Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,441 to 16,460 of 58,960
  1. On the invasion of Poland

    On the invasion of Poland: various (successful) military campaigns by Nazis, on land, sea, and air. The Schleswig-Holstein bombards Danzig. Huge German naval warship firing cannons at port. Smoke, war. The garrison surrenders. White flag, slow pan along banks of canal. Cigarettes are distributed to POWs by German soldiers. Nazis and horse-drawn artillery advancing along hay-covered country road. Artillery is fired; skirmish lines move up; bicycle troops move along a road. Captured Polish soldiers are marched to the rear, fed at a German Army field kitchen. In village, refugees (women and ch...

  2. Testimony by Buhler, Gisevius at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 119) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 25, 1946. Dr. Alfred Seidl, counselor for Hess and Frick, questions Dr. Joseph Buhler. Pan from Buhler to prisoners in dock. Defendants, especially Kaltenbrunner, listen intently. MS, pan, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, Doenitz, Raeder, and Schirach to prisoners' dock. Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Seidl. MS, Gisevius testifying. 18:36:20 Close view as he speaks. 18:36:50 MS of Gisevius testifying. SEQ: Justices enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Seidl continues to question the witness.

  3. German occupation of Latvia; working for the German war economy

    The narrator, uncomfortably shot from below and against images of ruins and corpses, recites excerpts from the Soviet constitution in Russian. Switching to Latvian, the narrator describes how Latvians welcome the Germans after years of Soviet terror. The German 'liberators' are cheered in Riga while marching down the Basteja Bulvaris; German military boots are shown marching over a fur hat with the Red Star. Latvian volunteers are sworn in at the Freedom Memorial in Riga in the presence of Reichskommissar Ostland [Reich commissar for the Baltic territories and Belorussia] Hinrich Lohse. Aft...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Raids on Russian POWs; Patton's funeral

    1425 HH (16:15:11-16:18:12) Prattling, Germany. Snoop raids on civilian and returning Russian POWs. HAS, Russian POW camp, POWs being placed in line. HAS of POWs walking across field and being lined up. Closer shot, with POWs carrying their meager possessions. LS, line of GI trucks, Russian and US soldiers on guard. LS, line of Russian POWs being marched to trucks for return to Russia. Rear shot of prisoners getting into truck being guarded by rifle-carrying US soldiers. Rear shot, truck driving off. MLS, trucks driving up to train, prisoners being searched for knives or weapons of any kind...

  5. Boleslaw Olomucki collection

    Consists of photographs, a newpaper clipping, and a document, including: (1) a letter written by an unknown woman in the bunker in the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising in April 1943; (2) six photographs depicting Warsaw in 1946 and in 1960; (3) one photograph, dated October 1939, of three German soldiers in the Łódź, Poland, town square after demolishing a statue; (4) one postcard bearing an image, used in German propaganda, of six Orthodox Jewish men in a resort; and (5) one clipping by S.L. Shneiderman in the Israeli newspaper "Nowiny i Kurier" about Artur Szyk, circa 1972, in Polish.

  6. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 10 mark coin

    10 mark coin issued in the Łódź ghetto in Poland in 1943. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1940; Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and annexed to the German Reich. In February, the Germans forcibly relocated the large Jewish population into a sealed ghetto. All currency was confiscated in exchange for Quittungen [receipts] that could be exchanged only in the ghetto. The scrip and tokens were designed by the Judenrat [Jewish Council] and includes traditional Jewish symbols. The Germans closed the ghetto in the summer of 1944 by deporting the residents to concentration camps or killi...

  7. Raeder, Commander in Chief of Navy, and Albert Toms questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 173) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 17 and 20, 1946. Commander in Chief of the Navy questioned as to the impression a speech by Hitler made on him in which he announced that after a long time of not involving France and Britain in the war, he had now decided to attack. HAS, MCU, Dr. Walter Siemers, counselor for Erich Raeder, at lectern. English interpreter is heard translating (sound poor). LS, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe and Dr. Siemers at lectern. HAS, Tribunal. HAS, US prosecutor Thomas Dodd questions Albert Toms, Frankfurt Reichsbank employee (not seen). Interpreter tran...

  8. Prisoners' dock at Nuremberg Trial; Yamashita Trial

    23:09:57 (Paris 391) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. MS, Rudolf Hess sleeping in prisoners' dock. Joachim von Ribbentrop with sunglasses, consulting person behind him. Unidentified counsel from defense speaking in courtroom (in German). MS, defendants in dock during session. German naval captain, counsel for Doenitz, making plea. MS, Keitel standing in dock speaking to his lawyer at two US MPs look on. MS, Streicher chewing gum and Funk sleeping in prisoners' dock. 23:14:34 Yamashita Trial, 31st day, Manila, Philippines, December 5, 1945. ML, MS Col. Harry E. Clark...

  9. Friedlander-Schonfeld family papers

    Contains newspaper clippings, correspondence, and legal documents relating to the emigration of a Jewish family to Ecuador during the 1940s.

  10. Jakub Gutenbaum collection

    Consists of nine photographs depicting the donor and his family before the war in Warsaw and Rytro, Poland; a registration certification, issued in Prague, Czechoslovakia on 12 June 1945, by the Czechoslovak Repatriation Office, stating that the bearer, Jakub Gutenbaum, born 7 Aug.1929 is returning to Warsaw, Poland, traveling from the Buchenwald Concentration camp; and a certificate, issued by a hospital in Prague, Czechoslovakia, on 6 June 1945, stating that Jakub Gutenbaum was free of infectious disease and lice.

