Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,901 to 17,920 of 58,960
  1. Jack Zimmermann papers

    The papers consist of pre-war photographs of the Zimmermann family in Przemyśl, Poland and post-war photographs of Malwina Zimmermann, Jack Zimmermann, and Cesia Zimmermann at the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany and of the Zimmermann family after they immigrated to the United States in 1949. Also included is a certificate from the ORT-UNRRA trade school in Landsberg for Jack, a driver's license issued to Jack in Landsberg, and a letter sent to Jack from Mulke, in 1948.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 36 and 37 -- Jews in Norway, Italy, Berlin; paperwork for property

    Session 36. Ms. Henriette Samuel is brought up and sworn in. She was born in Berlin, but her husband was appointed as chief Rabbi in Norway, so they moved there in 1930. 00:03:38 Tape jumps. Ms. Samuel describes a surprise action at 5am where the women and children were taken from their home and deported. She describes the Norwegian government warning the Jews that danger was coming and they must flee. Many made their way to Sweden with the help of the underground. She describes hiding in a house for only one day because they had children and it was possible that they would tell their frien...

  3. Moshe Sheps papers

    The Moshe Sheps papers consists of 52 photographs and a postcard relating to Moshe Sheps' family before and during World War II in Poland.

  4. Henry Flatow papers

    The papers consist of an envelope censored in France sent by Henry Flatow's father Hans Flatow in Italy in March 1945 and two airgraphs (one with envelope) sent to and from Hans and Henry Flatow in Italy and England in May and June 1945.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judge Halevi

    Session 106. Tape starts midsentence with Judge Halevi explaining to Eichmann that the Nazis did not conduct typical war; they singled out the Jews and began to exterminate them. (This is duplicate from Tape 2190.) The Judge then begins asking about Aryan racial classifications, specifically Slavs who were not considered equal with regular Aryans. 00:13:18 Eichmann says that, like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the bombings of civilians in cities, these are all crimes against humanities. However, he says, the crimes at the time were legalized by the state. He swore an oath to the Fuehrer, and thr...

  6. Selected records from the International Committee of the Red Cross. Division Assistance Spéciale

    Series B SEC DAS pertains to the institutional and administrative history of the International Committee of the Red Cross. It concerns relief provided to civilians of all nationalities imprisoned or deported by the Nazi regime during the Second World War. Viewed from this angle, the archives of the DAS can inform the public of the significance of the humanitarian actions implemented under difficult political circumstances and aimed at people completely deprived of judicial and ethical protection. Series B SEC DAS includes general files, accounting and administrative records, receipt acknowl...

  7. Trial against Josef Bühler Proces Josefa Bühlera (Sygn. GK 196)

    This collection contains investigative materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Josef Bühler, in relation to his role as deputy-governor of the Krakow district of the Generalgouvernement during the German occupation of Poland. Includes trial protocols, interrogations of witnesses, preliminary hearings and presentation of evidence against war criminals.

  8. Medical kit

  9. Donald Rattner papers

    The papers consist of a German passport (Reisepass) issued to Julia Rattner and an identification card issued to Ulrich (later Donald) Rattner, Julia’s son. The collection also include three documents found within the pages of the Julia's passport including a bill from the Hamburg Amerika Line and leaflet for traveling abroad.

  10. Bracha Scheinman photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs depicting Jakob (Jack) Scheinman and other refugees at the displaced persons camp in Wetzlar, Germany, after World War II. Several of the photographs depict members of a Jewish scout troop at Wetzlar.

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 59 and 60 -- Testimonies of H. Brand, J. Brand, M. Rosenberg

    Session 59. Hansi Brand being questioned by Judge Raveh. Asked about Eichmann's role in Auschwitz deportations - she views him as the person who made all the decisions as far as the Jews were concerned. Discuss thought of trying to kill Eichmann. 00:07:21 Witness Joel Brand being asked about Lord Moyne (same footage as Tape 2071). 00:08:30 Cuts out. Questioned about telegrams and begging for Jews to be saved (same as Tape 2071). 00:09:57 - 00:10:22 Cuts out. Repeats above footage. Continues with Brand trying to convince colleagues of the Jewish plight and bargaining to save the Jews (same a...

