Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,641 to 15,660 of 58,960
  1. Antisemitic propaganda ticket

    Rectangular form of yellow paper; printed French text in black ink; antisemitic propaganda.

  2. FDR speaks

    "Roosevelt Asks U.S. to Crush Hitler" Labor Day, 1941. Hyde Park, NY. FDR to camera: "American labor now bears a tremendous responsibility in the winning of this most brutal, most terrible of all wars. In our factories and shops and arsenals we are building weapons on a scale great in its magnitude. To all the battlefronts of the world, these weapons are being dispatched by the day and by the night, over the sea and thru the air. And this nation is now devising and developing a new weapon of unprecedented power toward the maintenance of democracy." Roosevelt speaking: "I give solemn warning...

  3. Summary of Himmler at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    SOUND ONLY. Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Decisions reached on how the charges will be grouped. Description of Heinrich Himmler and the operations of the Gestapo.

  4. War Office: Directorate of Military Operations and Intelligence, and Directorate of Military Intelligence; Ministry of Defense

    The collection consists of military intelligence documents from the War Office related to the final days and death of Adolf Hitler, together with documents related to allegations that Hitler was still alive. Also contains documents from the War Office related to war crimes committed by German officers.

  5. American Friends Service Committee Refugee Assistance Case Files

    Consists of more than 20,000 case files created and maintained by staff and volunteers with the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker relief and rescue organization. The files are concerned primarily with the sponsorship of individuals for immigration to the United States and the process of their adjustment to America, including job-hunting and the placement of young adults in colleges and training programs. The collection contains a wealth of detail on individual refugees, the bulk of whom were fleeing Nazism, including their experiences before or during the war and the effor...

  6. Shneidman documents

    Contains documents pertaining to Iliya Shneidman's role as volunteer in the Red Army (Leningrad Army 3rd volunteer division). Iliya Shneidman was later captured by the German Army and executed as a Jew.

  7. Summary and Judgment of Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    Judgment rendered at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MSs, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop. British Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence speaking of Goering. British prosecution table showing Sir Hartley Shawcross and Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe. Shot of Fritz Sauckel. MS, Shawcross and Thomas J Dodd, US Executive Trial Counselor. MS, Karl Doenitz, Erich Raeder, Baldur von Schirach. MS, CUs, Justice Birkett continuing the reading of the aggressions of the German Army. MS, Maxwell-Fyfe at table.

  8. Lucja Frey Gottesman collection

    Consists of material regarding the life and legacy of Dr. Lucja Frey Gottesman, a Jewish female neurologist who probably perished in the Lvov ghetto in 1943. Also contains offical Russian post-war documents as well as issues of the "Gazeta Lwowska" from 1942-1943, and flyers which were posted in Lvov announcing the establishment of the ghetto.

  9. German educational film: marriage customs in Upper Silesia

    This short documentary depicts the town of Schonwald in Upper Silesia, and the various activities which occur in preparation for a wedding ceremony that takes place in the village. VS, villagers carrying farm implements, heading off to fields. MCU in the village (of Schonwald), two peasant women read an announcement posted on the side of a building. CUof the announcement (in German), stamped by the town official. VS, young woman pumping water at a well. VS, young townswomen in tradtional costume, kneeding dough and preparing large trays of bread. MS, two older women braid the hair of a youn...

  10. German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition

    This is part three of a three part film of which USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew during his expedition of Greenland. With German intertitles. VS of crew, dogs, and sleds, travelling across and charting this seemingly endless frozen tundra. INTs, igloos, equipment, dogs, snow, crew. Wegener died on this fourth of his Greenland expeditions, and there is footage of his grave site on this reel, marked by a large wooden cross. The film ends with an epithet to Wegener.

  11. Memorial at the site of the Jasenovac Camp

    The first commemoration in the Jasenovac Memorial area, on the site of the Ustasha concentration camp from World War II. Footage of the commemoration is intertwined with horrific documents of the death camp and testimonies of camp detainees and residents of Jasenovac. The film opens with the sound of a person screaming and the sound of a train while images of train tracks taken from the POV of the train are visible on screen. The image cuts to a low angle CU of the wheels of a train car speeding along the tracks, the train whistle blows. VS, from POV of someone riding inside a cattle car as...

