Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,721 to 6,740 of 58,959
  1. Collection of Rafael Gerstenfel Collectie Rafael Gerstenfel (P-122)

    Personal papers of Dr. Rafael Gerstenfeld relating to his activities in social work in the Netherlands. Includes minutes, reports, correspondence of the Joods Maatschappelijk Werk, JMW (Foundation of the Jewish Social Work), letters and applications for assistance (alphabetical order), various announcements, bulletins and correspondence (alphabetical order), and financial documents of the Verbond van Midden- en Oost-Europese Joden in Nederland (Federation of Central and Eastern European Jews in the Netherlands), other materials: List of people who received assistance, various documents rela...

  2. Gerta Solan collection

    Collection of approximately 27 family photographs documenting Gerta Solan with her parents, grandparents, family and friends before and after WWII in and around Prague.

  3. Stanisław Kot collection Archiwum Stanisława Kota

    Papers of Stanisław Kot, a Polish historian and politician. The collection includes: official and private correspondence addressed to Stanisław Kot, records on the political, military, economic and social conditions of Polish citizens in Poland during the Nazi occupation, on Polish citizens in exile in the United Kingdom, France, Romania and Hungary, including the USSR (eastern territories of the Second Polish Republic), files related to the organization and operation of the Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile, Polish diplomatic missions and other Polish institutions operating on ...

  4. Gilgil detention camp photos

    Collection of photographs from Gilgil Detention Camp, Kenya, dated 1947-1948. Includes photographs of members of the Etzel (or Irgun) and Lehi organizations while they were detained in Gilgil, Kenya. Images depict theater shows, the synagogue in the camp, a football team, raising the flag of Israel in a sports court, dormitories, detainees near an aircraft upon their return to the country, and more. Some photographs bear ink stamps on verso.

  5. Cecilia Horink papers

    Personal collection of correspondence mainly postcards and other documents sent from Poland during WWII to the family in Argentina.

  6. Ernst Reis letter

    Contains an antisemitic letter, with envelope, addressed to William Ries in Pittsburgh, PA from his cousin Ernst Ries in Köln, Germany; dated January 6, 1936, In the letter, Ernst writes about how things are "looking up" for Germany thanks to the Führer and the "cleansing" of the population of Jews.

  7. Samuel Sobel collection

    Collection of cigarette cards of Nazi propaganda, produced and sold in cigarette packages and then collected to be placed in pre-printed albums. Cards are a variety of Nazi propagandistic imagery such as peaceful Nazi party rallies, construction of infrastructure [building new roads, farming] done in Germany titled on reverse “The State of Work and Peace”, military imagery and troops titled on reverse “Fight for the Third Reich”, images of German actors and directors, and receipt to retrieve cards.

  8. Nuremberg Trials photographs

    Consists of 12 photographs depicting the International Military Tribunal courtroom in Nuremberg, Germany. Several images depict defendants, including Hermann Goering and Rudolf Hess.

  9. Hans and Ethel get married in Philadelphia, 1929

    Open outdoor area. Car with license plate “D617” pulls up and parks. Hans Wolfgang Lindemann and Ethe McGloclin smile and kiss. CUs, Ethel sitting on a concrete planter with bare trees behind her. She smiles as her beau joins. They kiss again. In Philadelphia city, “RITTENHOUSE,” the couple wed in 1929. The newlyweds consult with their wedding party - men have flowers on their suit jacket lapels, and women hold bouquets and wear cloche hats. They meet with the priest, everyone shakes hands, the women joyously throw rice. The couple is getting married. They kiss once again. More hand-shaking...

  10. Pin

    Pin, “American First / Home Mission Board” with central image of map of United States; from “T. Theo. Lovelace / 4834 Vincennes Ave. / Chicago”

  11. The Palestine Post clipping

    Newspaper: Front page from extra edition of The Palestine Post dated May 7, 1945 with banner headline "ALL GERMANS SURRENDER: Doenitz Announces Unconditional Capitulation."

  12. Hauptreuhandstelle Ost. Treuhandstelle Danzig-Westpreussen Selected records of the Main Trustee Office for the East, Trustee Office for Gdańsk-West Prussia Główny Urząd Powierniczy Wschód Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie (Sygn. 264)

    Selected records of the Hauptreuhandstelle Ost. Treuhandstelle Danzig-Westpreussen (Główny Urząd Powierniczy Wschód Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie) include provisions regarding the rules of taking over Polish and Jewish property on the territory Gdańsk Pomerania. Included are regulations concerning the Polish State, Polish real estate, agricultural land, organizational, administrative and economic matters, financial economy, tasks of commissarial administrators and national politics, treatment of Poles and Jews in the Free City of Gdańsk; it also contains correspondence regarding matters of Polish ...

