Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,261 to 8,280 of 58,959
  1. Military chaplains

    Narration. U.S. War Dept. Misc. 1170. Different houses of worship. People pray, sing. Ministers, priests and rabbis. American soldiers read the Bible. “Battles are won by military power, wars are won by spiritual power.” Military chaplains present communion wafers to soldiers kneeling. Army chaplain provides a group of soldiers with cigarettes, magazines, and letters. They smile and laugh. Chaplain writes and converses with soldiers. Sermon on a massive anti-aircraft weapon. Soldiers read bibles. A chaplain uses broadcasting technology to deliver sermons to men on the battlefront. Locals an...

  2. French Campaign

    Guards, Paris, jockeys, cabaret, women with hats

  3. British and Americans in Tunisia; Sinking of the French Fleet at Mers el Kebir; Return to the US

    War in North Africa, combat scenes, parade for Eisenhower, German and Italian prisoners of war

  4. Nazi officials at the Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung (color)

    AGFA 1940. Officials gather outside the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich for the Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung [Great German Art Exhibition] which took place from July 16 to October 15, 1939. 00:02:06 Otto Nippold, NSDAP Gauleiter in München-Oberbayern, smiling, before other officials in uniform. Gauleiter Adolf Wagner (in brown uniform at 00:02:16) gestures and speaks with other officials, woman in flowered dress and hat. Spectators gather for the occasion. Nippold walks on red carpet. 00:02:40 Nippold with NSKK-Obergruppenfuehrer Helmuth Oldenbourg (in brown uniform), Fuehrer of Motor...

  5. Trial of Rudolf Slánský Ministerstvo národní bezpečnosti (Ministry of National Security)

    Court proceedings, protocols, letters, photographs from the trial of Rudolf Slánský. On 20 November 1952, Rudolf Slánský, General Secretary of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ), and 13 other leading party members, 11 of them Jews, were accused of participating in a Trotskyite-Titoite-Zionist conspiracy and convicted: 11 including Slánský were hanged in Prague on December 3, 1952. The state prosecutor at the trial in Prague was Josef Urválek. Among the accused were two Israelis: Mordechai Oren sentenced to 15 years imprisonment and Mordechai Orenstein convicted to life sentence. Ac...

  6. Holiday in Austria

    fountain figure, woman sitting next to a steyr at Leopoldibrunnen, sailboats, mountains, couple at car, women on p[orch laughing, bus travelling through mountains, street scenes, church with painted tower, Lake Starnberg

  7. Berlin

    Berlin 1930s. Hitler Youth Camp (also cataloged as M 1017) Söderbaum, Raddatz in Pomerania (also cataloged as M 1016). 01:15:37 - 01:23:50 Berlin 1941, Berlin Neukölln 01:24:26 - 01:33:28 Strandbad Wannsee, Berlin Mitte

  8. Reception; presentation of key to Mackensen

    Rome? Reception in a garden, General Flieger, Albert Kesselring with wife? Goering in uniform sips from an espresso cup. People stand around drinking at this small gathering. Four women sit at a table, including Emmy Goering. 10:48:55 In Germany, Göring speaks in front of a man standing on the stairs, while everyone around him watches. Goering holds a speech for General August von Mackensen. Presentation of a document and key, probably on 22 October 1935. On this day Mackensen received the Prussian domain of Brüssow in the district of Prenzlau by order of Adolf Hitler as an endowment. This ...

  9. William Rocha photograph collection

    Contains a photograph of William Rocha (donor's grandfather) with the U.S. Army 285th Battalion, seated on top of stone monument in the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany following liberation; also includes two copy prints (one a portrait) of William Rocha while in service.

  10. Russian campaign; entertainers

    Russian campaign. Luftwaffe airplanes. Heavy bombs. Flowers and congratulations after combat mission. Scenes in the Cockpit. Tanks. Zaporizhia. Troop entertainment for US forces

  11. County Command of the State Police in Opatów Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Opatowie (Sygn. 1186)

    Reports and information from police informers relating to political, social and labor organizations, correspondence and various records related to Communist activities among Jews in Opatów.

  12. Greta and Fred Burg papers

    The collection documents the experiences of Manfred (Fred) and Greta (née Neumann) Burg, both originally from Vienna, Austria, who separately fled Europe to Sosúa, Dominican Republic during World War II. The collection includes letters to Fred in England and Sosúa from his family in Vienna and Lwów, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine); two immigration documents regarding Fred’s attempts to bring his mother and brother to Sosúa; Greta’s birth certificate and naturalization certificate; and photographs of the Burg and Neumann families, including depictions of family life in the Dominican Republic.

  13. Labor Service

    With Geman titles (and French translations). Scenes from the Arbeitsdienst des Stahlhelms [Labor Service of the Steel helmets]. "Bund der Frontsoldaten" [Front Soldiers Association]

  14. Morris and Hanna Fall collection

    Documents, photographs, and correspondence illustrating the Fajwlewicz [Fall] family in Łódź and Kalisz, Poland, later in Russia and Kyrgyzstan, then postwar in Germany.

  15. Circular patch with a yellow Star of David worn by a Jewish Romanian woman

    Handmade, Star of David patch on a black background that belonged to Pincu Kaiserman’s sister, likely Rosa, in Romania, sometime between September 10, 1941 and 1943. In September 1940, Romania fell under the rule of a radical military coalition led by General Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a fascist, anti-Semitic military group of Nazi collaborators. In November, Romania joined the Axis Alliance and began passing many anti-Semitic laws similar to Germany’s Nuremberg Laws. On June 26, 1941, Romanian authorities accused members of the Iași Jewish community, where the Kaiserman family lived, o...

  16. Lloyd Harvey photograph collection

    The collection contains 15 photographs of Mauthausen concentration camp soon after liberation in 1945; United States Army soldiers; Lloyd Harvey in uniform; and Spittal an der Drau, Austria. There is also a letter dated June 6, 1945 from Lloyd to his mother Irene Harvey in Palacios, Texas describing his experience at Mauthausen.

  17. Deutsches Gericht Żyrardόw Sąd Niemiecki w Żyrardowie (Sygn.1662)

    Selected records of the German Court (Deutsches Gericht) Żyrardόw, related to criminal and civil cases during the German occupation of that region of Poland during World War II. The records include penal warrants, warrants of payments, as well as letters from criminal and civil cases. Most of the cases refer to: common offenses (theft, plunder), and "crimes” or offenses against German ordinances, as well as divorces, and financial claims (please note the cases on behalf of the pre-war companies by German trustees (Treuhänders). In the case of the Poles there cases referred to: crossing the ...

  18. Donald Q. Coster collection

    The collection contains two scrapbooks documenting the wartime experiences of Col. Donald Q. Coster, who served as an ambulance driver with the American Field Service in France in 1940, served with the Navy in North Africa, 1941-1945, and the Office of Strategic Service (O.S.S.) in Belgium in 1945. The first scrapbook documents his capture and eventual release by the German army near Amiens, France in 1940. Included are photographs, newspaper clippings, letters and telegrams, and other ephemera. The second scrapbook documents Coster's experiences in North Africa and the European theater, 19...

  19. Deutscher Ski Verein pin

    Pin issued for the SA and SS Ski Championship held in Berchtesgaden, Germany, on February 7-12, 1934, by the Deutscher Ski Verein (DSV/ German Ski Association].

  20. Poster satirizing world leaders

    1 poster "150 Heads of Worldwide Politics"