Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,021 to 18,040 of 58,960
  1. Nazi Party banner bearing signatures of American soldiers

  2. Auschwitz concentration camp records Abteilung II - politische abteilung

    Contains lists of new prisoners entering Auschwitz concentration camp in 1941, and Sterbeurkunde (death notices) for primarily Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox prisoners dating from 1940 to 1944, with the bulk of them dating from 1943. All of the records relate to the main camp, Auschwitz I.

  3. Prisonniers de guerre juifs

    Records relate to Jewish prisoners of war (POWs) in various POW camps.

  4. Weiss family papers

    The papers consist of a list sent from Malines concentration camp by Karl Weiss, Dorothea's father, to Madame Dujardin who saved Dorothea and her sister from deportation by the Gestapo, a good conduct certificate (Führungszeugnis) issued to Berta Weiss, Dorothea's mother, a letter sent to Karl Weiss by the police in Berlin, Germany, a re-issued birth certificate, and a family wedding photograph.

  5. Ustaša Supervisory Office for the City and District of Koprivnica

    Contains instructions for restricting the movement of Jews, removing telephones from Jewish residences, and delivering the Star of David insignia to the Danica camp. Included are lists of Jews held in Danica camp, applications for release from the camp, and lists of shops and factories operated by Jews.

  6. Survivors of Buchenwald; Germans view display

    "Resurrection...Meditation" [Narration indicates this is Dachau - to be verified.] Survivors, delousing (re-clothed). Men climbing into truck, driving on road. Released. Some men still wear striped caps. Line of military tanks. Many German civilians walking along road (tracking shots), some hiding faces [USHMM collection contains color still images of this scene]. Great numbers of German civilians in central courtyard at Buchenwald. Shots of survivors behind barbed wire. CUs, wounded feet. Germans viewing display on tables. Pan, lampshade, skin, etc. Fainted women. Mass funeral, prayer at g...

  7. Trial against Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss Proces Rudolfa Hoessa (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Rudolf Hoess (Höss), chiefly for crimes committed while he was commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Includes Nazi guidebook for camp personnel on how to handle prisoners, medical histories of Polish prisoners, photographs, charts, maps and plans of Auschwitz concentration camp, SS personnel documents, testimonies by French and Hungarian physicians, Polish poetry from camp, memoirs written by Polish survivors, copies of Polish and German books on the camp and German war crimes, and statements...

  8. Louis Schwarz papers

    The papers consist of postcards written in Nazi-occupied Poland. The majority of the postcards were written by Jacob Holschutz in Brody, Poland, to Louis Holschütz in Chicago, Ill. See numbered list in accession file.

  9. Destroyed village; Refugees evacuating

    [Refugies sur les routes - distribution de soupe, infirmiere, Mai 1940] Burning village, blaze. Carrying wounded civilian. Stone, timber on fire. Airplanes. Red Cross buildings, gate with sign, "Centre Hospitalie & H.O.E. Primaire." HAS, damaged roofs, etc. INT, rooms. INT, ambulances. Damaged train. "Hospice St. Ano?" Cathedral and cemetery, crosses, badly damaged. Village mourners, 2 women with umbrellas, flowers, CU, crucifix. Destroyed classroom, books, desks, etc. Pan, city in ruins, storefronts. MCU, mother and child, dead on street. People evacuating, bundles and valises massed i...

  10. "Silenced Forever"

    Contains a poem entitled, "Silenced Forever," about the experiences of Christina Yannetsos and her family during the Holocaust.

  11. Songs of Erich Frost

    Songs of Erich Frost, a Jehovah's Witness who was imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Songs include: "Wolkengedunkel," "Entfaltet die Paniere," and "Steht fest." These songs were composed while Mr. Frost was imprisoned and the recordings were arranged under his direction. The collection is comprised of four sound items.

  12. Rachel Ilana Sheena collection

    Contains a four-page memoir containing Rachel Ilana Sheena's description of the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust and her own grandfather's experiences in the Neuengamme concentration camp.

  13. Records of the city of Lublin Akta miasta Lublina (Syg. 22)

    Contains maps, building plans, architectural drawings, minutes of meetings, permits, registers, and various other documents from the city administration of Lublin, Poland, from 1939 to 1944. The records relate to a prisoner of war camp in Lublin, constructions of streets in Lublin, construction of factories and buildings for industry in Lublin, plans for the crematoria in Lublin concentration camp, housing for factory labor, the role of the Waffen SS in Lublin, plans for structures in the Dachau and Auschwitz concentration camps, payroll for the Lublin city administration, establishment of ...

  14. Robert Black photograph collection

    The collection consists of five photographs taken at the liberation of Dachau concentration camp and depicting freed prisoners, corpses, and a pile of clothing taken from dead prisoners.

  15. Heichler family papers

    Contains photocopies of eight poems and translations written by Grete Wolf-Schmahl, one letter written to donor's mother, Else Heichler, from her cousin Camilla, and four typewritten poems by Grete Schmahl-Wolf.

  16. POWs liberated; medical care; burning village; evacuation; French troops

    00:01:57 "Temoignages Accablants" Sasbach, Westphalia (20 km from Stuttgart) Prisoners of war, various nationalities. In striped uniforms, liberation. Good CUs faces, survivors. Barbed wire. Burial, carrying bodies on litter. MS, military burial, French officers and military salute with accompanying music, CU headstone. Fire. Survivors at table, talking to officers. Nurses provide medical treatment. Put weak survivor in truck. 00:04:44 "A travers la foret Noire" French troops, bicycles and by foot through the woods. Dead Germans. Tanks, good landscape atmosphere. Liberation. Burning village...

  17. Mobilization of Dutch troops; eviction of a Dutch Jewish family; Leeuwarden

    This video contains three films of Leeuwarden from the collections of the Frisian Film Archive. 00:33:47 to 00:43:19 - Filmed before World War II. Private residences and passing pedestrians. Cars and bicycles sporadically dot the streets. Man smokes a cigarette, conversing with a female companion on a nearby bench. A middle-aged woman sweeps her front porch; a younger woman polishes a door-handle. A boy teaches a younger boy to ride a bicycle. A group of three children in fancy dress playfully approach the cameraman. A class of schoolchildren performs gardening work, overseen by their teach...

  18. Nazi propaganda: racial science

    A Nazi educational film (propaganda) regarding questions of race and heredity of national/political value. [Aufklaerungsfilm ueber Rasse- und Vererbungsfragen / Praedikat: staatspolitsch wertvoll] Title on film: Kulturfilm-Abteilung Atelier 2. Woman calls on professor to show him what the beetles are doing. Additional colleagues join; a cameraman films them. Professor explains beetles' behavior - woman should not be sentimental. The weak are naturally destroyed. He finds it odd if cats and mice (and other pairs) live together. The professor takes a phone call. They watch a film about sunflo...