Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,341 to 6,360 of 58,959
  1. Irene Reiner collection

    The Irene Reiner collection illustrates the experiences of Irén (Irene) Mondschein Reiner surrounding the war. It includes her passport, original photographs, identification cards, translated correspondence, and original certificates. A hardcover Hungarian passport issued to Irén Reiner in 1946 also includes the name of her son, Robert. A stamped Jewish identification card with an original portrait photo of Irene, issued in 1944, indicates that as a registered nurse, the holder must wear a yellow star and can travel between a set number of hours during the day in Budapest. Documents relatin...

  2. Children in Budapest before the Holocaust

    Babies in carriages, János and cousin Zsuzsi Schiffer, in 1932. An adult hands a mirror (or Pathé 9.5mm canister?) to the babies. CUs (dark shot) of mothers. Mothers with babies in carriages in the park, they congregate in front of building. Several views of the babies. One plays with a lipstick case. Nurse-maid strolls baby to elegantly dressed parents on a sidewalk, they ogle over the baby and pose for the camera [the man in the bowler hat is probably a colleague of Ernö’s, Dr Hetènyi, with his son]. (06:15) Cousin Peter Molnar plays with János in stroller outside a home in Budapest. Nurs...

  3. Selected records from the State District Archive in Jihlava

    Contains records from Jihlava and surrounding towns, including Brtnice, Polná, and Telč, pertaining to the expropriation of Jewish property and assets, anti-Jewish measures, town registers and lists of Jewish inhabitants, emigration and resettlement, as well as post-war trial records from the District Courts of Jihlava, Polná, and Telč.

  4. Performers at convalescent homes and DP camps in Italy

    Soprano Marguerite Kozenn and pianist and composer Julius Chaje shake hands with two men in front of a gate at a rest home or DP camp in Italy with the sign “AMERICAN JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE.” Kozenn and Chaje tour the terrace with a large fountain and several small statues. CU of a statue of a cherub. Kozenn, Chaje, and the two men walking down a set of steps in a garden. INT, CU hands playing piano. Chaje plays piano, then stands up, bowing to the camera. Chaje plays piano accompaniment as Kozenn sings for the audience of refugees. Chaje and Kozenn talk to several young refugees in t...

  5. Photograph of Jewish men from Balta rounded-up for forced labor

    The photograph depicts Jewish men from the community of Balta, presently in Ukraine, who have been rounded up for forced labor. The men wear star badges on their clothes and some carry tools. The photograph is associated with the service of Arthur Peucker who served with Luftwaffen-Bau-Bataillon 16/XI on the Eastern Front.

  6. Hiking; Performance in Vienna; Family holidays - Easter and Christmas

    Title: “Buntes Allerlei” “Mitglied des Klubs der Kino-Amateure Österreichs” “Schulwandertag April 1931-May 1933”. Shaky views of a school group hiking trips, dining outdoors. Girls dressed up in gowns embrace. Horse races. The group hikes, older man with a cane, they relax at the Liesing Brewery. 01:01:46 Ferdinand Hausner. Ducks. More shots of the school group at the brewery. 01:02:58 A different group of friends at a brewery, carrying flower bouquets. Cinema [Kino] in Vienna, “Weisse Woche”. “Verbands Kunstlaufen” sign. Crowds at Heldenplatz. Indoor performance. “Ostern 1933” Scenic shots...

  7. Selected records of the Moreshet Archives (Givʻat Ḥavivah, Israel)

    Consists of three group of records: 1. Testimonies and Memoirs (RG A): contains texts written by survivors, or interviewers, as well as audio and video recordings of interviews; 2. Personal Collections (RG C): contains approximately one-hundred collections of private archives and personal estates that have been entrusted to the Moreshet Archive over the years. The private archives and estates consist of a wide variety of materials, such as letters, photographs, manuscripts, and works of art; 3. Documents, Letters, and Journals (RG D.1): contains official government documents, personal docum...

