Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,741 to 6,760 of 58,959
  1. Bergen-Belsen photographs

    The Bergen-Belsen photographs consists of ten photographs depicting the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after liberation in 1945. The collection includes images of the burial of victims in mass graves and the burning of the barracks in the concentration camp. The identity of the photographs is unknown.

  2. Selected records from the Archivio di Stato di Lecce

    Records concerning the discrimination and persecution of foreign and Italian Jews in Italy in the community of Lecce. The archive contains relevant documents within the Prefettura and Questura, e.g. concerning the census of Jews, 1938-1942 and the Displaced Persons camp in Santa Maria al Bagno, 1943-1947.

  3. Block of stamps

    Block of stamps, “Keep America / Out of War” above field of crosses with “War Crushes / Democracy” at bottom

  4. Lore and Simon Rosen family papers

    Identification documents, military records, immigration documents, postcards, and photographs documenting the Holocaust-era experiences of Lore (née Baron) and Simon Rosen, both of whom survived in England. Documents include is Lore’s 1939 Kindertransport identification card, British Army pay books and Soldier’s Release Books, Simon’s British passport, documents related to the Rosen’s immigration to Canada from Israel in 1954, and a copy of Simon’s relative Edna Rosine’s immigration paperwork to Liverpool, England in 1918. Also included are postcards of Malemort-sur-Corrèze, France, where L...

  5. Reich Commissioner for the Reunification of Austria with the German Reich : Correspondence-Josef Bürckel Reichskomissar für Wiedervereinigung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich : Korrespondenzen-Josef Bürckel (Sign. AT-OeStA/AdR ZNsZ RK)

    Correspondence of Reichskommissar für die Wiedervereiningung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich 'Reich Commissioner for Reunification of Austria with the German Reich' (Josef Bürckel (1895-1944)) with authorities and individuals regarding aryanization and expropriation of Jewish property and assets, racial laws, police, cultural matters, finances, propaganda and media.

  6. Rosel Benedikt Neuburg collection

    Cookbook primarily written by Rosel (Ruzena) Benedikt Neuburg (Neuburgova) with other pages inserted most likely written by her mother Elise Rindskopf Benedikt. Inscribed and sent by Rosel to her daughter Elisabeth “Liesel” Amalie Margaret Neuburg in April 1942. In 1938, Elisabeth had been sent by her mother from their home in Vienna, Austria to England, and she remained in London throughout the war. Rosel was deported to an unknown camp from Theresienstadt on May 25, 1942 and did not survive the Holocaust. Includes photographs of Rosel Neuburg and her children Elisabeth and Franz, whose fa...

  7. Barban family papers

    Consists of Reisepass passports issued to Andreas, Heinrich, and Olga (née Margulies) Barban of Leipzig, Germany prior to their immigration to Shanghai. Also included is the Reisepass of Bronislawa (Betty) Berljawsky, later Barban, formerly of Vienna, Austria. Original notes found within the passports of Heinrich and Olga discouraging the inclusion of the names "Israel" and "Sara" in future identity documents are also evident.

  8. Ship passengers depart New York for Europe, 1930

    Port. “HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE,” “UNITED AMERICAN LINES,” “COSULICH LINE.” Harbor, smoke stacks. Large passenger ship. New York skyline from the Hudson River, including the Empire State Building, Queensboro Bridge, etc. Statue of Liberty. Steam blows out of one of the ship’s funnels. A man hugs two women on deck. Other passengers relax on lounge chairs. A smaller boat in the water. “CLEVELAND” on the bow of a different ship. Luggage hoisted from a lower deck. Aerial views of passengers on the top deck, waving goodbye. Italian flag. Steamliner cruises through the water, smoke rises out. Flag w...

  9. Rose Goldberg Zarembski papers

    Consists of correspondence written by Rose (Rochel) Goldberg, later Zarembski, to family members in the United States. The letters were authored while Rose was living in a displaced persons camp in Straubing, Germany. Rose was a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto, Majdanek, and other camps. Also included are newspapers clippings listing Rose as a Holocaust survivor looking for relatives after the war.

  10. Needlepoint

    Needlepoint stitched by donor's grandmother Eszter and aunt Ilona, which was discovered by donor's father Bela Ingber, when he returned to Munkacz after WWII.