  13. Selected criminal cases of the Jewish residents of the Lviv region and Jewish refugees from Eastern and Central Europe arrested by the Soviet Security Services of USSR (NKVD) [Fond R-3258]

    This collection contains investigative records (interrogations, verdicts, court hearings, appeals, personal documentation of defendants etc) related to the arrest, interrogation, and subsequent trials of Jews, residents of the Lviv region arrested by the Soviet Security Services (NKVD) after the occupation and annexation of Eastern Poland (present day Western Ukraine) and accused for the Zionist, religious, and political activities as well as for belonging to the category of people who were considered by the Soviet authorities to be "dangerous to the Soviet society." In addition, this colle...

  14. Jewish Congregations in Pitești and Botoşani, Romania collection

    Contains about 730 documents, letters and other paper items, handwritten and printed, concerning Jewish congregations in the towns of Pitești and Botoşani. Pitești, Botoşani and Bucharest, dated 1910s to 1940s (most are from 1920s-30s). The collection includes some 650 items from Pitești, among them: letter on behalf of the "Union of Jewish Congregations of the Old Kingdom" (Uniunea Comunitatilor Evreesti Din Vechiul Regat) to the congregation of Pitești; some 30 letters and booklets on behalf of "Union of Romanian Jews" (Uniunea Evreilor Pământeni); receipt booklet for charity donations, i...

  15. Schutzpass

    Contains a Swedish protective passport (Schutz-Pass) issued to Ernst Vidor in Budapest, dated 26 September 1944; endorsed by Carl Ivan Danielsson, head of the Swedish legation in Budapest. Single printed page with typed entries, original signatures and bearer’s photograph. Text in German and Hungarian. Numbered 82/31. Central heavy creases, extremities with chips and some tears, old tape repair on verso.

  16. Margosis family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Isaac Margosis and his wife Schendel Brotman who fled Brussels, Belgium with their children Anna, Willy, and Michel in 1940. Included are letters to Isaac and Schendel, living as refugees in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, from Anna and Willy in Barcelona, Spain (1944) and Palestine (1944-1948); correspondence and writings regarding Isaac’s journalism career; identification papers including Schendel’s Persian (Iran) passport and refugee IDs from Caldas da Rainha; correspondence related to family history; and restitution paperwork.

  17. Louis Lex, Jr. collection

    Contains a black-and-white photographic print of a pile of corpses in the newly-liberated Dachau concentration camp, kept in an envelope from Rays Photo Service, La Crosse, Wisconsin; no inscription on verso. The image was part of a series taken by the Yugoslav Prisoner Committee and widely distributed to American soldiers; dated May 4, 1945. Acquired by Private Louis Lex, Jr. (donor’s father) who served in the US Army during WWII as a member of the 66th Black Panther Division, 264th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company L.

  18. Lindemann family in Braunchsweig

    Ethel and her daughter Karin with gloves hanging from her wrists walk down an avenue. The girl smiles and waves. Ethel, Karin, and Oda walk out the front door of a house with their dog. They play, throw snow. Rows of houses with snow-covered roofs. The family dances happily. “ENDE”

  19. Selected records from the State Archives in Radom Wybrane materiały z Archiwum Państwowego w Radomiu

    Selected records of the various units of municipal offices in Radom city and its district, the Radom District Court, School Inspectorate, Association of Polish Teachers, and the banks and credit unions. Included is also the private collection of documents of Lejbuś, Judek Perl. Records of the municipal offices in Radom city and district consists of correspondence, German announcements, statistics of people from Polish territories incorporated into the Reich including the number of displaced Jews, records on the forced work of Polish population, cases of Polish POWs, lists of people murdered...

  20. Association of survivors of the Nazi Persecution in Argentina. Archive of Sherit Hapleitá of the Moskovits Archive Asociación de Sobrevivientes de la Persecución Nazi en la Argentina. Archivo de Sherit Hapleitá del Archivo Moskovits

    Records from the legal office of Mr. José Moskovits, a Holocaust survivor and attorney in Buenos Aires. Consist of the manifesto, correspondence and publications of the Sherit Hapleita in Argentina collected by José Moskovits. Includes correspondence, letters to the Minister of Defense in Cuba, Raul Castro, office files, press releases, printed material, as well as project folders related to memorial events in Argentina and other activities of Holocaust survivors.