Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,301 to 6,320 of 58,959
  1. Oral history interview with Jan Huldt

  2. Jack Neufeld papers

    Consists of correspondence, restitution and naturalization documentation, pertaining to the experiences of Jack (Jurek) Neufeld, born 1922 in Wolbrom, Poland. The correspondence includes letters from families Schwinghammer and Preis of Eggenfelden, Germany, who Jack knew well from his time living as a displaced person in the community.

  3. Dr. Morris Kandel collection

    The collection contains a photograph, translated affidavit, and two bound volumes of transcripts from the I.G. Farben trial (The United States of America vs. Carl Krauch, et al.), where Dr. Morris Kandel worked as a research analyst. The photograph depicts I.G. Farben defendant Fritz Ter Meer at the podium with members of the prosecution behind him. The photograph is hand-annotated with numbers by 10 individuals, and an accompanying document identifies each person. Dr. Morris Kandel is identifed as number "5." The bound volumes of transcripts consist of Brief on "Fundamental Questions of La...

  4. Gladys Grantz passport

    A Czechoslovakian passport issued to Gladys Grantz, 1938-1939.

  5. Famous performers visit Italian rest homes, 1948

    Silent black and white footage from a JDC morale-boosting tour of famous performers to DP camps, convalescent homes, and hachsharot (vocational training collectives for those planning to settle in Israel) in Italy. 01:00:03 EXT path lined with hedges and trees at an Italian rest home for refugees from Romania and Poland (repatriated from Russia after the Holocaust en route to Palestine) - possible locations include Preventorio anti-tubercolotico, the children’s convalescent home at Monte Mario, Grottaferrata Rehabilitation Center and ORT Vocational Training Center (outside Rome), and DP cam...

  6. Fred and Ruth Cohen papers

    The Fred and Ruth Cohen papers include biographical material, photographs, photo albums, and a personal narrative documenting the experiences of Fred and Ruth Cohen’s families in pre-war Germany and their immigration to the United States. Documents include statements of birth for David and Martha Cohen, marriage documentation for David and Martha, and a copy of a death certificate for Benjamin Cohen. Photographs and albums mainly include pre-war photographs of Ruth and her family in Germany, including in Stuttgart. Also included is an early 1990s handwritten personal narrative by Lotte, Rut...

  7. Selected records from the Division Politica of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina

    This collection consists of records of Argentine embassies and consulates relating to the political situation in all countries between 1933-1955. For example, includes records from the Embassy in Germany relating to persecution of the Jews.

  8. GR 2 P 123-136-Ministry of National Defense and War, Department of Civil Personnel, 2nd office (Jews), Dismissal from Administrative Jobs or Continuance in Office, (Mainland France) GR 2 P 123-136-Ministère de la Défense nationale et de la Guerre Direction des Personnels Civils 2ème bureau (Juifs). Radiation des Contrôles des Administrations ou maintien en fonction (Métropole)

    Consists of records concerning Jewish civilians in government jobs at the French Ministry of Defense. The decree of the 2nd Statute, June 2, 1941 (a replacement of the Decree, October 3, 1940) defined who was to be considered a member of the "Jewish race" elaborating rules concerning grandparents. The Article 4 of this decree listed the professions and positions that Jews could not exercise (positions in ministries). Exceptions were made when an individual could prove that he and/or his family had provided exceptional service to the French nation. This law applied to all of French territory...

  9. Oral history interview with Pierina

  10. 1934 Vienna street scenes; perfomer's dressing room

    Vienna car repair shop. Franz Hausner with camera. CUs, couple - man in tan hat with monocle and woman with flower hat. Reflection in a shop window of 3 of the friends, CUs. Wiener Staatsoper (opera house in Vienna). "Sirk-Ecke" sign, a popular place for bourgeois people to meet [Karl Kraus wrote about this corner in his "The Last Days of Mankind"] in Vienna. Newspaper stand on busy street corner. Camera follows a man, others tip their hat to him. City street with airlines “Luftverkehr” “Air France” Looking into a shop window: “STEYR. Sonderschau. Verkaufshallen Schwarzenberg Platz 18. 1. M...

  11. Oral history interview with Oskar Tojzner

  12. Chamber of Commerce 376-15 Gewerbekammer

    Selected records of the Gewerbekammer (Chamber of Commerce). The collection covers the following areas of activity of the Chamber of Commerce: internal affairs (organization, elections, reporting), involvement of the Chamber of Commerce in authorities and administrations, relations with other organizations, meetings, business development, trade and labor law, training and examination, insurance, employment, market, transportation, tax and customs, finances and credit, metrology, justice, construction, health, sports and statistics.

  13. Collection of the Union Général des Israélites de France (UGIF) (22 P 3065-3078)

    Consits of an alphabetical card file listing names of Jews deported from France.. The collection was reconstituted from dispersed documents in individual name files used to support claims in the SHD Archives in Caen. Originally, it was a card file transmitted to the French Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs after WW II to provide information on deported Jewish victims. Since the documents in the individual files are no longer in use to back individual claims by survivors or their heirs against the Nazi regime or the Vichy government, it was decided that the Union Général des Israélites de France...

  14. Oral history interview with Judith Popinski

  15. Cohen family collection

    One photographic print and one copy print both of the same image, a portrait of Esther Fagel (Esther Feyge, the donor’s great aunt) She was killed during the Holocaust.

  16. Schiffer family in Hungary

    Excursions and leisure time for the Schiffer family, including the locations (in reverse order) of Hűvösvölgy (park-like suburb in Buda hills), Kevely Nyereg, Janoshegy (tallest mountain in Buda), Margit Island, the Tatra mountains, and Zabar (a village where a Berkes cousin had a farm). According to the label, shots include friends: the Berkes family, the Brody family, Laci Fodor, and Jancsi Straus, among others. (00:14) Cousin Andris Berkes rides horse in pasture in Zabar showing off his riding skills. (02:23) Family gathers outdoors at a table at a restaurant in Margit Island, posing and...

  17. Ralph J. Scheiderer collection

    Contains photographs, negatives, and documents collected by U.S. serviceman T/Sgt. Ralph J. Scheiderer. Many images concern the liberation of Landsberg/Kaufering concentration camp, and bear handwritten descriptions on the verso. Contains a typwritten report prepared by Robert J. Hartwig entitled "Atrocities of Lansburg [sic] Concentration Camp," and the text of an April 17, 1945 radio report about the actions of the 12th Armored Division.