Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,301 to 12,320 of 58,959
  1. Early Nazi rally (Day of Opposition)

    The Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP) joins the NSDAP in the Harzburg Front alliance. The event was called the "Day of Opposition." Large crowd of uniformed men standing in a wooded area. Many of the men are members of the Stahlhelm, a paramilitary organization affiliated with the DNVP. 10:05:20 Title identifies the "leader of the National Front" followed by a shot of Alfred Hugenberg, head of the DNVP. 10:05:50 Close-up of Franz Seldte, co-founder of the Stahlhelm. 10:06:01 Theodor Duesterberg, another Stahlhelm leader, speaks. 10:06:27 Ernst Roehm is visible in front of a large crowd. H...

  2. Dobiecki family papers

    The collection documents Barech and Golda Dobiecki and their daughter Bella’s experiences as they emigrated from Essen, Germany on the MS St. Louis 1939, their disembarkation in England, their immigration to Brazil, and their eventual immigration to the United States. The collection also documents the earlier immigrations of the Dobiecki’s daughters Hella to Brazil and the United States, and Bronia to the United States. Included are identification papers, restitution papers, immigration and travel documents, letters from the Jewish Refugees Committee while they were in England, corresponden...

  3. Harry Levitt collection

    Collections consists of seven postcards and a letter the Grudka family in Siedlce, Poland mailed to Sarah and Abraham Levitt in New York before World War II and during the Nazi occupation and one post war postcard from Bytom, Poland.

  4. Hirschfeld family collection

    Consists of papers related to the Holocaust and immigration experiences of the family of Isac and Lydia Hirschfeld, originally of Liebau, Latvia. Isac Hirscheld passed away before the war, and once the war began, Lydia and her daughters Fanny, Frida, and Marie were interned, first in the Riga ghetto, and later in a forced labor camp. The collection includes a wartime address book, Fanny's diary, kept while in forced labor, and wartime correspondence. In 1944, Fanny volunteered to accompany a cousin on a transfer to Stutthof, where she perished. Lydia, Frida, and Marie survived the war and s...

  5. Croatian names lists

    Consists of photocopies of names lists of Croatians who converted to Roman Catholicism in 1941, as well as one names list of Holocaust survivors, compiled by the Jewish Community of Zagreb.

  6. Life (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    One original copy of Life Magazine from September 22, 1947. It inlcudes an article "Exodus Refugees End Tragic Voyage." Sam Brill's father was on the Exodus and is pictured in the image on page 34.

  7. "Guilty of Being a Jew"

    Consists of one memoir, 56 pages, entitled "Guilty of Being a Jew," by Michael Zysman, originally of Radom, Poland. Mr. Zysman recounts the German invasion of Poland, his internment in the Glinice and Szwarlikowska ghettos, and his transfer to the Szkolna labor camp, which later became the Radom concentration camp. Mr. Zysman describes his experiences in the Radom, Vaihingen, Unteriexingen, and Dachau concentration camps. He was liberated from Mitterwald in April 1945. Includes copies of family photographs.

  8. Gloria Klein collection

    Collection consists of records documenting the experiences of George Klein (Gloria Klein’s husband) during the Holocaust. Records include his DP identification card, a medical certificate, a certificate stating that he was a survivor living in the Bad Reichenhall DP camp, documentation regarding the search for George's father, and a partial document regarding medical exams. Also included are two notecards from his presentations about his Holocaust experiences

  9. Savings and Credits Institute for the Economy, Co. (MOL Z 89)

    This collection contains selected records of the Savings and Credits Institute for the Economy, Co. related to the Jewish community of Pest : registration documents, statistical data, admissions booklet of credit unions for year 1944; tax returns, annual payroll for employees in 1940, insurance policies, correspondence and requests for assistance; statements of the Jewish emigration group; a contract 1940 between the Hungarian government and the Jewish Agency for Palestine of the possibility of emigration, proposals from the Hungarian Jews of the Probation Office for the loans; committee mi...

  10. International Holocaust remembrance day commemorative stamps

    Consists of one set of stamps, one envelope with first day issue, and one brochure issued for the Romanian commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance day on January 27, 2007.