  8. Oral history interview with Ignazio Meleddu

  9. Oral history interview with Viola Tabák Vig

  10. Waldmann family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Waldmann family, originally of Bad Windsheim, Germany. Included are German passports, family history, immigration documents, restitution paperwork, correspondence, and photographs regarding brothers Leopold, Max, and Sigmund, and their families including their mother Emma Esther Waldmann, and Max’s wife Charlotte and sons Kurt and Otto. Biographical materials include Charlotte Waldmann’s German passport which also included her sons Kurt and Otto; Emma Esther Waldmann’s German identification card and passport, packing inventory, r...

  11. Textile factory, family, daily life in Jihlava; horse race in Austria

    Title: “Iglau August 1931 und 1932” WH logo. Swimming. Citrus trees, kitten. 01:01:13 Elderly man in doorway of family factory in Jihlava [Iglau], Czechoslovakia. “August 1933” Weekly market in Jihlava. Large group of Hausner family members pose for camera, including Ferdinand, his wife Wilhelmina, sister Julie, son Franz, and father Salomon with cane. 01:04:43 LS, factory. 01:05:07 “Prag” Statue on the Charles Bridge, CUs of Wilhelmina. Street scenes with traffic and shops, cobbled streets. Tower with clock in the distance. Street sign for “Karlovy Vary” and shop “Stoklasa” with pedestrian...

  12. Bill Carr papers

    The Bill Carr papers consists of 7 type-written pages of testimony attributed to Franz Ziereis, the former commandant of Mauthausen concentration camp. The testimony was translated into English from German by former camp inmate Charles-Heinz Pilarski. The testimony describes methods used to kill Jewish and other prisoners in the concentration camp, conditions in various camps that Ziereis worked in, a brothel for concentration camp prisoners, the execution of camp prisoners, the capture of American officers, the hiding places of various SS officers, the sexual harassment of women, the plund...

  13. Budapest city sights

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” Various scenes in Budapest filmed from a streetcar, possibly made by when Laci when he visited from New York in 1930. Street scenes, bridge crossing Danube river, Streetcar #9, Gellért Hill, people hike up the hill. (01:18) Children at the playground, slides. Views of Budapest city from the overlook point on Gellert Hill. (01:40) CU, Erzsébet (just pregnant with János). CU, Ernö poses and waves. Citadel. Pan of the Danube river. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  14. Association of Jewish engineers in Wilno, Poland (Vilnius, Lithuania) (Fond 326)

    This collection contains minutes of the meetings of the Association of Jewish Engineers in Wilno ( Vilnius), Poland and its board, lists of members and engineers according to their professional qualifications, applications for the membership and copies of their professional diplomas (1932-1939), statistical data, annual reports about association activities, correspondence with other Jewish organizations (ORT, OSE) and branches of the Association in Poland ( Kraków, Lwów), bylaws, financial documentation, and questionnaires of unemployed members of the Assosiation (1940).

  15. Harry Oberyant collection

    Collection of letters from 1943-1945 documenting the experiences of Harry Oberyant, who served in the US Army during WWII.

  16. Secretaria de prensa Presidencia de la Nacion

    This collection contains newspaper clippings which were provided to the Presidents of Argentina. It includes Information relating to the Second World War as well as to former Nazis in Argentina (Eichmann, Mengele, Schwammberger) and individuals who helped them escape to Argentina.

  17. Mayer and Sonia Pasternack papers

    The collection primarily documents the postwar experiences of Mayer and Sonia (née Zlotnik) Pasternack, both originally from Radom, Poland. Prewar and wartime documents issued to Mayer include a craft card, birth certificate, and an identification card (Kennkarte) issued to him in Radom in 1942, and Jüdische handwerker-werkstätte identification card issued in 1943. Postwar documents include identification papers, immigration documents, a document regarding the possibility of immigration to Palestine, a displaced persons pass issued to Sonia Zlotnik in Stuttgart, and a certificate issued to ...

  18. Ian Dear collection

    Correspondence related to Ian Dear's research on X Troop for his book "Ten Commando, 1942-1945." Includes correspondence with Manfred Gans and with various production companies regarding a possible film adaptation of the book.