Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,221 to 15,240 of 58,960
  1. Meier Stessel Zemirot

    Contains one videocassette of Meier Stessel singing Shabbat songs.

  2. US Army medics, trauma surgery

    Color footage. MCU moves out to MLS, and then a pan of destroyed equipment on the beach. VS, beach head and surrounding countryside, military vehicles and personnel in BG. Field full of rubble and artillery shells. CU, remains of a building stairwell, rubble surround the stairwell. END LS, from high angle, rooftops of an unidentified town. VS of the rooftops, a street and bridge below with civilians walking across it. VS, MCUs and CUs, the camera pans a church spire and other architectural details of the building. CUs of two American soldiers looking through the viewfinder atop the cathedra...

  3. Russian News (1944)

    On the siege of Warsaw. Russian and Polish troops assemble near the Vistula; tanks are drawn up; Gen. Kozakov inspects a map. A night artillery barrage is begun. Russian bombers fly over demolished German tanks. Field guns are fired. Tanks emerge from a forest and roll across fields; infantry follows. Bombs are dropped on German installations. Shows abandoned equipment and German fortifications outside Warsaw. Officers examine the scene. Artillery tanks and infantry move through the suburbs. Shows house-to-house fighting. Wounded are treated at an aid station. Poles greet the Russian troops...

  4. Kan family vacationing during winter in Switzerland

    Title card with "Arosa" centered under a stick figure with skis. Next card: "Grd Hotel Tschuggen" revealed. Next card: "Arosa 23 Dec. 1934 - 15 Jan. 1935." Robert, Betsy, Jeanne, and another woman wave from a train car window (the left of the car shows the name "Arosa"). Betsy, Robert, and Jeanne sit in a sled covered in white fur. Betsy pulls Robert on a sled. Both children wave. 01:01:24 The façade of "Grand Hotel Tschuggen" with a Swiss flag. Kan family and others. Jeanne, Betsy, and Robert sit with friends in a horse drawn sleigh. Different angles as they ride. MS, stationary sleigh wit...

  5. VE Day in Paris

    Scenes of massive VE day celebration. French civilians, American soldiers, and WACs parading in the streets, riding on military vehicles. Crowds of people, confetti. More scenes of wounded soldiers at the 48th General Hospital, upon hearing the news of victory, dancing with nurses. Marching band, parade. Ceremony in field.

  6. Verdoner family playing in winter in Hilversum

    Hilde Verdoner pulling her daughters Yoka and Francisca along the snowy streets of Hilversum, Holland on a sled. VS, LS, MS, the children sledding, townspeople skiing and sledding down a snow covered hill. LS, a group of men climbing uphill on skis in order to ski back downhill. MS, Gerrit Verdoner and his daughter Yoka sledding downhill together. VS, MS, CU, Yoka sledding. LS, pan of treetops and hillside, outline of buildings in town visible beyond the tree line, small walking bridge in BG, screen left. LS, skiers on the slopes. VS, families with their children and sleds. Yoka rides again...

  7. Photograph of Zionist group in Kanczuga, Poland

    The photograph depicts Faiga Rosenbluth and a group of unidentified girlfriends from a Zionist youth group in Kanczuga, Poland in 1936. Of the eleven girls photographed, only Faiga Rosenbluth survived the Holocaust.

  8. Jack Milgrom collection

    Consists of photographs, identification card, postcards, certificates, receipts, telegrams, a flyer, envelope, letters, documents, and permits relating to Gertrude Hoffer (later Gertrude Milgrom), and her family's experiences in Vienna, Austria; Zagreb, Yugoslavia; London, United Kingdom; Bielsko, Poland, Landsberg displaced persons camp, Germany; and her immigration to the United States.

  9. Records relating to Jews in Amsterdam

    The collection consists of records relating to the situation for Jews in Amsterdam, Netherlands, including: German anti-Jewish measures; Jewish schools and education during the German occupation; hospitals and health; transportation; expulsion of Jews from the civil service; Jewish market traders; Aryan declarations and refusals to sign; registration of Jewish property; files on Jews in the Amsterdam population registry; Amsterdam Police records (including documents on collaboration on Jewish deportation); documents from the Mayor of Amsterdam relating to Jews; Jewish-German refugees; the g...