  12. Adriana Indik collection

    Contains 26 postcards with images of portraits of Nazi generals and poltical leaders, exterior street scenes, and interior scenes.

  13. Postwar: Verdoner children emigrate to the US

    VS, the three Verdoner children - Otto, Francisca and Yoka playing in the woods. This footage was shot post war, the Verdoner children were hidden children. Their mother Hilde was deported to Auschwitz and perished during the war. Cut to Otto on the deck of a ship SS Gripsholm. VS, of the three children on deck, as well as other women. They are on board the ship that took them from Europe to the US in 1946. High angle, MLS, Francisca sits on a bench on deck and waves to the camera. CU, an unidentified woman aboard the ship.

  14. Work Concert (UFA); Hitler at international auto show

    05:12:23 "Werk-Konzert" in Donhoffplatz, Berlin. UFA celebration. Building with "Universum Film AG." In the yard, SS band plays march music. CU band. Long trumpets with SS flag hanging. Great shots of employees watching from the windows (speaker stresses "joyful surprise"), looking down into plaza. (at end, Wochenshau cameraman can be seen). 05:13:25 "Internationale Automobil- und Motorrad-Ausstellung Berlin 1937" Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin. Hitler and small entourage greet NSKK corps leader Huehnlein in street before race. He greets racecar drivers, who parade before the Reichskanzlei. Low, na...

  15. Yugoslavia: repairing trucks; airfield; village; plane doctors

    Reel 1: Men unloading truck parts from plane. Bolting front and rear sections of truck together, putting on rear wheels. Mechanics and Yugoslavian assistants lifting body of truck onto frame; bolting and installing racks on truck bed; fueling and checking oil. Men driving off in completely assembled truck. Damaged airport, administration building, ruined hangars and buildings in BG. Village of Serpska Cryna. Horse-drawn carts and villagers along road, seen through window of village flower mill. GI trucks and repairmen passing carts and villagers on way to landing field. Trucks; mechanics si...

  16. Nazi, Mauthausen, Belsen, and Auschwitz war criminals tried

    World in Film. Issue no. 43 (1948) 03:30:14 "NUREMBERG AND MAUTHAUSEN." Mauthausen trial: March -- May 1947. Title: "Zwei Prozesse: Nuernberg und Mauthausen." LS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson speaking. Pan, prisoners box showing Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, at first trial. German voice over Jackson's, as he details how "a thousand Kaltenbrunners," "a thousand Saukels," etc - were at work within the Nazi organizations. MCUs, Gruber, Grand, Green, SS men standing trial. Pan of Mauthausen criminals. Seated in court, they are compelled to remove shoe laces, etc. to prevent suicide atte...

  17. Jules Glanzberg collection

    Group of 11 black and white photographs relating to the escape and survival of the Glanzberg brothers; pre-war, wartime and post-war images.

  18. Nazi propaganda on ideal Aryan woman

    A film report by the Nazi Welfare Organization (NSV). Healthy Aryan living, children on the land and outdoors. Ship, rough waters. Bucolic countryside: cottages, stream, animals, farm, trees. Daily morning ritual for young boys: getting out of bed, showering, shining shoes, laundry. Drums, trumpet, heiling to Nazi flag. Woman serving breakfast, children eating. Sailing, playing accordion, fishing, kitten, woman making a fire. Child walking to school. CUs, Aryan children. Boy in adult boots. Children playing at beach, in water. Boats, one with hay. Peasant couple eating. Boys marching on bea...

  19. Kan family vacationing during winter in Switzerland

    "Onze reis naar St. Moritz Januari 1933" [Our travel to St. Moritz January 1933] Sign for "Chur," a city in eastern Switzerland, in a train station. Jeanne in a fur coat, large cart of luggage in BG. Swiss Alps. Camera pans across the words "St. Moritz 1933" drawn in the snow. View from a sleigh, horse pulling the sleigh seen at right. Wooded mountains and telephone poles in BG. Mountains, trees, and buildings from the sleigh. Another sleigh passes to the left. Pan from people walking in front of a building to the valley and mountains. 01:02:32 Jeanne looks at the mountains and turns to the...

  20. Wislawa Krzymowska collection

    Consists of five photographs depicting the Bandyra family and their house in which they hid two Jewish families during the Holocaust.