Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,421 to 11,440 of 58,933
  1. Bulgarians commemorate uprising

    A Bulgarian town commemorates the uprising of April 20, 1876, in which Bulgarian nationalist rebels mounted an insurrection against the ruling Ottoman Empire. Men in uniform march a flag into the town square, while rows of uniformed soldiers, a group of men wearing military decorations, and hundreds of civilians look on. Several flag bearers march from different directions toward the center of the square, and the painting of a rebel and the words '20 Apr. 1876,' which adorns the side of a building in the square, is decorated with greenery for the occasion. A group of men (veterans of the up...

  2. German invasion of Denmark

    German planes overhead as Germany invades Denmark. The narration says that in order to protect the neutrality of the Scandinavian countries German troops have been dispatched to Denmark and Norway. LS of a park in Copenhagen with hundreds of leaflets scattered on the ground. CU of a hand holding one of the leaflets. A German general and a Danish officer salute each other. Exterior view of the German embassy. Ambassador Renthe-Fink and General Nimmer smile while standing next to the embassy. Danish soldiers receive pistols and cigarettes from German soldiers. Civilians wave to German troops ...

  3. Marion Mahler photograph

    Photograph of Marion Mahler (later Marion de Jonge) in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1936 before her family immigrated to Palestine.

  4. Records of the regional headquarters of the Jewish Youth Organization "Hanoar Hazioni" (Fond 337, opis 1)

    The collection contains correspondence of the Jewish Youth Organization " Hanoar Hazioni” in Warsaw with the Zionist organizations in Poland and worldwide. Records relate to the activities of the branches of the organization throughout Eastern Galicia (arranged alphabetically by locality, Russian alphabet). Contains financial, membership records, including various lists of members, representatives, questionnaires, and lists of young Jews making "aliyah" to Palestine.

  5. Volkssturm defend the Eastern Front

    Map of the Eastern Front, indicating Warsaw, Breslau, Kattowitz, Litzmannstadt, and other locations. German refugees on horse-drawn carts with their belongings move West, fleeing the "Mongol storm." Shots of Soviet POWs. Civilians build barricades to defend against the Soviets. Refugees board trains to get away from the front. The woman getting on the train wears an armband bearing the insignia of the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV; National Socialist Peoples' Welfare organization). Members of the NSV provide food and other care to refugees arriving in Germany. NSV members (all ...

  6. Children play in a park in prewar Olomouc

    Hanna and Harriet (a cousin from her mother's family?) stands at the edge of Olomouc City Park, jumping off a small stump. A post sign appears at 01:48:54 but it is illegible (Terez Gate).

  7. Eiffel Tower and Paris street scenes, postwar

    Outtakes from the RKO feature film "Berlin Express," an anti-Nazi film about the search for a German emigrant turned US secret service who fights a conspiracy of Nazis in postwar Germany. This reel contains location shots in London and Paris. Paris. Pan up the Eiffel Tower. Views of the streets surrounding the Eiffel Tower, bicycle vendor, civilians on the grounds, a flower vendor, women with baby carriages, park. MS, tank in square. City street scenes with pedestrians, a bus filled with civilians passes by. Notre Dame, Seine riverside with fisherman, park benches, street traffic. More stre...

  8. Invasion of Yugoslavia

    R. 2 of 4 Volksdeutsch help German Pioniere (equivalent to the Army Corps of Engineers) lay boards to serve as a new bridge where one was destroyed. The civilians and the Pionere share water and food. A column of German soldiers passes a column of Serbian POWs walking in the opposite direction down the road. Good CUs of POWs, who gaze at the camera with hostile expressions. Among the POWs is a group of Serbian soldiers who wear black uniforms (perhaps officers). Shot of a crowd of POWs and German soldiers, including at least one officer. April 8, 1941: General von Weichs, Generaloberst of t...

  9. Hanna plays with a camera

    Hanna plays with the photo camera and lipstick case again.

  10. Baby grows up with Schur family in prewar Vienna

    In winter, mother pushes baby carriage and toddler walks alongside. Sequences of developing baby as she is bathed, stretched, plays on tummy, smiles, cries, sits in the grass, plays with a rattle. Some damage to image from 01:28:38 to 01:28:47. Baby sits in the grass. Peter on a toy car. 01:28:56 The entire family sits down for a portrait, the image is very dark and nearly indistinguishable.

