Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,101 to 7,120 of 58,959
  1. Records of Jewish communities and institutions in Paraguay Paraguay-Legajos de Comunidades e Instituciones Judías

    Records from the Jewish community in Asunción and several Jewish institutions in Paraguay, including the "Sociedad Templo Israelita Latino del Paraguay," "Unión de Israelitas pro Socorro Mutuo," "Unión Hebraica del Paraguay," "WIZO," and others. Features board minutes, protocols, statutes, correspondence and reports, account ledgers, newspaper clippings, commemoration records, publications and articles, photographs, questionnaires and lists, and other documents.

  2. American propaganda leaflets

    Two American propaganda leaflets in Hungarian warning Hungarian people that the perpetrators of the Holocaust will be brought to justice. The first leaflet is titled “Te Is Mosod Kezeidet?” [“Will you, too, wash your hands of this?!”] and is illustrated with a pair of hairy hands washing-up in a bowl. On the reverse is an image of blind justice and a quote from President Roosevelt. The second is illustrated with a uniformed man carrying a gun in a doorway and asks “Kellett Ez Nektek?” [“Did you Need this?”].

  3. Budget for Bonds/Save Systematically to Win the War WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "Sacrifice & Save/Destroy Dictators by Buying Bonds" on one side; "Budget for Bonds/Save Systematically to Win the War" on other side.

  4. "Claim 201171"

    Contains a manuscript written by Dalia Bogler Frieder regarding her experiences attempting to get reparations for her wartime experiences.

  5. Yitzchak Singer papers

    Contains correspondence of Va'ad Ha'Hatzala for a visa to the United States for Yitzchak Singer, a Holocaust survivor and yeshiva student who was found in Bergen-Belsen. Among the documents is a letter signed by Rosalie Stive of the immgiration department of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee; and letters from rabbis in the United States to immigration authorities about accepting the boy to the yeshiva with a full scholarship, signed by Rabbi Yosef Shevlowitz and Rabbi Yosef Baumel. After many efforts, Yitzchak immigrated to Israel.

  6. Bini Noam collection

    Collection of photos of donor's parents in Uzbekistan, including their wedding photos, and photographs of the family in Linz, Austria after the war with the donor's older sister.

  7. William Schneider collection

    Immediate postwar photographs of the removal of corpses and reburial in mass grave at Dora-Mittelbau.

  8. Erwin Schwager collection

    Original negatives taken by Erwin Schwager (donor's father). Collection consists of 2,297 Leica photographic 35 millimeter and larger negatives primarily taken from 1932-1938, prior to Erwin's immigration to the United States. Some rolls document life around Munich, Czechoslovakia and Italy. Other rolls were shot while traveling throughout other countries in Europe and the Middle East. In October 1938, Erwin immigrated to the United States. His parents Leopold and Sabine were deported from Munich to either Riga or the 9th Fort.

  9. Selected records of Dr Stefan Uhma related to history of Polish Red Cross Zbiór dr Stefana Uhmy dotyczacy historii PCK (Sygn.762)

    Records of the Polish Red Cross (PCK) districts of Kraków, Kielce, Lublin, Łódź, Pomorskie, Rzeszów, Śląsko-Dąbrowskie, Wielkopolska, and branches in Skierniewice and Łowicz including documents relating to organizational structure, regulations, extracts from protocols, and correspondence. Also included are accounts and materials of various persons regarding the financing, organization and activity of PCK; copies of German court judgments in cases against Poles; assistance for civilians during the war and occupation of 1939-1945, assistance for persons in Montelupi prison in Kraków, assistan...

  10. Selected records from Klaipeda Regional State Archives in Lithuania related to expropriation of private property in Klaipeda County by Soviet authorities after WWII

    Minutes and decisions of the Agricultural Committees regarding the expropriation of the private property (farms, shops, small business etc.) in the Klaipeda County by the Soviet authorities during and after World War II.