  12. William Powell collection

    Contains a 1997 audiocassette and copy of a newspaper article about William Powell's experiences as an American military survivor of Buchenwald.

  13. Jewish bank Geula records (Fond 559)

    Contains selected documents including statutes; minutes of annual meetings and executive council meetings; correspondence regarding mortgages, local courts, and mergers; name lists of bank members; and circulars issued by other banks.

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 95 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins near the end of Session 95. Attorney General Hausner questions the accused about a book written by Gerhard Boldt. Boldt had criticized Hitler throughout the war. Hausner reads a statement given by Eichmann in 1955 that Boldt should be flayed alive for his criticism of Hitler and it was because of him that the war was lost. Eichmann testifies that this statement was correct but asks that it be kept in context (00:01:36). Judge Halevi asks Eichmann if Boldt had broken his oath of loyalty after Hitler's death (00:03:08). The accused replies no and explains that the reason for hi...

  15. Christy Lee La Bauve collection

    Consists of a photograph of a book burning in Berlin, Germany.

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. Hausner talks about Eichmann's relationship with the General Government, stating that he should have had no dealings with them if he held the position he claims he held. 00:02:53 Hausner begins discussing Hungary. He says that this is proof not only that the Nazis wanted to fully execute the Final Solution, but that Eichmann was in charge of all of this. 00:10:36 Hausner goes on to discuss the deception of the Jews, as well as when Eichmann eventually admitted to ordering the deception when presented with enough evidence. The things that Eichmann told the Jews is brought into q...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 49, 51, 53, 55, 56 -- Witness testimony

    Session 49. Testimony from Dr. Ernst Abeles, who describes receiving hundreds of postcards from deportees who had been sent to the extermination camps. Abeles tells of when he first learned about the existence of the camps (00:03:36) and describes the "Europe Plan," an attempt by the Jewish community to pay a large sum of money to stop deportations all over Europe (00:05:15). Section on the "Europe Plan" is abbreviated - duplicate footage found on Tape 2059. Session 51. Testimony from Pinhas Freudiger, who gives an account of what happened to Jews who escaped from Slovakia and reached Hunga...

  18. Keizer family memoir

    Contains a memoir which includes a listing of members of the Keizer famiy who perished during the Holocaust, the personal story of Felix Keizer and his family during the German occupation of the Netherlands between 1940 and 1945, and information about the general treatment of Jews during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

  19. Anti-Bolshevism; Germans advance in Yugoslavia

    [Rangee de SS aplaudit a une reunion, Paris] Title: "L'Europe unie contre le Bolchevisme" Joseph Darnand speaking (no sync). Crowd, applause. Marcel Dead speaking (no sync). Serbian volunteers marching and joining the anti-Bolshevik battle. Fighting, advancing, weapons. Military officers meet in office. German cavalry. Guard boats along coast. German units, stocking weapons, tank, over marshy land, in knee-deep mud. Difficult advance.

  20. Refugees fleeing Belgium and France; destruction

    [Refugies sur le bord d'une route - Nord de la France, Mai 1940] Refugees fleeing villages between Belgium and France. Planes in air, cut in. "Evacuation" sign on bus. Children, elderly, others onto truck/bus, sleeping child in arms. Air attack. Fierce scenes just after fall, flames. Storefront, "Bazar Parisien." Big fires, houses along square, church tower, burnt and falling, broken sculpture, INT. "Femmes Medecin" ruins. "Medecin Maternite" smoldering cots. Wounded nun. Tracking shot of street, low buildings, destruction. Planes in sky. Civilians hide under brush lining road, in courtyard...