Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,381 to 16,400 of 58,960
  1. Romanian forced labor camps

    Contains orders and instructions concerning the forced labor of Jews, inspection and screening of Jews for work, medical assistance for Jews, name lists of Jews, and miscellaneous correspondence regarding forced labor, food, equipment and housing. Documents range in date from November 3, 1942 to April 2, 1942.

  2. 1936 Olympics: diving; swimming

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 6: Shows fancy diving and swimming events.

  3. Nuremberg Trial proceedings: summation and verdict

    Reel 8: Chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson delivers his summation. Courtroom scenes, showing defendants testifying and prisoners' dock, " say of these men that they are not guilty, it would be as true to say that there has been no war, there are no slain, there has been no crime." 08:10:04 Sir Hartley Shawcross delivers summation, "This trial must form a milestone in the history of our civilization..." 08:10:41 Gen. Rudenko delivers summation, "...their crimes have been proven...the truth cannot be challenged." 08:11:26 French prosecutor de Ribes delivers his summation, "...the fate of...

  4. Huge anti-Axis rally stirs Chile

    Part 1, shows a UN anti-Axis rally and parade in Santiago, Chile. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: Part 2, a naval battle rages off the Solomon Islands. Shows Admirals Halsey and Nimitz. Gen. MacArthur lands in New Guinea. Planes land troop reinforcements. Artillery pounds Japanese positions. Infantry advances through jungle swamps. Part 3, U.S. troops board transports bound for Africa. American and British convoys rendezvous near Gibraltar. Landing operations near Oran are unopposed. Equipment is massed on the beaches.

  5. Deborah Katina collection

    The Deborah Katina collection consists of eleven copy photographs depicting the Deborah Katina (born Dora Schwartz) and her family before the war in Chrzanow, Poland; and one original photograph of the donor's mother and younger sister, 1934, in Chrzanow, Poland.

  6. Final speeches of defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 378) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 31, 1946. Short excerpts from the final speeches of defendants Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Defendants talking to each other during adjournment.

  7. Feature film about a Russian army officer: soldiers fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 4: Opens with CU of a barbed wire fence. Soldiers crawl out of a trench and through a field. They cut through the barbed wire ...

  8. Questioning Ribbentrop; Orbelli testifies

    08:00:40 (Munich 80) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 1, 1946. Dr. Martin Horne speaks to Joachim von Ribbentrop before the session. LSs, Justices enter the courtroom and take their seats. Rear views as Dr. Horne questions von Ribbentrop. Thomas J. Dodd of the US prosecution objects to the witness answering the question, stating that von Ribbentrop's views on why the war began were stated in yesterday's session and there is no reason to repeat them. 08:04:43 (Munich 04) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-22, 1946. LSs, MLSs, Joseph Orbelli, professor of architect...

  9. Italy surrenders

    Italians in New York City celebrate Italy's surrender. U.S. troops land in North Africa. President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet at Casablanca. Allied planes bomb islands off Italy. Sicily is invaded by Allied troops. Messina is occupied. The 7th Army and Britain's 8th Army land on Italy's mainland behind a naval bombardment. Italian warships speed to allied ports and are surrendered. President Roosevelt announces Italy's surrender. Other personages: Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. Clark, Mussolini, Adm. Cunningham.

  10. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 1)

    The opening credits list the countries from which documents from the film have been obtained. The first scene shows a man running through the woods, followed by men in Nazi uniforms, who shoot and kill him. The Nazis remove the dead man's passport: close-up on the "J" which indicates he was a Jew. This "J" becomes the "J" in the title of the film. The first part of the film provides a biography of Globke. The filmmakers use footage of early Nazi leaders (including Goering and Goebbels) and documents signed by Globke to make the point that he was in league with the Nazis from early on. Globk...

  11. "Jews & Freemasons Out" sign on Fasching parade float

    Amateur footage of 1939 Fasching (pre-Lent carnival) celebration. 01:08:25 Float marked "Fernsehsender." (TV) CU, float in parade with antisemitic and anti-Freemason slogan reading "Juden und Freimauerer Hand in Hand Nun zieh'n sie ins gelobte Land..." [Jews and Freemasons, hand in hand, go off (migrate) to the promised land.] Two views: 01:10:29 - 01:10:36 and 01:13:13 - 01:13:18.

  12. Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp

    Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp in Germany. The tag was picked up by an American soldier on a tour of the camp in the spring of 1945, after the camp’s liberation. A numbered tag was placed with each corpse to be able to identify the ashes after cremation. The numbers on the tags did not correspond to prisoner numbers. Produced in large quantities, not all the tags were used. Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the Nazi government in 1933, originally for political prisoners. Over time, other groups were interned at Dachau, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, ...

  13. Slovakian newsreel: Germany-Italy-Japan agreement

    Slovak Sound Weekly: CU book with hand turning pages. Documentary about Slovak participation in the Tripartite Pact - Germany, Italy, and Japan - contract signing on November 24, 1940 by the President and Vojtech Tuka, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new Reich office in Berlin.

  14. Paul Fisch collection

    The documents within the Paul Fisch collection were created by a Hungarian student group in Zurich, Switzerland. The report includes a summary of The Auschwitz Protocol, also known as the Vrba-Wetzler Report, which contains eyewitness accounts of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Also included is a report of the state of Hungarian Jews in 1944, and a document that describes the process for growing mushrooms in a basement, a process which Paul Fisch hoped would help feed the people held in the Budapest ghettos. The cover letter of the report includes the names of Protestant theologians Karl ...

  15. Ervin Fischlovits postcard

    Contains one postcard written by Ferenc Fischlovits to his wife Judit Fischlovits in Budapest while he is serving with a labor battalion in Russia asking for warm clothing.

  16. Peter Sharlitt collection

    Contains a haggadah issued for the Jews of Europe by Agudath Israel Youth Council of America.

  17. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: ritual animal slaughter; antisemitic legislation; Aryan ideal

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 8 More shots of Jewish men at prayer in a synagogue, with the commentary: "...

  18. Préfecture of Police in Paris records

    Contains administrative accounting files from Drancy (Comptes de Drancy, Préfecture Archives: boxes GB 1–16) recording money, jewelry, and other property confiscated from Jews entering the internment camp. The collection also includes various occupation-related materials (Préfecture Archives: BA Series) on topics such as German spies and agents; the assassination of German military personnel; sabotage; pacifists; the German occupation of Paris; cooperation between French and German police; press censorship; Jewish communities in France; measures against Jews; Drancy, Camp de Saint Denis, an...