Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,501 to 15,520 of 58,960
  1. Andreas Tsagatakis collection

    Collection of three antisemitic publications: "La France colonie Juive" [France: colonized by the Jews], "Les Coulisses du Front Populaire: Comment Les Juifs ont mis la main sur le mouvement ouvrier et révolutionnaire" [Behind the Scene of the Popular Front or Backstage with the Popular Front - How Jews took control of the worker's and revolutionary movements], and "Le Cabinet No. 100" [Cabinet number 100 - at the time of the Stavisky Affair].

  2. Department of Social Services (Fond 3710)

    The collection contains correspondence, decrees, and memoranda relating to the location of German troops, tax, financial, and property regulations, replacement of Jewish workers in the city of Vidin, Bulgaria, and memoranda regarding decorations, bonuses for the killing of partisans, and financial compensation for Allied bombardment.

  3. Collier's (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Collier's magazine, dated January 27, 1945, with a reproduction of a painting on the cover. The painting is by William Pachner and shows President Roosevelt in his 1941 annual message to Congress.

  4. Siddur

    The siddur belonged to Yontev Rülf who fled from Nazi Germany in 1938 to South America

  5. Life magazine advertisement

    Magazine advertisement from the inside front cover of Life Magazine, September 14, 1942. Multi-color image of a young girl reading a book with the caption, "These are the things we are fighting for: That a little girl may read the books her mother lived- not what a dictator decreed"

  6. War Bond Parade; Nazi Sub Spy Trial

    04:12:02 War Bond Parade, Atlantic City, NJ, April 18, 1943. 04:19:36 Nazi Sub Spy Trial in Washington: VS, prison van and armed soldiers enter court building. Panel of unidentified Army officers conduct trial of Nazi spies. CU, spies in the courtroom. Atty Gen Francis Biddle and an Army officer show pieces of evidence to the spies. (see Story 3631, Film ID 2532 for duplicate footage)

  7. Underground press from the Museum Tatrzanskie im. dra Tytusa Chalubińskiego w Zakopanem Prasa konspiracyjna

    Contains the underground press collection of 25 titles, issued mostly by resistance organizations. Among other publishers are the Armia Krajowa (Home Army), the Armia Ludowa (People's Army) and the Stronnictwo Narodowe (National Party).

  8. Warsaw Ghetto in color

    Warsaw ghetto, probably in May 1942, filmed privately by German camerman, Willy Wist. General views of the gates opening for a vehicle. Bare-shirted men load bodies in a pit. CU, Jewish man. Market scenes, food and materials for sale, Jews with armbands. Street scenes, crowded sidewalks, trams, rickshaws. Massive funeral procession, various shots, some closeup. Unintentional dark shots. German officer checks papers. Jewish man in rags. Meat shop. 01:05:10 German uniformed man in peaked cap is visible on right of frame, emerging from shop doorway and gesturing with hand at small boy looking ...

  9. Skiiers; US army maneuvers; West Point

    Skiers on a slalom course, a crowd is watching. This is a race, or competition of some sort as all the skiers are wearing large race numbers on their vests. VS, skiers taking the chair lift up to the top of the slopes. 01:02:04 Oceanside, there is a small wooden dock that juts out from the beach into the water's edge, waves, crashing against the dock, VS waves hitting the shore. MCU flagpole in the sand, camera pans up to show American flag. Large wood frame house on beach front, camera pans house and surrounding beachfront property, including CUs of flowers in bloom. 01:04:13 "Mechanized C...

  10. Sonia Henie and Cecilia Colledge iceskate at Winter Olympic games in Berlin

    German intertitles. Sonja Henie (Norway) and Cecilia Colledge (Great Britain) skating at the 1936 winter Olympics in Berlin. The last shot shows an Olympic flag waving in the wind.

  11. Paul Vaderlind collection

    The collection consists of two documents related to the Holocaust experiences of Janeta Gościcki (born Janeta Wulkan), originally of Ostrowsko, Poland. The first document is a forged identification card (Kennkarte) of Janeta’s issued on 15 October 1942 in the name of Helena Kochanowicz. The document states that she was born on 7 March 1914 in Wegierka, near Jaroslaw in the Lvov district and that she was a bookkeeper by profession. The document shows four different addresses under which the bearer was registered. The second document is a letter, dated 21 May 1944, written by Janeta’s second ...

  12. German educational film: birds: egg laying and hatching

    Opening title: Die Lachmowe. VS of birds in a marshy area, flying, sitting in the water, etc. VS, of the birds in their natural habitat, laying and hatching eggs, socializing, etc. Several good CU's of chicks hatching from eggs.

  13. Queen's Day celebrations in Amsterdam

    Olympisch Stadion in Amsterdam. "JWB" painted on the field with a crown. Pan across the field. People holding flags visible on the sidelines. Events at the stadium during the 40th anniversary Jubilee celebrations for Queen Wilhelmina in 1938. Cars driving into the stadium and around to the section where the cameraman is seated. Crowds in the stadium, many of them waving. Parade-blocks march past the stands around the stadium. A large group of women in white parade by. More parading follows including people on horseback and others carrying flags. 01:04:12 Rowing contest. Camera follows the b...

  14. Verdoner family garden

    Otto Verdoner, at roughly four months old. VS, CUs, MCUs, Otto being bathed by his mother. CU, Francisca posing in the arms of a woman in the Verdoner garden, Yoka doing same. VS, MLSs, MSs, MCUs, Francisca and Yoka playing in the garden, and in a sand box. Their grandfather comes out to join them in the garden, followed by other unidentified relatives. The camera focuses for quite a while on a young man as he speaks to an older woman and then to Hilde Verdoner (uncertain of this man's relationship to the family). CU, older couple having tea in the Verdoners' garden.

  15. Sinclair speaks

    "Upton Sinclair Explains his 'Epic Plan'" Pasadena, CA. Upton Sinclair explaining his plan to end poverty in California.

  16. Sefer Zakorrem Book of Memory Suffering of Jews That Died During the Nazi Occupation History of Polonnoye Jews

    Contains a memory book of Jews from Polonnoye, Ukraine.

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Red Army, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin; Soviet people

    Red Army scenes in Red Square: thousands of troops march, horses galloping. Extensive, good scenes. Scenes shot by Julien Bryan in the Soviet Union (also at Library of Congress) include women from ballet company bathing on beach. More of Red Army in Red Square. Julien Bryan footage along the Rhine River, with views of ruins, castles (Maeuseturm, Drachenfels) Maps, highlighting White Sea, Volga, Caucasus, Siberia, intercut with footage shot by Julien Bryan. Includes nurse with toddler; kindergarten children at small tables. Rare view of toppling of church domes during Soviet anti-religion ca...

  18. German educational film: birds and their natural habitats

    VS of various species of birds in their natural habitats, taking flight, feeding, laying eggs, hatching eggs, etc. There are several intertitles throughout the film [in German] that provide more information about the specific birds and their habits and habitats.

  19. Richard Ebbitt collection

    Six black and white photographs of concentration camp scenes taken immediately following the liberation of the camps; given to Evy Serow (donor's late wife) who brought them to the United States after her release as a German political prisoner.

  20. Onella Debinski Stagoll collection.

    Consists of letters and postcards addressed to Pola Kirszencwajg Debinski from her sister Bela, who writes of the conditions in the Warsaw ghetto, her concern for their missing brother, Berek, and his wife, Zosia, and her worries regarding the conditions of a Soviet labor camp where Pola and her husband, Josef, were interned. Additional letters and postcards were written by Dawid Kirszencwajg, who was in Kobe, Japan, to Pola and Josef, who were in the Soviet Union.