Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,921 to 17,940 of 58,960
  1. Reliving the Nightmare 50 Years Later

    Contains Ruth Bestman's memoir (35 pages) about her memories of the Holocaust during a trip to Europe fifty years later.

  2. William Schwartz photograph

    Contains a photograph of the donor's father's family taken around 1910 in Kiev, Russia.

  3. Ilie Wacs family papers

    The Ilie Wacs family papers consist of biographical materials and correspondence documenting members of Ilie Wacs’ family in Vienna and their emigration to Shanghai, photographs documenting the Wacs family and their friends, and printed materials documenting Jewish refugee life and Ilie Wacs’ participation in Jewish cultural youth organizations in Shanghai. Deborah Wacs materials include identification papers. Henia Wacs materials include identification papers, registration records, and tax documents. Ilie Wacs materials include identification, membership, and travel papers; student records...

  4. Illustrierter Beobachter (Munich, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Insert to special edition of Illustrierter Beobachter, spring 1940 with maps of Europe and the Middle East. Political cartoon on cover shows African soldier with a flag "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" attached to his rifle and a French military leader and a man with Jewish-type caricature in the background with the caption "Frankreichs Schuld."

  5. Archives de Nuremberg: Rosenberg

    Contains records from the archives of Alfred Rosenberg, a Nazi official and the head of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). Included is information about Rosenberg’s activities concerning cultural purification; the confiscation of books, furniture, and works of art; his ideological activities outside Germany; his policies concerning the Soviet Union; his conflicts with Himmler, Bormann, Koch, and Goebbels; and the military mobilization of native ethnic communities against the Soviet Union. The documents that comprise this collection were selected by the source repository, the Cent...

  6. Israel Elefant papers

    The papers consist of two postcards sent to Israel Elefant in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, from a family member, Ch. Zylberberg, in Stopnica, Poland.

  7. Harry Bamberger speech

    Contains a videotape of Harry Bamberger addressing a group of high school students in Ojai, California. Harry Bamberger discusses his experiences escaping from Holland during the war and his eventual linking up with the RAF in Great Britain and Mr. Bamberger's brother, Jacques, who was active in the Dutch underground and helped many Jews escape from the Nazis during the occupation.

  8. Oral history interview with Joseph Kolek

  9. Zina Gasko photographs

    The collection consists of photographs of Zina Gasko, her brother, Jefim, and her aunts and cousins in Krzemieniec, Poland, before World War II.

  10. Proces Eryka Engelsa (Sygn. SAW)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Eryk Engels, and accusitions against other war criminals: Piotr Frischkorn, Kurt Knigge, Hans Luetje, Reinhold Aust, Eryk Mamsch, and Henryk Schaub.

  11. Ephraim family papers

    Contains correspondences and Red Cross messages between Elsie Ephraim, Hildegard Ephraim (mother), and Elizabeth Ephraim (sister) from June 1941-December 1942. Elsie orignally was a nurse in Berlin, Germany, but found refuge in England and worked for a hospital in London during the war. Hildegard and Elizabeth were deported to Theresienstadt where they both perished.

  12. Selected records from Drancy

    Contains a list of food and care packages sent to Drancy internees via the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (French national railway service). The list contains the name of the recipient and date of receipt.

  13. Antisemitic Nazi propaganda leaflet mimicking a US silver certificate

    Anti-Jewish and anti-Allied forces Nazi propaganda leaflet like those dropped from planes over Paris in late 1943, as part of a German propaganda campaign to raise suspicions against the United States and its part in the worldwide Jewish conspiracy which threatened the safety of France and all of Europe. The streets would appear to be littered with real dollar bills. Then, after picking one up, a person would discover that it was fake and see the information detailing how Jews have manipulated the US and controlled its currency to support the Jewish threat and wage the Jewish war.

  14. Public Prosecutor's Office

    Contains the bill of indictment requesting the extradition of Ante Pavelić and Andrija Artuković, including materials relating to the operation of the Đakovo, Jasenovac, Lobor-Grad, and Slavonski Brod camps. There are also lists of inmates and those murdered in the camps.

  15. Photographic slides of Dachau

    The photographic slides of Dachau concentration camp were taken shortly after liberation. An envelope that contained the slides is also included.

  16. Trude Gruber papers

    Contains twenty-five letters and postcards, nine legal documents, forty-two black and white photographs, and two color photographs concerning Trude Gruber's experiences as a Kindertransport child.

  17. Rogazinski family collection

    Contains one application for nonimmigrant visa for Eva Dorothea Rogazinski, Eva Rogazinski's memoir about her Holocaust experiences, resident certificates for Eva and Herta Rogazinski, a memoir written by Eva Rogazinski Sommer de Casassa, list of passengers on the America Line, a citation for Eva Rogazinski, notice from the Police President in Magdeburg, and five letters relating to Eva Rogazinski's work in Shanghai as a stenographer and her later emigration to Chile, South America.

  18. Outlaw under the German boot in France

    Contains a diary written by David Kipnis that includes his early autobiographical notes, a description of David Kipnis and his wife's experiences in occupied France, and their attempts to survive in France and Switzerland until liberation.

  19. George Weissberg papers

    The papers consist of a postcard written by Geogette Cattan [donor's aunt] in Drancy concentration camp to her fiancé, Louis de Michel, in Marseilles, France, the day before she was deported to Auschwitz where she perished, two identification cards ("Carte d'Identite") issued to Aimee Cattan [donor's mother] during the Holocaust in France, a photocopy of an identification card ("Carte de Deporte Politique") issued to Aimee Cattan stating that she was a political prisoner, and a photocopy of a repatriation card ("Carte de Repatrie") issued to Aimee Cattan as a displaced person.

  20. Abraham and Mina Winiger papers

    The Abraham and Mina Winiger papers consist of identification papers, correspondence, and photographs documenting Abraham and Mina Winiger’s families before the Holocaust in Nadwórna, Poland, their survival, their postwar life in the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp, and their efforts to receive restitution for their wartime suffering. The papers include two registration certificates for Abraham and Mina Winiger from the Jewish Agency for Palestine dated 1948; postwar letters from Ajzik Feder, Sara Rosenheck, the United Restitution Organization, and other friends made at Föhrenwald; and ph...