Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,281 to 8,300 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Magda Herskowitz

  2. Memorial leaf for Patria victims

    One leaf, printed, with text in Hebrew, issued in the name of the "Mishmar Ha Yishuv," commemorating the victims of the sinking of the ship, S.S. Patria, in Haifa harbor, Palestine, on 25 November 1940. The ship was sunk by the explosion of a bomb, planted by members of the Haganah, who hoped to disable the ship so that it would not be able to transport over 1,000 refugees to a British-run internment camp in Mauritius. Instead, the explosion sank the ship, killing 267 passengers and injuring 172. This leaflet, issued as a memorial by the Haganah, in the name of the "Mishmar Ha Yishuv," reme...

  3. Samuel Kramer papers

    Consists of correspondence, memoranda, notes, photographs and similar materials collected by Samuel Kramer, an attorney who was legal counsel to Agudas Chasidei Chabad in Brooklyn, NY, and who worked closely with Rabbi S. Gourary and his father-in-law, the Lubavticher Rebbe Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, in attempts to secure visas for several dozen rabbis and students of the Tomchei Tmimim yeshiva, first so that they could leave Lithuania for Japan, and then from Japan onward, 1940-1941. The “Correspondence” series is the largest component of the collection, and consists primarily of letters fr...

  4. Barry Spanjaard papers

    The collection contains Holocaust survivor Barry Spanjaard’s manuscript "Those Unforgetable [sic] Years." The manuscript was written in 1946, but not published until 1981 as Don’t Fence Me In! An American Teenager in the Holocaust. It describes the Holocaust experiences of Barry, born in the United States, and his Dutch-born parents Alfred and Abigail Spannjard in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, including their deportations to the Westerbork transit camp, Amersfoort concentration camp, and the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; their release from Bergen-Belsen as part of a prisoner exchange in J...

  5. Oral history interview with Ilse G. (Gerty) Levy

  6. Propaganda Kompanie; Jewish quarter of Krakow

    PK 666 camera in Krakow and on the eastern front. PK 666 filmed in the Lublin ghetto. 02:44 Propagandakompanie armband. Target practice, camp Potsdam. 06:23 Poland "Kielce", winter. 08:25 Krakow: Jewish quarter. Tram "Not for Jews". Sign on Jewish shop. 11:48 Camera of the PK unit, Jewish quarter, Jews waiting in line, armbands, Polish police. 14:15 Narrow-gauge railway, "Zagnansk", at locomotive "Radom". 14:57 Landser with boats over river, "Skawina", civilians, ragged children. 18:35 Landser with portable fire launcher. 27:30 Beginning of the Russian campaign (1941), stage, village, motor...

  7. German soldiers forced to dig up mass graves at Terezin

    Czech newsreel footage of men digging into the dirt at Terezin. One with SS insignia on the back of his shirt. Men dig and shovel dirt into small wheelbarrows which other laborers wheel away. They continue to dig. At the bottom of the pits are decaying bodies (mass graves). The men use smaller tools to delicately unearth and exhume the bodies. Another worker has the SS insignia on his pant leg. Captured German soldiers forced to dig up the mass graves, under guard of the Czech army. They lift a body up on a stretcher. Other men move the body to rows of coffins. The process continues with ex...

  8. Cohn and Siebenberg families papers

    The collection documents the experiences of the Cohn family from Leipzig, Germany and the Siebenberg family of Offenbach am Main, Germany during the Holocaust. The collection includes biographical material of Heinrich and Klara Siebenberg and the Cohn family; immigration records of Erma and Georg Cohn and Georg’s brother Walter Cohn; wartime correspondence to Georg Cohn from his brothers Gerhard Werner and Walter; letters to Heinrich and Klara Siebenberg from Klara’s sister Ella Liepold, who was imprisoned in the Gurs concentration camp in France; restitution papers regarding Georg Cohn’s f...

  9. Oral history interview with Leo Weinrieb

  10. Selected Records of the County Starosty in Stopnica Starostwo Powiatowe w Stopnicy (Sygn. 735)

    Files concerning the looting of the property of Żabiec-Muchówka owned by Fiszel Abramowicz, and files relating to Jewish associations and election to the Senate, 1927-1938.

