Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,601 to 15,620 of 58,960
  1. Yugoslavia: damage; village; soldiers marching; liberation ceremony in village square; food truck

    Reel 5: Destroyed bridge in Vinkovci. Street scene, troops marching through village; soldiers' feet as they are marching revealing ragged shoes; partisan soldier band playing in honor of late FDR. Tanks lined up, men standing at attention, bugler plays salute. Infantry troops firing volley of shots. Troops crossing destroyed bridge carrying Yugoslavian flag, supplies, ammunition. Speakers and dignitaries standing on flag-draped balcony; citizens of Vinkovci gathered in streets to celebrate the liberation of their village. Mayor Nikola Jaksic speaking to crowds, cheering. Col. Mijaklo Todoro...

  2. Verdoner children

    MCU, Yoka Verdoner hamming it up for the camera. Hilde Verdoner feeding her son Otto who is seated in his high chair at the table. Otto begins to feed himself as well. CU, Francisca Verdoner seated at the table, drinking milk that was poured for her, and eating. She smiles and plays for the camera. VS, CUs, Otto eating and drinking milk, playing "peek-a-boo" for the camera. More shots of Otto eating.

  3. Verdoner family at home

    Yoka Verdoner and her mother Hilde, petting a horse that is pulling a green grocer's cart through the streets of Hilversum, Holland. Hilde purchases produce. EXT, clothing hanging on a clothesline. INT, VS, Francisca Verdoner being potty trained. VS, Francisca learning to walk with help from sister Yoka and father Gerrit Verdoner. VS, Yoka and Francisca bathing, blowing kisses to the camera, etc. EXT, VS, Francisca taking her first tentative steps alone, and then with the help of Yoka and Hilde.

  4. Time (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Time magazine, dated March 15, 1943, with a drawing on the cover of Elmer Davis, director of OWI (Office of War Information), with a quote, "A free people has a right to know..."

  5. Armband stenciled Judenrat worn in the Plaszow labor camp

    The armband was worn by Dr. Edmund Goldenberg in a labor camp in Płaszów, Poland.

  6. DPs: food supplies; hospital; washing clothes

    (LIB 4071) Russian Slave Labor, Keynberg, Germany, 1944? EXT, displaced persons in front of AMG office. HAS, delivery of food supplies. CU, DP cuts beef with knife and axe. Pan, line of Russians who served in slave labor battalion await ration issue. CU, bread ration. INTs (underexposed) DPs are cared for in hospital. EXT, group of Russian male civilians singing, one plays accordion. CU, faces of DPs (one man has long black beard). Delousing Russian women. Women washing clothes in stream. Additional scenes, issuance of rations including meats, cigarettes, and bread.

  7. Kan family at the beach in Zandvoort

    Hand writes "Zandvoort 1934" on parchment. 01:06:40 Betsy tries to ride a bicycle. Robert rides a scooter. Woman holds the seat of the bicycle as the girl rides. 01:07:34, beach. Jeanne and an unidentified man in a robe over a bathing suit walk towards the camera. Jeanne walks away. 01:08:01 Betsy digs a hole in the sand. Several children play. 01:08:47 Betsy rides her bike alone down the street. Robert drives his toy car (previously seen on Film ID 2473 at 01:03:14) down the street while the woman watches. 01:09:27 Robert garden pulling a toy tractor in the garden. EXT - a group of people ...

  8. Independent Workers Trade Union (Fond 38)

    Contains appeals against military preparations, military fascist government, and increasing government spending for military preparations.

  9. Samuel S. Pines correspondence

    Contains correspondence pertaining to Samuel S. Pines efforts to assist relatives in their escape from Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vienna, Austria, and Germany.

  10. An overview of the Holocaust in Croatia

    Opening credits, image of Lighthouse and the words Jadran film, Zagreb. Music. Clips of posters, photos, newspapers. People marching - Nazis. 01:01:50 Mein Kampf, portrait of Hitler, parades. Hitler speaking. Barbed wire and panning shots of camps. 01:03:16 crematorium. 01:03:43 "Leo Rupnik". Hitler greeting "Ante Pavelic". Camps, German eagle. 01:04:15 People getting into trains to go to camps. 01:05:04 Entrance to Auschwitz "Arbeit Macht Frei". Nazis shooting people, bodies on ground. 01:05:31 People being hung, carrying bodies, putting into mass graves, skulls being collected. 01:06:17 P...

  11. Benjamin Gerow papers

    Contains an IMT International Military Tribual identification card, one letter, ten black and white photographs, thirteen signatures of defendants, IMT International Military Tribunal publication, "These 21" compliments of Stars and Stripes.

  12. Liberation: Germany; Czechoslovakia: Soviet and American Armies

    VS, high angle, woman in an overcoat walking down street; man in U.S. Army uniform holding a box, walking down street. Two separate shots of the woman walking. Cut to VS, pan of sky and clouds, for a brief moment a small plane is visible, flying low. Plane on an airstrip, the man in Army uniform seen earlier in a very LS walking on a concrete walkway between two buildings, presumably a U.S. Army base of some sort. Two airplanes are parked on the air strip. A group of boys and girls (4-6 years old) in FG, all dressed in red shorts and white shirts, walking hand in hand in an open field, tree...

  13. Nowogrodzki family papers

    Collection consists of six sets of notes written by the donor's stepmother, Helena Szefiner, after coming to the United States in 1946; the notes regard Mrs. Szefiner's experiences in the Warsaw ghetto. Includes 10 photographs relating to the donor's life in Warsaw before the war and her journey to Japan.

  14. Kan family in US postwar: Betsy's baby

    Color. Betsy walking a baby stroller down a sidewalk (similar to 01:09 on Film ID 2478). Grandparents walk down a sidewalk towards the camera. CU baby in white sleeping in the stroller. Betsy and the baby walking along the sidewalk with Betsy's parents-in-law.

  15. Lenin/Stalin

    Lenin's body with Stalin looking at it. Woman with arm around Stalin and whispering in his ear, being hugged, Stalin signs something for young women. Sync of Stalin, 1937 (followed with English voice-over). CU, Pravda, started by Lenin. Paintings of Lenin and Stalin plotting the Revolution, revolutionary troops marching.

  16. Book

    Hard cover copy of the book, Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. published 1969. In response to the burning of copies of this book, Vonnegut wrote to the chairman of the Drake School Board, "Books are sacred to free men for very good reasons...Wars have been fought against nations which hate books and burn them"

  17. House Judiciary committee visits Austria and DP camp

    04:38:03 Visit of House Judiciary Committee, Vienna, Austria, September 20, 1949. CU, Tulln AFB sign. Congressmen leaving plane and greeted by Brig Gen Jesmond D Balmer and others. John G Erhardt, American Minister to Austria, posing with group. Cut-ins, various Congressmen; cars leaving field. LS, American Legation building. Balmer arriving at American Legation. Congressman William T Byrne arriving. MLS, Congressmen Michael T Feighan (Ohio), Frank Fellows (Maine), William T Byrne (NY). Erhardt shaking hands with Byrne. Erhardt posing with committee on steps of Legation. 04:40:14 Visit of H...

  18. Child's white cotton dress with lace and embroidery

    Julia Schor wore the dress during World War II.

  19. German educational film: swimming techniques

    VS of adolescent boys learning to swim in a pool. There is one male instructor and approximately 10 pupils. The instructor takes them through important techniques for the breast stroke, focusing individually on arm movements and leg movements before combining the techniques to perfect the breast stroke.