Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,341 to 12,360 of 58,959
  1. Central Historical Commission : Testimonies (M.1.E)

    The collection contains approximately 2,500 testimonies of Holocaust survivors coming from different countries. The testimonies deal with the fate of the survivors during Nazi rule in their countries of origin. The testimonies were gathered by The Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone, Munich.

  2. Herbert G. Birch photographs

    Consists of three photographs taken by Staff Sgt. Herbert G. Birch of the Gardelegen atrocity. Also includes a newspaper clipping, dated April 20, 1945, which describes Gardelegen.

  3. "Jossele"

    Consists of an English language, bound, copy, 433 pages, of "Jossele" by Princess Alexandra de Beauharnais, of Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France, written in 1948. Accompanying documentation (publishers onesheet, and handwritten letter) suggest that this copy is the Princess' own. The title and author are hand-painted on the front of the book, and the book is dedicated to Joseph Wajncweld "in affectionate memory of those days of suspense in 1943." The publishers onesheet writes that the Princess opened her home to the children of Beaulieu, and that she hid Jewish families and children seeking to esca...

  4. Oral history interview with Otto Newman

  5. Postwar devastation; opening of Nuremberg Trial; early Nazi party history, events, leaders

    Part 1 of GERMAN language version [corresponds to NARA reels 1 & 2] "Europa 1945" Panorama of war devastation: buildings and cities laid to waste, rubble, mother climbing out of trap door shelter with naked baby in arms, people in hunger and despair emerge from shelters, children running down steps, clambering for food, poverty, homeless people, begging for food, weeping woman. "Nuremberg 21 November 1945" EXT and INT Nuremberg Palace of Justice. CU, document announcing trial and listing the accused. Seating of International Military Tribunal. Chief US prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson pres...

  6. Gertrude Kupferblum Russi collection

    Consists of one memoir, untitled, written by Gertrude (Gert) Kupferblum Russi in September 2002, describing her experiences in Poland and Italy in the 1930s and her immigration to the United States with her husband, Simon, in 1938, in order to escape the Holocaust. Also includes one photograph, taken in 1920, of Simon Russi with his family, one photograph, dated 1936, of Gertrude Kupferblum with a friend, and one photograph of Gertrude Kupferblum with her brother Henry in 1937.

  7. Leather belt with metal buckle worn by a concentration camp inmate

    Belt worn by Josef Blonder throughout his imprisonment at several concentration camps. Eighteen year old Blonder was deported, with his parents and 2 siblings, from Oradea (Nagyvarad), Romania, to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944. His father, Avraham, his mother, Yokheved, 21 year old brother, Barukh, and 14 year old sister, Lea, were murdered in Auschwitz. Blonder was transferred to, but survived, imprisonment in Mauthausen and its sub-camp, Gusen II.

  8. The Lost Transport

    Consists of copies of articles and booklets regarding the "Lost Transport," which carried Jews from Bergen-Belsen in the direction of Theresienstadt from Apr. 10 to 23, 1945. The few survivors of this transport were discovered and liberated by the Red Army in the yard of a coal factory near Tröbitz, Germany, on Apr. 23, 1945. During the transport, which was infected with typhus, the dead were buried along the train tracks at each stop. The train was frequently the target of bombings; the train was stopped for two days near Schipkau, Germany, from Apr. 19 to 20 due to a bombed-out bridge. I...

  9. Election propaganda; Loos Haus

    A long line of people stand outside several buildings. This might show Jews lining up to try and get visas to leave the country. The cross on the bulding (visible at 01:16:08) is part of the flag of the city of Vienna and indicates that this is a government building. Nazis salute each other as they walk by the people in the line. A group of girls, probably members of the Bund Deutscher Maedel (BDM), march down the street. 01:16:30 A huge sign reading "Ja fuer den Fuehrer" below large swastika flags. Shots of cars decorated with posters of Hitler's face. A group of Hitler Youth in the back o...

  10. Zehava Epstein collection

    Collection photographs and identification cards documenting the experience of Zehava and Jehoshua Epstein [donor and husband] during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. The collection includes identification cards issued to them in Poppendorf Displaced Persons camp stating that they were on board the Exodus 1947 and forced to return to Germany from Haifa. Identification photos of each, post-war photographs with friends and family dated 1946-1947 and a photo of Zehava Epstein taken in Łódź, Poland, dated 1941. The couple met while on board the Exodus.

  11. Martin Primack papers

    Consists of files collected and indexed by Martin Primack for his use in completing his unpublished book, "Not All Were Silent: The Story of Efforts in American to Rescue the Jews from the Holocaust." Collection contains a copy of the manuscript as well as photocopies from the Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver papers, the Stephen S. Wise papers, various collections from the Yivo Institute and copies of contemporary publications. The files are thoroughly indexed by subject on a document and folder level.

  12. Nuremberg Trial proceedings; summation and verdict

    Part 4 of GERMAN language version [corresponds to NARA reels 7 & 8] Courtroom scenes, questioning various defendants, showing various views of the courtroom and trial proceedings. Questioning Jodl and von Ribbentrop. Prosecutor asks Goering: "Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?" Goering: "I already had said that not even approximately did I know to what degree this thing took place." Prosecutor: "You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy which aimed at the liquidation of the Jews?" Goering: "No, not liquidation ...

  13. Records of the regional headquarters of the "Zionist Craftsmen Organization" Zionim (Fond 454)

    The collection contains the following types of documents: bylaws, programs, appeals, correspondence with the headquarters of this organizations in Warsaw, various Zionist organizations in Poland and worldwide, as well as documents related to the activities of the branches of the organization throughout Eastern Galicia (arranged alphabetically by locality), financial activities of the organization, and membership information, including various lists of members, representatives to the meetings, questioners, and the like.

  14. Displaced Persons Center Vöcklabruck

    Contains records pertaining to the Displaced Persons Center Vöcklabruck. Records include names lists, military reports, statistics, and other administrative records.

  15. Selected files from the collection : "Bezirksamt Wilmersdorf" (B Rep. 209)

    Contains records relating to evaluation and treatment of Jewish property (addresses, type of property and ownership status); renaming of streets; denazification and Aryanization, and protesting against Jewish businesses. Includes also name lists of “foreigners” and forced laborers.

  16. Selected records from collections of the Bacău branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains selected records, concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. Includes records from the Jewish communities of the following localities: Bacău (from 1935 to 1950), and Moineşti, and Tg. Ocna (from prewar to 1945). Records include memos, inventories of assets, budgets, donations, local Jewish newspapers, publications, school correspondence, a census of Jewish children, health correspondence, the Jewish theater, aid to the poor, aid to the sick, aid to students, aid for pesach, a history of the Jewish community written in 1942, the situation of...

  17. Paul Adler collection

    Collection consists of newspaper clippings, documents and photocopies of ID cards. Includes copies of work identification cards issued to Bajla and Boruch Grzywach [no relation to donor] in the Łódź ghetto and correspondence and clippings documenting a trial of former SS officers in 1965-1966 who were in Tarnopol, Poland. Pawel Peisach Adler [donor] was called as a witness for this trial; in German, English and Yiddish.

  18. Leonid (Lema) Bernstein collection

    The collection contains letters sent by Lema Bernstein from the Front to his parents who were evacuated from Kiev to Saratov, and later back to Kiev. The letters span the period of 1941-1945. Lema describes his service in the Soviet Army from 1941-1945, including his experiences performing as a member of the Soviet Army jazz orchestra.