Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,381 to 6,400 of 58,959
  1. Horthy enters Košice

    On November 11, 1938, Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy enters Košice (Kassa), Slovakia, which Hungary regained, along with other Slovak territories, as a result of the Munich Agreement. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy kis világtörténelem.” “1938 November 11” “A Kassai Bevonulás.” “Fotografálta: Pető György.” “A kassai kórhaz bejárata előtt…” Building “Nemocnica” with people milling about. “...két órai alvás után álmosan gyülekezik a társaság.” MS, Pető and friends from Szeged (four men and one officer) stand beside a car. “Ezer és ezer autó érkezik a történelmi napra.” Street scenes with ca...

  2. The Furman family visits London en route to relatives in Poland

    The ocean. A man on a ship deck walks towards the camera several times, a big smile on his face. Ocean waves. A child runs around on the ship deck. A woman runs with her. They continue playing, holding hands. Small waves in the ocean. A ship with two funnels moves past, its deck crowded with people. Another large liner. A seagull flies. A man struggles with a large rod. People walk through city streets in London, officers, buses, and officers on horseback for annual The Lord Mayor's Show on November 9 to introduce the city to it's new Lord Mayor. The filmmaker stands opposite The Royal Cour...

  3. Walter Wulff law office 621-1/87 Walter Wulff

    Records of the law office of Dr. Walter Wulff, a German, Jewish lawyer in Hamburg. Contains only client files. After Dr. Wulff's emigration to Montevideo/Uruguay in September 1939, Dr. Alexander Bachur took over the law office. Dr. Bachur continued to work on many of Dr. Wulff's cases and represented his former clients. It is important that researchers consult both collections.

  4. UNRRA selected records AG-018-016 : Czechoslovakia Mission

    Consists of correspondence, reports, transport lists, and forms of individual case of repatriated persons. Records relate to repatriation of Chinese nationals, Czechoslovakian, German and Polish Jews, Poles, Greek nationals, and unaccompanied children. Contains correspondence, reports, transport lists, and individual cases of repatriated German Jews.

  5. Visiting family in Budapest

    Pathex logo. Jonas Schiffer is seated in front of the camera smoking a pipe, indoors. Marcsa (the new wife of Laci who visited the family in Budapest from New York) joins him. Trademark Pathex logo.

  6. Oral history interview with Folke Schimanski

  7. Otto Ernst Falkenhagen papers

    Consists of four letters written by Otto Falkenhagen in the 1990s reflecting on his life and that of his family under National Socialism in Hamburg, Germany. The letters address his internment between the years 1940 and 1945 at the Moringen Youth Camp, the persecution of his father and disabled sister under Nazi eugenics policies, and the death of his sister who died at age 12 in the Alstersdorf Anstalten in 1941. Also includes 3 copy prints of photographs depicting Falkhagen family members circa 1920—1931.

  8. Presentation by Samuel Schryver

  9. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Banská Bystrica

    Consists of selected records from 15 collections concerning the persecution of Jews in Slovakia (1945-1948) and pertaining the trials and investigations of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the court in the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts for collaborating with the German security forces. Contains files on the aryanization, deportation of Jews from Banská Bystrica in 1942, hiding of Jews, denunciation and detention of Jews, arrest of Communists, Jews and Roma, the ghetto in Lučenec, mass murder in Dolný Turček, guards in Auschwitz and Buchenwald, impris...

  10. Percy Haid collection

    Contains music scores for Symphonic Episodes of "Fantasie in Gelb," "Prelude" and other pieces of sheet music and songs (original and photocopied) by Percy Haid. Includes a photographic print of a violin player autographed to "My dear friend Persyek in sign of friendship," dated 1949.

  11. Report from Drancy concentration camp

    Three typewritten pages documenting the first stages of the Holocaust of the Jews of France and the state of affairs within the Drancy concentration camp a few months after it was established in August 1941. The letter begins with a general description of the situation outside of the camp (arrests, attempts for family members to visit) and then includes a detailed description of living conditions in the camp (sleeping on floors, food rations, punishments). The bulk of the letter is dedicated to describing protests of Jewish physicians at the camp and the order to release prisoners whose con...

  12. Oral history interview with Peter Pollak

  13. Pamphlets printed for Berlin Jewish community

    Contains two pamphlets prepared for distribution in the Berlin Jewish community in the mid-1930s. Includes one pamphlet titled "Unterstützungen und Geldgeschenke Aus dem Auslande" [receipt of support and funds from abroad], printed by Berthold Levy in 1937 on behalf of Palästina Treuhand-stelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden [PALTREU Palestine trustees for advising German Jews]. Also includes a promotional leaflet published circa 1935 for the "Palästina Nachrichten" [Palestine News], a periodical published by Ernst Köstenbaum in Berlin.

  14. Oral history interview with Lisa Granér