  10. False identity papers

    Consists of an album, "Paris les heures glorieuses" published by Comité parisien de la Libération, written by Claude Roy, published November 1945, and blank forms used in the fabrication of false identity papers. The forms include: 2 feuilles de demobilization, format different taille A-4, 1 certificat de recensement-A8, 1 bulletin de naissance, 1 carte d’identite orange, 1 carte de travail Mod. 3 pliee en 2, 1 carte de travail- Mod. 1, and 1 bulletin d’etat-civil.

  11. Feliz Sternberg Sorell documents

    Collection of documents including university degree, immigration papers, passports, taxi cab license, and obituaries related to Feliks Sternberg (later Felix Sorell; donor's paternal uncle), who was born in Yugoslavia, studied in Vienna and Berlin, fled Yugoslavia and Italy in 1941 and immigrated to Cuba in 1942 via Lisbon, Portugal; dated 1916 to 1961.

  12. Postwar: Verdoner children playing

    Otto Verdoner, now at least 6 years of age, playing in the family yard, postwar with his sister Francisca Verdoner. The three Verdoner children were hidden children during the war. This footage was shot shortly after the children were reunited. Their mother, Hilde, is not present, she was deported to Auschwitz and died during the war. CU, Yoka sitting in a club chair in the house doing schoolwork. The three children are also playing with another young girl, possibly a neighbor or a relative. VS, MS, CUs of the children playing ball in the yard. Francisca and Otto climb up to a roof top and ...

  13. Ida Sterno photograph

    Contains a photograph of Ida Sterno, a social worker who was very active in Jewish underground organizations in Belgium during World War II. Rectangular form with scalloped edges; on recto, black and white image of headshot of a middle aged woman wearing a decorative pin at her neck; on verso, handwritten text that reads "Ida Sterno 1944" and photographer's stamp.

  14. Stara Gradiska - Camp No. 5 of Jasenovac

    Stamped Ustasha U symbol insignia with checkerboard symbol of Croatia over a still image of a watchtower at Stara Gradiska camp - "Kula Smrti Stara Gardiska; logor br.V." ["Tower of Death: Stara Gradiska, Camp Number 5]. Gathering of people. "Zrtvama Fasizma 1941-45". Flowers left in memory. Military marching, tanks, cars, horses. Ustasha raids village. Photos of bodies, military, mass graves. 01:03:00 People walking through village, children, horses and carts. 01:03:46 Loading people onto trains to go to camps. 01:04:58 Woman and child, birds nest, derelict houses. 01:05:47 The camp as it ...

  15. Buchenwald liberation photographs

    Contains photographs depicting Buchenwald following liberation.

  16. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria." Reel begins with ceremonies to honor war dead. Goering goes to monument. Large wreaths laid, one is shown in CU to be from Hitler. CU, iron cross on banner. Goering delivers address. St. Stephen's cathedral in Vienna, as well as cheering and saluting crowds. Animated map shows Austria joined to Germany: "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer." German soldiers cross border to the welcome of crowds. They march through the old town, and over a bridge. An ancient castle on the hill is photographed. Nazi soldiers remove the border gate amid ch...

  17. Identification tag

    The identification tag was issued to a prisoner of war in Stalag 366 near Lublin, Poland.

  18. Archives of the service for war victims Archives du service des victims de la guerre : Series P

    Contains records relating to the fate of Jewish and non-Jewish Belgians throughout Europe during the period of 1939 to1950. Includes name lists from a wide variety of sources such as concentration and prisoner of war camps, relief and charity organizations, hospitals, prisons, and similar institutions. See also Parts Mi, A, and R (Rg- Rg-65.001M; Rg-65.002M; Rg-65.004M).

  19. Ministry of Health (Fond 372)

    Contains drafts and correspondence regarding medical services, mobilization of Jewish dentists, and payments for confiscated dental equipment of Jewish dentists. Includes name lists of doctors sent to Thrace and Macedonia and lists of people mobilized to the health services (including mobilized Jewish doctors).

  20. Truman in Germany; DPs boarding trains

    03:27:55 (LIB 7239) President Truman in Germany, Heppenheim, Germany, July 26, 1945. Truman and Secretary of State James F Byrnes step from plane and are greeted by Maj Gen Alexander R Bolling. MSs, Truman steps from car, greets Bolling and troops Honor Guard. Travel shot past troops of the 84th Inf Div lined at side of road. SEQ: Truman drives in car with Bolling and Byrnes. President makes a short speech, then inspects and greets troops. MS, Truman, Byrnes, Bolling in open car. Pan, line of troops presenting arms. 03:32:15 (LIB 7184) Shipment of DPs, Bamburg, Germany, July 13, 1945. Germa...