  11. Helen Flynn collection

    Collection consists of four photographs of the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar after liberation, from the collection of Lieutenant George Flynn [donor's husband].

  12. Parade in Pancevo town square

    German soldiers, ethnic German civilians, Bund deutscher Maedel and Hitler Youth members in the town square in Pancevo. The BDM girls carry Nazi flags and the civilians give the Hitler salute. A band plays "Deutschland ueber Alles." The BDM girls parade by, followed by women in ethnic costume and children. Members of the Infanterieregiment Grossdeutschland march through town. Footage becomes color at 01:18:23.

  13. Shmuel Hupert collection

    Contains photographs and documents relating to Shmuel Hupert from Pabianice, Poland, who survived in Czarna Wieś near Bialystok together with his wife Mina Klein Hupert.

  14. "Secret of the Hat"

    Consists of one videocassette containing a documentary entitled "Secret of the Hat," which appeared on Slovak TV in 1979. "Secret of the Hat" tells the story of Elzbieta Ross (Rossova), known as Elsa in the documentary, born in 1915 in Trencín, Czechoslovkia. Elzbieta, who was Jewish (though that is not mentioned in the documentary) became a communist and was expelled from medical school for her communist ties. She became a courier for the communist underground, carrying directives received from Prague in, among other hiding places, her hat. She was arrested on November 21, 1941, by the Ge...

  15. Hungarian-Italian Bank. Personnel Department (MOL Z 83)

    Contains selected records of the Hungarian Italian Bank, Personnel Department. Includes files relating to Jewish employees and implementation of Jewish law, bank statements, name list of employees, reports, correspondence of rural branches, and miscellaneous regulations.

  16. Joseph Haberer collection

    Group of correspondence written by family members and parents concerning attempts to emigrate from Germany. Joseph Haberer [donor] was sent on Kindertransport. Correspondence written primarily between Georgine Seckels and Berthold Haberer [donor's parents] in Germany and Jakob and Gitta Seckels [donor's maternal uncle and aunt] in California, concerning the Haberer's efforts to leave Germany; dated March 1939-September 1942; in German. Collection of photographic prints documenting members of the Haberer family and Joseph's experiences in England after his arrival via the Kindertransport. In...

  17. Teresienstadt collection (O64)

    Contains mainly the Zeev Shek collection and the Weiss collection.

  18. American Joint Distribution Committee in Poland

    Contains 2,445 Polish- and English-language files of the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) in Warsaw, including those of the Secretary’s Office and the Emigration, Individual Relief and Welfare, Tracing, Warehouses, Bookkeeping, Administration, and other departments or units. Contents reflect the AJDC’s main activities: rendering material assistance (e.g., food, medicine, clothing, tools) and funding organizations such as the Central Committee of Jews in Poland, the Bund, Zionist movements, youth associations, religious societies, and Hebrew schools.

  19. Dr. Friedrich Walter Forster collection

    The Dr. Friedrich Walter Forster collection consists of a photocopy of Forster’s German handwritten memoir of his Holocaust experiences, an English translation of the memoir, and a brief essay written by Forester's nephew Sandro Lane. The memoir describes Dr. Forester’s 1941 deportation from Vienna, Austria to Poland by the Gestapo. In Zakrzowek, Poland he continued his work as a physician before being deported to series of forced labor camps including Budzyn and Miękisz. He was sent to the Flossenbürg concentration camp in 1944. Towards the end of the war, he was sent from Flossenbürg to D...

  20. Judy Bamberger collection

    Collection consists of documents and correspondence concerning the Moos family and their efforts to flee Germany. Included are letters written by Hermann and Gertrud Jonas Moos in Lippstadt, Germany to their daughter [donor's mother] Hannelore, who was able to immigrate to San Francisco, California in 1938. Included in the correspondence are letters and envelopes sent from or through Portugal as well as correspondence from relatives in Kassel and Bielefeld, Germany. Hermann and Gertrud were deported from Lippstadt to Auschwitz via Theresienstadt; Hermann was possibly sent to Sachsenhausen c...