  11. Feder family photograph collection

    Photographic prints illustrating the experiences of Chaim and Luba Feder (donor's parents) in Chelm and Kowel, Poland before and during the second World War and in Lampertheim displaced persons camp in Germany after the war. Photographs include Chaim's first wife Esther and their two sons, Moniek (b. 1937) and Shimek (b. 1935), all of whom did not survive the Holocaust. Also included are images of Luba's immediate family in Chelm who also did not survive. Chaim and Luba who met during the war in Chelm, were married in 1944, and in 1946 moved to Lampertheim DP camp in Germany.

  12. Vakar family collection

    The Vakar family papers consist of correspondence, memoirs, manuscripts, news clippings, postcards, and other documents and materials related to the immigration of the Vakar family from France to the United States in 1940-1941, as well as the role of the American aid workers who helped them, Martha and Waitstill Sharp. Collection includes postcards and correspondence from the period of their immigration, later memoirs written by various members of the family recounting their experiences during their escape and their arrival in the United States, as well as news clippings and other material ...

  13. County Command of the State Police in Olkusz Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Olkuszu (Sygn. 1048)

    Reports and information from police informers relating to political, social and labor organizations. Includes police statistics, registers of crimes, and orders.

  14. Railway construction regiment in the Carpathian forest

    Construction, blasting. Last bridge built in Eastern Slovakia.

  15. Romanian troops in Czechoslovakia

    Romanian troops parade on the outskirts of the city of Humpolec. Man plays the cymbals next to a drummer. Local Czech children in traditional folk outfits walk through the streets in front of a marching band. 06:57 CU of two Romanian officers, one tips his hat. More soldiers in a field, they salute as officials walk by. One addresses the crowd from a platform with flags. They salute and march and the band plays. 08:00 glimpse of a cameraman. CU, official. Military parade, ceremony. Automobiles drive away.

  16. Carl Schurz Tour of American professors and students through Germany in summer 1934

    REEL 3. Arrival in Dresden, cathedral, Zwinger Palace with many classical sculptures. Boat on the Elbe. The train moves alongside the Saale River and enters Thuringia. The ruins of the Rudelsberg Castle on a hill. In Weimar, funeral wreaths with ribbons bearing swastikas at the base of the Goethe-Schiller monument with two bronze statues of the poets. The Schiller House. The students walk with a professor through the park in Weimar. The Nietzsche Archive with Nietzche’s sister on the steps to welcome the group of American students. They visit the Goethe House, where Goethe worked, lived and...

  17. Family home movies of Germany; election poster; boat ride

    1936-1938. Handwritten intertitles. “Der neue Mantel fuer….” Women exit clothing shop with a shopping bag. “Hoppegarten” Horses race around track. Woman with glasses with an umbrella. “beim Da X.” Women with still picture camera. Woman with fur looks on the water with binoculars. Women sit at table on a balcony, CUs. Garden walkway. Sailboats and rowers. Hitler Youth on waterfront. Group of three walks along path, eat. Slow motion of a young man hopping over a wheelbarrow. INT, CUs, man eating. INT, chocolate shop. Pet bird in a cage. Nazi soldier stands next to election poster of Adolf Hit...

  18. Wehrmacht basic training

    Wehrmacht soldiers, basic training. With title cards in German.

  19. Deportation of Dresden Jews to Hellerberg

    Text: "Zusammenlegung der letzten Juden in Dresden in das Lager am Hellerberg am 23./24. November 1942.""[Last Jews in Dresden into the camp at Hellerberg on 23/24 November 1942] Text: "Abholen des Gepäcks” [Pick up the luggage]. Street sign "Sporer-Gasse". House number 2, full garbage cans, windows with curtains 10:00:48 Entrance to the house, men in civilian clothes, Gestapo, furnishings are being loaded onto a truck, Jews with star of David carry the tables, chairs, bookshelves, sewing machines (a woman with an umbrella walks through the picture). 10:01:41 Suitcases with inscriptions loa...

  20. Russian Campaign

    Private films. Russian campaign. Luftwaffe, return from combat flight. Burning villages. Ruins. Winter in Russia