  11. "Clandestinely: 1943-1945"

    Consists of one memoir, 6 pages, entitled "Clandestinely: 1943-1945," by Peter Cullman, originally of Berlin, Germany. In the memoir, he describes the difficulties in his parents' marriage, as his mother, Betty Simonstein, was Jewish and father, Albert Cullmann, was Christian. Though Betty tried to convert to Christianity, she was still subject to antisemitic persecution. In 1942, she obtained a forged working pass, and, posing as an Aryan, she was able to evacuate Berlin with her children in 1943 to the town of Domnau. In the fall of 1944, they were forced to flee multiple times to escape ...

  12. Family takes a walk and children play in prewar Poland

    It is winter, a group of older family members (including Benedikt's sister Nelly, who is Thomas's mother) are waiting outside the house in Jaremcze. The children are both walking. They all walk out of the house and down a pathway. Hanna is on the back porch with a croquet mallet, talking to Nelly in the window, playing around. Thomas joins her. They bang on the house a bit and walk around.

  13. Pre-war rare Jewish books from the Ivano-Frankivsk State Archive

    Consists of rare Jewish and Jewish themed books published in Eastern Europe before World War II. Most of the books are in Polish, with one exception being written in German. Authors included are: J. Delacroix, Leon Streit, Lazar Schachner, Dawny and Obecny, Wladyslaw Studnicki, Janusz Konrad Urbach, Dr. Josef S. Bloch, Dr. Majer Balaban, and a publication by the Inz. Mieczyszlaw Wojcicki.

  14. John W. Schafer collection

    Consists of eleven photographs taken of the Gusen concentration camp after liberation. The photographs depict survivors, the quarries, the crematoria, and the burial of victims. John William Schafer acquired the photographs while he was a member of the United States Army during World War II.

  15. Clip from the propaganda film about the 1934 Reich Party Day

    Shots of Hitler interspersed with shots of a nighttime rally. SA units holding torches march through the street.

  16. Duisburg Nazi Party members go to Nuremberg for Reichs Party Day

    Title: "Mit der Ortsgruppe Duisburg-Süd zum Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1935". Second title reads: "Schmalfilmaufnahmen von Hans Vosskamp" Nazi Party members from Duisburg-South go to Nuremberg for the 1935 Reichs Party Day. The men, dressed in uniform, gather on the platform in a train station (Duisburg?), in good spirits, conversing, purchasing refreshments from a vendor, smoking. 01:01:46 Brief shot of a cameraman. Men with packs march past the camera. View of the passing German countryside from the train window. Marching band parades in Fuerth, a few spectators line the streets. LS, buildi...

  17. Von Ribbentrop flies to Moscow

    Joachim von Ribbentrop leaves Tempelhof airport for Moscow with Soviet Ambassador Schwartzev (?). Von Ribbentrop arrives at the airport and is met by several men holding cameras. Von Ribbentrop greets Ambassador Schwartzev and other Soviet officials and both sides stand around smiling. Several men wearing civilian clothes accompany von Ribbentrop as he steps aboard a Focke-Wulf 200A-04 (D-ACVH) plane with "Grenzmark" written on the side. Shot of the plane taking off.

  18. Roundup of Jews and Poles after the invasion of Poland

    Shot of a group of civilian men arrested by the invading German troops. The narrator claims that they were involved in an atrocity against ethnic Germans in Bromberg [Bydgoszcz]. The soldiers search one of the men. Much-used shot of the man in a hat with his hands raised being marched across the street by German soldiers. A column of Polish prisoners under guard, including some Jews, walk along a road. The next shot shows Jews, some of them old men, being lined up against a wall. A group of religious Jews crowded into the open bed of a truck. The camera pans slowly along a line of religious...

  19. Project Second Wave records

    Contains transcripts of oral history interviews, completed questionnaires, and other related documents created and collected by Dr. Gerald Holton and Professor Gerhart Sonnert during "Project Second Wave," which documented the experiences of young refugees from Nazism who came to the United States and the lives and careers they built. Approximately 86 interviews were conducted for the project in 2003 and 2004.

  20. Pre-war Jewish newspapers from the Ivano-Frankivsk State Archive

    Consists of of Jewish newspapers published in Eastern Europe just before the beginning of World War II. Newspapers are in Yiddish and Polish. The collection contains the following titles: “Di Woch,” “Slowo,” “Selbstschutz,” “Unser Weg'”“Volksblat,” “Das Wort,” and “Di Najes.”.