  11. Colection of Rabbi Aaron Barend N. Davids (Aaron Barend) Collectie Rabbijn Aaron Barend N. Davids (P-122)

    Private documents, correspondence, announcements, articles, sermons, speeches, and lectures of Rabbi A.B.N. Davids (Aaron Barend). Included also are notices, separate numbers of some Jewish periodicals, as well as newspaper clippings and some brochures with scientific dissertations about Dr. D. Feuchtwang, a chief rabbi of Vienna, 1897-1957, a publication the "In Memoriam for the chief Rabbi A. Ascher Ezn", as well as a bereavement of A.B.N. Davids, a commemorative book on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Groningen synagogue, 1931, documents received from the University Library i...

  12. Card files of the Jewish population of Gliwice Kartoteka ludności żydowskiej Gliwic (Sygn. 112)

    This collection is a part of a larger group of files of the Jewish kehilla (congregation) in Gliwice. The purpose of creating these cards is unknown.The cards contain such data as: name, surname, place and date of birth, profession, citizenship, residence addresses and dates. Note: Digitized cards are availabe online: [accessed 25 September 2018]

  13. Gombosi family papers

    The Gombosi family papers consist of biographical material, correspondence, and photographs relating to János, Magda, and Eva Gombosi’s experiences during the war. The collection includes an identity card from the Allied Expeditionary Force, a medical card, and a Läkarkort (doctor’s brief) for Magda, a post-war letter detailing what happened to János during war, and a handwritten contract handing guardianship of Eva to her grandfather, Lajos, if her parents did not return. The collection also includes correspondence from János, Magda, and Eva, and notes with postal information for János’ fo...

  14. War-time and post WW II trial records of soldiers and civilians, accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity during WW II

    Selected trials of members of the Gestapo and the SD, soldiers, people who collaborated with Germans, high-ranking members of the French armed forces, and civilians accused of war crimes against humanity during WWII. The trials took place at the Military Tribunals in several places, e.g. Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Metz, Paris,Tunis, and others, and consider following subjects: Camps, Criminales de Guerre (Individuals tried for war crimes); Gestap-SD; Massacres. The trials did not necessarily took place in the geographical region where the crimes were committed. On the contrary, the trials a...

  15. Police Headquarters Munich Polizeidirektion München

    Case files of miscellaneous police matters and criminal investigations. includes numerous cases concerning the persecution, expulsion and registration of Jews during the Nazi period as well as relevant post-war cases, such as de-Nazification proceedings, police investigations of reported Nazi crimes, and investigations of neo-Nazi activities. Relevant examples include: police matters concerning Jews seeking to emigrate during the 1930s, including the issuance, renewal and confiscation of passports (examples: electronic folder 002, reel 02MUA 2000000142, file 11474; file 11478, and file 1147...

  16. Der Stadthauptmann der Stadt Krakau Starosta miasta Krakowa (Sygn. 33)

    Selected files of the „Der Stadthauptmann der Stadt Krakau” (Starosta Miasta krakowa; City Governor in Kraków), consist of various records like: resolutions and circular letters of the Chief offices of the Kraków district and the government of GG, circular letters of the Starosta of City of Kraków, correspondence, resolutions and announcements of the City Governor in Kraków, including the ones published in the Kraków press and on posters („Amtliche Veröffentlichungen durch Presse und Plakatierung”), police registration cards of Poles and Jews containing many detailed personal data, various ...

  17. Judenrat in Kowno Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Kowno (Sygn. 260)

    Records of the Judenrat in Kaunas (Vilijampolė), Lithuania. Consists of documents of Efroimas Ošri: ausweis (an identity card), a labor card from the Kaunas concentration camp, March 1-May 2, 1944, and a certificate of employment.

  18. Karl Otto Herz memoir

    Contains an unpublished manuscript entitled "Auschwitz: ein Tatsachenroman" by Karl Otto Herz (typescript; approximately 500 unnumbered pages; forward dated 31 December 1945 in Linz). Given to the family of Walter Vogel (donor's husband), probably by the author.

  19. Melania Weissenberg photographs

    Collection of photographic prints including vintage and contemporary photos and copy prints relating to Molly Applebaum and her rescuers, Wiktor and Emilia Kulaga, who were recognized as Righteous Among the Nations.

  20. Institut d'etude des questions juives (GR 28 P 15)

    Contains records documenting the conception and construction of the famous 1941-1942 exhibition at the Palais Berlitz, "Le Juif et la France," including media coverage and the speech given by the IEQJ’s Secretary General Paul Sézille; documentation produced by the IEQJ; studies of Jewish influence in various domains and professions; records documenting the activities of the IEQJ; in-coming and out-going mail; denunciations of Jewish business owners and employees, and offers to buy their confiscated belongings; foreign press; and publicity.