Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,161 to 8,180 of 58,959
  1. Skiing

    A large group is gathered outdoors in winter to watch skiers; a horse pulls several people on a sleigh, including Sonja de Kadt; close-up of Willie in her stroller and on a rocking horse

  2. Carl Schurz Tour of American professors and students through Germany in summer 1934

    REEL 1. Portrait bust of Carl Schurz. Title: “The Vereinigung CARL SCHURZ Berlin presents GERMANY 1934. Directed by O.V. Bothmer, Photographed by Erich Menzel, Music by Walter Winnig, Sound by Erich Dolle, Recorded on Klangfilm apparatus Afifa Sound Print Material Agfa.” UFA Rolling title: “This film is a pictorial record of the ‘Carl Schurz Tour’ of American professors and students, representing 26 American universities and other institutions, through Germany in the summer of 1934. With the object of furthering the friendly relations between America and Germany on the basis of mutual under...

  3. The Frank family celebrates Christmas; children ski; baby

    At home in Schoberhof, the Franks and their nanny exit the doorway of the vacation home. Norman gives the family dog a treat. Nanny with baby. Norman sits near a stack of chairs and furniture. A man takes a picture of Brigitte with baby Niklas (or Michael?), then shows Norman how the camera works. Mother wraps presents; CUs Norman. CUs, toy train. Hans and Brigitte sit together as Brigitte bounces the baby on her knee. A boy lights the candles on the Christmas tree. The family with five children sit for a portrait photo (with a spotlight flash). CU of a record player. Man (father of Hans Fr...

  4. Russian Campaign, private films

    heavy industry, construction, railways, industrial plants, large production hall, horse cart, ferry, airfield, shooting from a flying plane

  5. Norway 1940/1941

  6. Images of Rabenstein/Chemnitz Building of an air-raid shelter

    Glove factory AFIRA, children in uniform, sanitary unit, exercising BDM (League of German Girls), Jungvolk, everyday life, manufacturing of gloves (color film)

  7. Charles Schwager collection

    Contains letters, envelopes, speeches, clippings, blank letterhead, and assorted attached documents and print materials received by Charles Schwager of New York, in response to letters he wrote to various United States Senators and Representatives, ambassadors, committees, and organizations he was actively involved with; bulk dated 1930s-1940s.

  8. Wehrmacht; Reich harvest festival

    Wehrmacht on parade in Heidenheim. 10:01:58 Reich harvest festival Bückeberg near Hameln

  9. "Tom" letter about tour of Germany

    Consists of a photocopy of a letter written by an American soldier named Tom, a member of the 7th Army, on May 5, 1945. In the letter, he describes a trip to Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Munich, and to the Dachau concentration camp, where he saw the Dachau death train and witnessed the visit of American congressmen to the camp.

  10. Voyage on the Danube River from Vienna to Budapest (partly in color)

    Danube River, married couple, ship, swimming pool on Margaret Island, lawn, people in the pool, wave pool, man in one-piece swimsuit, flowers, rowboat

  11. German family in city, riverboat tour

    1938-1939. Color - Young boy plays ball. Family walks along path in the woods. They smile and play. B/W- the women perform for the camera. Men run and jump over a string tied between two trees. Color - The family walks around the city and enter their apartment. Street scenes. Building under construction. B/W - EXT, boy sits in a motorcycle sidecar on the street with the apartment. A woman takes his place and they take off. Boy waves at the camera. Color - Family boards a boat and sails, Nazi flag at the back of the boat. “BISMARCKWARTE.” They arrive at “Marienlust. Besitzer Paul Pozin” port...

  12. Nasielski family correspondence

    Contains 12 postcards sent by various members of the Nasielski family, from the Łódź ghetto, during the German occupation of Poland during World War II. The postcards were all addressed to Dudek Nasielski, who was living in Tashkent, in Soviet Central Asia. Those who wrote to him included his parents, his sisters Ruta, Fela, his brother Scholek, and his sister and brother-in-law, Tusia and Joszef Luft. In the correspondence, various family members ask after his health and well-being, report on the illness of their mother, and that they are unable to work at that time. There are also sever...

  13. Baby Wilhelmina

    Dark and grainy, Willie looks at the camera from her crib, and crawls on the floor of her room

  14. German soldiers in Germany

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. "Mit dem Stab der 257. Inf. Div. im Krieg (schwarzweiss film)” “Tankabwehr an der Strasse Einod-Gersheim nordl. Von Webenheim” Trucks driving. A tank is buried into the side of a hill. “Offene Feuerstellung einer 10 cm Kanonenbatterie Nordausgang Herbitzheim.” A cannon at the base of a tree in a field. “Auf der landstrasse im Bliestal.” A soldier gets into a car on the road. “Gesprengte Eisenbahnbrucke bei Breitfurt.” A soldier walks ac...

  15. Remembrance ceremonies for Heydrich in Prague, Brno, Plzen, and Tabor

    Official Czech newsreel folowing the assassination of Heydrich. The Czech government proclaims their loyalty to the Germans in a remembrance ceremony. “Cesky ZVUKOVÝ TÝDENÍK” “Prag-Praha” “KTULIA AKTUALITÀ” Church of Our Lady Before Tyn in Prague - a mass demonstration in Old Town Square on June 2, 1942. Stage with Czech coat of arms. Crowd. Astronomical Clock Tower. People stand and sit on the Jan Hus Memorial. The square is packed. German officials walk towards the grandstand. Around 60,000 people have gathered in the square (the German minority in Prague was significant). Aerial view. Dr...

  16. Erich Manfred Hassberg collection

    Contains a "Deutsches Reich Reisepass" issued to Erich Manfred Hassberg (donor's father) on September 17, 1938 in Vienna, Austria; black and white photo of bearer affixed on page 2, red ink "J" stamped on first page; slip of paper regarding baggage inserted between pages 22-23. Also contains a document confirming that Erich Hassberg completed a bookkeeping course in Vienna, Austria, dated May 11, 1938; and a typewritten letter, in English, addressed to Gertrud Hassberg (donor's grandmother), from "Fred" in Prague, dated August 5, 1945.

  17. stamped envelope

    Stamped envelope sent to inmate Ernst Otto Weisz at Camp "N", Ottowa, Canada. The return address is in Montevideo Uruguay and includes a 5 centesimos stamp. The envelope is postmarked 29 April 1943.

  18. German soldiers and young women in occupied Paris

    Queues in front of stores, Paris, street views, villa

  19. Lidia Gelband Eichenholz collection

    Collection of documents, photographs, and notebooks documenting the experiences of Holocaust survivor Lidia Gelband. Collection includes her student notebooks and portfolio from UNRRA University in Munich, post-war identification papers and cards, medical diploma, documents and reports from the International Refugee Organization in Munich, and photographs of Dr. Lidia Gelband Eichenholz giving a talk at Carleton College.

  20. Bund Deutscher Mädel album (Rosenthal, Germany)

    Album, with title page of "Landjahrlager Rosenthal, 1941," and a photograph of an unidentified younog woman. The contents include handwritten texts with the following headings: "Worte für die Fahne," containing quotations from a variety of sources, including Hitler, Nietzsche, Himmler, Hölderlin, Frederick the Great, and Tolstoy, among others, and unattributed verses, "Der 9. November 1923," containing narrative texts and verses about the attempted coup by Nazis in Munich in 1923; and a variety of essays on other themes. The latter part of the book includes a mimeographed about race and gen...