  11. Prewar folk festival; wartime scenes, soldiers

    VS, group of young men and women performing traditional folk songs and dances for a large crowd, presumably gathered for a folk festival. Shots alternate between shots of the performers and shots of the crowd cheering. During the dance performance, a man announces "Jewish cradle song" (lullaby). VS, Red Army, marching along roads, reclining and socializing in the sun. City, large crowds of civilians, lined up in front of government buidling. Men, women and children in the crowds. CUs of weapons- rifles, grenades, etc. Soldiers aiming a cannon. VS of military machinery that had been destroye...

  12. Streicher, Rosenberg, Keitel in dock at Nuremberg Trial; "Nazi Concentration Camps" film shown

    (Paris 392) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. MCU, Julius Streicher. CU, Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Keitel speaking in prisoners' dock. Karl Doenitz seated next to Erich Raeder, speaking to his attorney during recess. Fritsche. CU, Wilhelm Frick turning his back to the camera. Streicher. 23:21:40 Jodl. MS, Keitel speaking to Joachim von Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering with chin in hand. Rudolf Hess reading book; Ribbentrop staring. 23:21:55 CU, Arthur Seyss-Inquart. 23:22:04 Streicher. CU, Constantin von Neurath. 23:22:30 CU, Walther Funk eating nuts. 23:22:46 Vie...

  13. Kalinsky Nerad family collection

    Contains correspondence pertaining to the lives and Holocaust experineces of the Kalinsky Nerad family.

  14. Rise of Nazi party

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 5 shows the Weimar parliament in session; German troops parading; Hitler; Nazi riots and mobs; and CUs of Goebbels, von Schirach Goering, and Hess. The NARA shot sheet mistakenly identifies von Schirach as Roehm, and the narration describes him as a "pervert" so perhaps the mistake was made by the filmmakers. Describes Hitler's rise to power, installation as chancellor, and one-party rule. SS troops parade, Nazi propaganda, books are burned, and Hitler speaks while Germans cheer.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Vichy government ministers, ministry buildings; Darlan, Laval, Tixier-Vignancour

    811 A (04:19:30) (negative, shot with Leblay) Adrien Marquet, Minister of Interior, before the Vichy Casino where the Ministry of Interior is installed. EXT shots, Ministry of Interior at Vichy. EXT shots of the Ministry of Agriculture et Ravitaillement installed in the Hotel Albert 1er. CU, sign: "Ministère de L'Agriculture et du Ravitaillement." EXT shots - Hotel du Parc et Majestic where the Présidence du Conseil is installed. General view of the Hotel du Parc; flags and CU of the letters RF (République Francaise). EXT, the Supreme Court of Riom, which will judge the men responsible for ...

  16. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: closeups

    Reel 1 of 8: Line of people with disabilities, with nuns (nurses?) walking up to and past camera. Archway, grass. Dressed in ordinary clothes and aprons; dignified. Some in wheelchairs. One with large head. CU of man with large frontal lobe. 00:01:57 Man runs up to camera, limbs askew. Make him smile, toothless. Blows on little tin horn. CU, turns this way and that. 00:02:46 Happy woman, clapping and laughing. 00:03:08 Young woman in leather armchair outside. Maybe paranoid schizophrenic. Gesturing, dramatic faces. Clearly dealing with fantasy fears. 00:03:49 Doctor with woman, puts her int...

  17. Doenitz testifies; US army parade in Frankfurt

    21:09:35 (Munich 155) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 8-10, 1946. Adm. Karl Doenitz leaves prisoners' dock, walks to witness stand, and is sworn in. MCUs, Doenitz testifying. SEQ: Capt. Otto Kranzbuehler examining Doenitz. 21:15:43 (Munich 153) Parade, Frankfurt, Germany, May 8, 1946. (silent) US troops parading. MCUs, civilian spectators. Excellent scenes, US troops armed with bayoneted rifles pass in review. Head-on shots, WAC contingent on parade. MSs, US MPs armed with rifles march in parade following by MPs in jeeps. LSs, generals of the Allied powers on review stand which i...

  18. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 8)

    Turning to the West Front, the narrator says that Globke worked with the Alsatian "fifth column" against France. The leader of the Alsatian Nazis was Karl Roos, who was executed by the French in February 1940. A photogaph shows Frick with Globke, Stuckart, and others among a group of Alsatian Nazis who had been confederates of Roos. Footage of Hitler arriving at the train car at Compiegne (surrender of France). Globke earns another medal for his service in France. Imposition of the anti-Jewish measures in France and Holland. A quotation from a survivor over footage of the Warsaw ghetto (str...

  19. Slovakian newsreel: Military school; Professor speaks

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Celebration with the new Slovak Lieutenant in the Military Academy in Bratislava. University Professor Dr. Subik speaks about his impressions of the discovery of mass graves in the Katyn forest in Poland.

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- Finnish refugee children; US embassy; Propaganda; Smashed windows

    1021 VVV (09:26:42): Finnish Refugee Children at Falun, Dalecarlia, September 1944. Finnish refugee children's home at Falun. General view of home. Children dancing in small circle. CUs, children. CU, young matron of home. CU, small Finnish child. LS, children on lawn in front of the house, running into the house. CU, Finnish boy sitting on steps. 1021 parts of AA and ZZZ (09:28:45): AA: Various EXT shots of building of "general interest" to MOT cameramen, including the American Embassy in Stockholm, the American Legation, and a Nazi building. Shots of entrances and signs. INT, Press Depart...