collection

    Contains two passports for Ruwen Basel, three identification cards for Fela Liebgold and Ruwen Basel, correspondence pertaining to reparation payments, and Ruwen Basel's work for United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) as a camp supply officer.

  20. Jewish home for the people with disabilities in the Netherlands, 1934

    Documentary on the Jewish Home for the Disabled. Titles throughout. Nurses wave. Band plays (brief w/captions). Elderly enter auditorium of home. Entertainers arrive. Orchestra plays, cut aways to audience. Lilliputners (midgets) arrive at home, performing for residents, cut aways people laughing. Louis Davids performs in auditorium. Shot of Fritz Hirsh. Opera performers from the Princess theater depart for Home via bus. Children play in auditorium. Opera company arrives. Hans Lichtenstein directs orchestra (good). Opera company performs concert version of? Sequence of elderly lady lighting...