  11. Lutz travels with others on a train

    Unknown date. Carl Lutz and a woman sit in a train car. Another woman travels with them. CU, Mother Lutz with the woman. Man with a mustache. Carl and two women look out the window at the passing landscape, pointing at things. Carl puts his arm around his mother. They gesture out the window. Off the train, there are various close shots of the different woman smiling. The mustached man. CU, elderly woman. Carl. He tips his hat several times. They pose in front of a monument with lots of domes. Carl with the elderly woman. He gestures behind him. Group shot. They wear hats and fur coats, and ...

  12. Central Economic Office : aryanization card file Ústredný hospodársky úrad : karty arizátorov

    Aryanization card file of expropriated Jewish properties in Slovakia, arranged alphabetically by name of the non-Jewish Aryanizer (arizátor). Also lists the name(s) of the Jewish owners (maj. žid. podu.) as well as the type of property (druh živnosti) and its location (sidlo živnosti), among other data.

  13. Selected records from the State Regional Archives in Burgas related to the history of the Jewish community of Burgas

    Registration records and correspondence of the Jewish-owned commercial companies from the Burgas Regional Court, and records of the branch of the Bulgarian People's bank in Karnobat pertaining to the application of the discriminatory "Law for the Defense of the Nation", Article 26 that restricted personal or capital participation of Jews in the economic activities in Bulgaria during WWII.

  14. Visiting America: World's Fair in Chicago; Washington, DC memorials; New York City

    Seven films by Carl Lutz of the 1934 World's Fair in Chicago, St. Louis, Washington, DC, and New York City: Nr. 297 Amerika (Film Nr. 8) [1934] (10:40) Nr. 298 Chicago Weltausstellung (Film Nr. 3) [1934] (12:00) Nr. 299 Eine Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten - Carl Lutz (Film Nr. 24) [ca. 1930] (13:21) Nr, 300 Reise nach Amerika IV (Film Nr. 25) [1933] (04:49) Nr. 301 St. Louis - Schweiz (Film Nr. 2) [ca. 1933-1934] (15:08) Nr. 302 Besuch im St. Louis Zoo (Film Nr. 1) [ca. 1933-1934] (10:37) Nr. 304 Washington - Schweiz (Film Nr. 23) [1920s-1930s] (09:22) Detailed Descriptions: Nr. 297 Ame...

  15. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Danish Internal Political Condition (Group 120 D 28c-49c)

    Records of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs relating to the German action against the Jews, case files of Jews who were persecuted, including some who were deported, some who escaped to Sweden, and others referring to Jewish property. Included are lists of arrested Jews, records on the Nazi movement, and the placement of Jewish children from Denmark in Palestine. Consists also records of the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs relating to support of emigrants, and publications relating to Freemasonry, Nazi oppressions, and Danish resistant.

  16. Photographic print of Chaim Simcha Mechlowitz

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613486
    • English
    • overall: Height: 13.940 inches (35.408 cm) | Width: 10.940 inches (27.788 cm) pictorial area: Height: 13.500 inches (34.29 cm) | Width: 8.940 inches (22.708 cm)

    Gelatin silver print, portrait of Chaim Simcha Mechlowitz, a farmer and tanner, Vysni Apsa, Carpathian Ruthenia, ca. 1935-38.

  17. Mathilde Möller Bing collection

    Collection of documents and correspondence relating to Dr. Mathilde Möller Bing, who survived in Switzerland during WWII.

  18. Polish Military Mission to the Allied Council of Control in Berlin. Consular Section Polska Misja Wojskowa przy Radzie Sojuszniczej w Berlinie. Wydział Konsularny (Sygn.190)

    Reports on missions activities in individual German occupation zones, concerning the Haupttreuhandstelle Ost, HTO (Main Trustee Office for the East), lists of assets confiscated by HTO in Poland, lists of losses incurred by Poland during the war, war damages refunds, questionnaires, German compensation, child care and invalidity. The vast majority of documents concern war claims and property revendication.

  19. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Hamburg Konsulat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Hamburgu (Sygn.476)

    Reports, agreements, instructions, statistics, and other materials related to the condition, legal status and emigration of national minorities in Germany, including Poles and Polish Jews who were residing in Germany.