Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,141 to 18,160 of 58,960
  1. Selected records from the Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross

    Contains documents created and collected by the International Committee of the Red Cross including correspondence related to stateless individuals, information on discriminatory and expulsion measures in Bavaria, and materials related to the development and administration of the concentration camp system in Nazi Germany.

  2. Manual

  3. Sachs family collection

    Contains documents about Inge M. Rosenthal's escape to Germany on a Kindertransport, letters from Alfred and Margarete Sachs (1939-1943), deportation notice for Alfred and Margarete Sachs, death notice for Alfred and Margarete Sachs, documents related to Max and Herta Moser's emigration from Germany to Shanghai, transcribed letters from Carl Heinrich Mayer, and 21 black-and-white photographs. An accretion to the collection includes four photographic postcards taken of German soldiers during World War I. Some of the postcards were written by Jewish soldier Alfred Sachs, who is depicted on th...

  4. Siegfried Heinrich papers

    The papers consist of a receipt booklet for the number of eggs a farmer gave the German state and a ballot from 1934 requesting the German people to vote if they accepted Hitler's takeover as Reichspraesident after Paul von Hindenburg's death.

  5. Isabel Banas photograph collection

    The collection consists of an envelope and fifteen photographs taken during the liberation of Dachau concentration camp.

  6. Okręgowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Bialymstoku (Sygn.87)

    Contains a registry and records relating to real estate “abandoned” by Jews in Białystok.

  7. Ustaška nadzorna služba (UNS), Jewish section

    Questionnaires completed by Jews: name, date and place of birth, citizenship, profession, employment history, data on children, property, memberships; records (e.g., receipts for supplies) of the Đakovo camp.

  8. The Honig/Hoenig family of Kirchenbirk, Falkenau and Karlsbad, Bohemia

    Contains a genealogical sketch about the Honig family and names of Honig family members who perished during the Holocaust.

  9. Days of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust: a proclamation, 1994 Mar. 14

    Contains a proclamation for the City of Troy's Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust with signatures of members of the City Council of Troy, Michigan.

  10. Training French resistance in countryside

    "Ceux du Maquis" French narrator. Partisans (men) in woods, raising flag, muddy roads. Scenes of men building. In uniform, military drills. CU, vehicles, motorcycles, men's boots. Exercises, loading weapon, marching. In snow, pine trees. Practicing, setting up automatic guns, snow. Standing in review, saluting, flag, bugle, Crois de francois. "Ici la France"

  11. Handmade white flag with a blue Star of David made by a German refugee in Shanghai

    White flag with a blue Star of David sewn by Ruth Linden in 1945 in Shanghai, China, to express her vision of the future flag of Israel. The flag was sewn in the "Ladies Secondhand Store," owned by the Linden family. They provided clothing goods and tailoring services to the community in Shanghai.

  12. Joseph and Margaret Weiss family papers

    The Joseph and Margaret Weiss family papers include correspondence, writings, genealogical materials, newspaper clippings, cardboard tags, and photographs documenting Joseph and Margaret Weiss’s immigration to the United States from Vienna via Czechoslovakia, France, and England in 1939 and their efforts to help their mothers emigrate from Prague and Vienna. Most of the correspondence is between the Weisses and their mothers Mathilde Goldstein in Vienna and Olga Weiss in Prague. Correspondence with Mathilde Goldstein sometimes includes Mathilde’s niece Bertha Reichmann, and correspondence w...

  13. David Granat papers

    The David Granat papers consists of materials relating to a May 1946 performance by members of the Jewish Ex-Concentration Camp Orchestra in Nuremberg, Germany. The Orchestra was composed of survivors of the Kovno ghetto and various Nazi camps, and the event was produced for a special concert for the war crimes prosecutors and staff. Also included is a photograph of what appears to be the orchestra in street clothes, as well as a photograph of the orchestra performing onstage dressed in striped prison uniforms. The front of the stage is lined with which is inscribed "Am Israel Hai" ("The Is...

  14. Trial against the staff of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Proces członków załogi Oświęcimia (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation materials and court documents relating to the trial of Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp staff, also records on crimes in other concentration camps. Records contain court cases against many war criminals, such as Adolf Eichmann, Rudolf Hoess (Höss), Dr. Goebel, Karl Ernst Moeckel, Maximilian Grabner as well as against SS physicians accused of experimental operations on Polish women, against female SS camp guards, and other Auschwitz SS staff members. Includes documents on historical background on Nazi leadership; an illustrated SS guidebook for German personn...

  15. Institut d'étude des questions juives

    Records relates to the founding and activities of the Institute, including its personnel and finances, relations with German authorities, definition of who was classified as a Jew, attempts to import “racial science” from Germany, creation of the journal "La question juive en France et dans le monde," confiscation and Aryanization of Jewish property, and exhibition "Le juif et la France" at the Palais Berlitz.

  16. Arthur Keenan photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Buchenwald concentration camp in Weimar, Germany, after liberation.

  17. Hilde and Ruth Simon papers

    The papers consist of two letters sent by sisters Hilde and Ruth Simon, who had traveled from Germany to Harrogate, England on a Kindertransport in 1939, to the Mizrachi family in the United States. The Mizrachi family sponsored the sisters to immigrate to the United States in 1944. The first letter, dated 1 October 1939, thanks the Mizrachis for agreeing to sponsor them. The second letter, dated 10 April 1943, gives an update on the sisters' lives in England and expreses their continued wish to immigrate to the United States when it is possible.

  18. Camp du Vernet: Fiches individuelles des internés

    Contains alphabetically arranged files on individuals interned in the Vernet camp.

  19. Eugen and Helene Cohn papers

    The Eugen and Helene Cohn papers include correspondence and certificates documenting the couple’s health and status as refugees and internees in France following their return to Europe aboard the MS St. Louis, their efforts to gather the necessary documentation to emigrate to Cuba via Portugal, and their departure for Cuba aboard the SS Nyassa.

  20. Jane Thomsen photographs

    The collection consists of nine photographs of the Zalcman family in Siedlce, Poland.