Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,561 to 15,580 of 58,960
  1. Wallach family papers

    Contains personal family correspondence and documents pertaining to the Wallach family's property in Germany and their restitution claims.

  2. Jacqueline Singer collection

    Mixed collection of documents, letters and photographs relating to the Gruen and Felber familes during the Holocaust. The photographs are mounted on pages and seem to have been part of an album. The majority of the documents are in French.

  3. Judge Ben Lindsey

    Judge Ben Lindsey speaking on the difficulty and importance of probate law and making a will. (filmed in studio)

  4. Trotsky and Lenin

    Trotsky and Lenin 1921. Moscow: In the gates of Soviet Russia. Red Army celebrates cessation of war. Exclusive pictures of War Minister. Trotsky reviewing Bolo troops. Army holding up their rifles and cheering and non-military people cheering.

  5. Horn-Ermann collection

    Collection consisting of passports, identification cards, postcards, and documents relating to Irmgard Horn donor's aunt, her first husband Max Ermann and her second husband Walter Horn, and their families' experiences in Berlin, Hamburg, and Shanghai during the Holocaust.

  6. Swiss Federal Archives records

    Contains files concerning control of Jewish and other refugees coming into Switzerland; on activities of Swiss-Jewish rescue and charity organizations; on Swiss legations in various European countries reporting on relevant matters; on communications of the United States, Great Britain, and Germany; on establishment and operation of labor camps and homes for refugees, and the like. It includes material on Jewish self-help organizations in Switzerland, Jewish communities in Switzerland, and labor camps for Jews in Switzerland. Includes approximately 3,500 case files from the child refugee aid...

  7. David Zugman collection

    Consists of one memoir, 16 pages, written by Dov Zugman (now David Zugman) originally of Sokal, Poland. In the memoir, Mr. Zugman describes the German invasion of Soviet-occupied Poland, the establishment of the ghetto, multiple aktions, escaping to Wolyn, the death of his mother, who was captured and killed by Ukrainians, and hiding with a family of Jehovah's Witnesses until liberation. After liberation, he emigrated to Canada. Also consists of eight photographs (six original and two copyprints) of the Zugman family before the Holocaust; one identity card, dated Feb. 6, 1946, issued to Dow...

  8. Frits & Jeanne Kan in US, postwar

    Color. Jeanne walks towards the camera, wearing a fur coat and hat. Frits walks towards the camera. Jeanne gets onto a plane.

  9. Book

    Martin Eden, a novel by Jack London (#N-28) published for the Armed Services by a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime. It is intended for exclusive distribution to members of the American Armed Forces and is not to be resold or made available to civilians

  10. Baby Otto Verdoner

    EXT, High angle shot, looking down on Otto Verdoner playing in his crib/playpen. CU of a stuffed elephant toy in the crib. VS of Otto in his crib and then crawling about on the lawn in the Verdoner family yard. The house is visible in the BG of several shots. Hilde Verdoner feeds Otto a cracker, Otto continues to prance around his crib and eat his cracker. MCU, a woman in the garden knitting while she keeps an eye on Otto. CU, Otto picks up a ball, he is playing with his sister who is off camera. VS, Yoka Verdoner playing with Otto. VS, Hilde and all three children (Yoka, Francisca and Otto...

  11. Verdoner children playing outdoors

    Yoka and Francisca Verdoner playing outdoors, they seem to be out in the country. They are running past a fence, down a paved strip. VS of the children and other family members outside in a garden. Some shots of Franicisca and Yoka near water.

  12. German educational film: daily life in Lapland

    VS, EXT, lake views with mountains in BG. VS, a family of Laplanders (father, mother and child) come to shore in canoe, carrying their belongings, they head toward their tent and enter with all of their belongings. Two dogs enter the tent with them. MCU, man smoking a pipe, then cooking a meal while two children look on. VS of Laplanders in their tent, women, children, baby, etc, carrying out daily tasks. VS, Laplander children in a rural classroom, sitting on the ground in an open tent, there is a female teacher, all students have lap desks and notebooks, they are reading and writing. Ther...

  13. Andrzej Bodek collection of Warsaw and Łódź documents and ephemera

    The Andrzej Bodek collection of Warsaw and Łódź documents and ephemera include Polish reports about conditions in the Többens factory where Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto worked and about typhus vaccines; correspondence with the Generalgouvernement Amt Für Raumordnung regarding the "Financial situation of the 'Jewish residential area' of Warsaw"; six posters in Yiddish and Polish produced by the Łódź Jewish community after the war; one grave rubbing from the grave of a Jewish woman from Wrocław; and one presentation folio dedicated to Dr. L. Zunz.

  14. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques

    Correspondence, reports, circulars, alphabetical registration files of internees, transfer lists and medical records of internees, alphabetical lists of Jews under house arrest, related to internment camps in France, including Gurs, Saint-Cyprien and Polo-Beyris in Bayonne. Also contains records relating to financial aid of Union Générale des Israélites de France (UGIF), the Red Cross, the Quakers, and Aide aux Réfugés (section d'Oloron); art activities of internees; resistance correspondence; records on crime (1941-1945); prostitution (1944-1945); and some photographs of crime victims...

  15. Henry Rosen collection

    The collection consists of photographs documenting the Holocaust-era experiences of Henry Rosen, originally of Buczacz, Poland (Buchach, Ukraine). The photographs depict Henry Rosen in a Polish army uniform in Krakow, Poland; his brothers Samuel and Yechiel; and Samuel’s wife Helena Rosen.

  16. DPs in Germany

    (LIB 3894) Displaced Persons, Krefeld, Germany, March 9, 1945. LS, large group of displaced persons in courtyard including Russian, Polish, French, and former German political prisoners. MS, French civilian with French flag. Russians playing musical instruments, singing, dancing. SEQ: Long line of prisoners receiving bread and soup. MSs, Russians gathered around open fire and cooking. INT, DPs cleaning prison cells. CU, Russian playing accordion.

  17. Sentencing Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Hermann Goering, Baldur von Schirach, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Rudolf Hess, sitting in prisoners' dock listening to testimony. Hess taken ill leaves prisoners' dock. Shots of English and US prosecution tables. Scenes of Justice Kravechenko (Russian), reading statement from bench. Pan of prisoners' dock and courtroom as voice of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) is heard speaking about the SS, slave labor, experiments on human beings, consolidating power, and creating the first co...

  18. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

    Heroine of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Alice Lidell Hargreaves honored at the Columbia University by its President Nicholas Murray Butler.

  19. Specialized departments of DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF). Fachämter (NS 5 V)

    Records of NS-5 V. Contains selected documents of DAF (German Labor Front) department. The subjects included Poland; domestic maritime shipping; the Deutsche Reichsbahn (railroad); the Reich Health Office; and small organizations such as the Association of German Chemists, a branch of the Jewish Commercial Chemists, and the like.

  20. Defendants pleading not guilty at beginning of Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MS, judges enter courtroom. MS, defense counsel makes plea to the court. Profile, Tribunal as Justice Lawrence speaks. (No sound in this portion). Sound: Justice Lawrence announces fifteen-minute recess so that defendants may confer with their counsel. LS, courtroom during recess. (No sound this scene). MS, Hess standing in dock looking very pleased. VS, Judges' bench as Chief Justice asks defendants to plead guilty or not guilty. MS, Justice Lawrence calls out the names of Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Rosenberg, Frick, Streiche...