Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,581 to 5,600 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the Municipal Council and Municipal Government in Łódź Miejska Rada Narodowa i Zarząd Miejski w Łodzi (Sygn. 222)

    Reports, correspondence, registers, declarations, financial reports, statistics, application and permits relating to survivors of the war, Jews and Poles. Includes documents on medical assistance for returning and repatriates, the fate of real estate belonging to Jews before the war (so-called abandoned property), population statistics, permits for running and liquidating Jewish enterprises, construction and activity of the Jewish theater, matters of Jewish religion (choice of rabbi, ritual slaughter). In addition, includes documents from various associations and organizations: the Health P...

  2. Polish Committee for Assistance to War Victims in Bern (Switzerland) Polski Komitet Pomocy Ofiarom Wojny w Bernie (Szwajcaria) (Sygn. 138)

    Files related to the assistance of Polish citizens in Switzerland, Romania and Italy, provided by the Swiss Legation in Bern, Swiss Legation in Bucharest, and the Swiss Legation in Florence, Milano,Trieste, Turin, Venice, and Rome. Includes correspondence, list of benefits payments, reports, notes, and other documents.

  3. Selected records of the County Department of Busko Wydział Powiatowy w Busku (Sygn. 2120)

    Records related to history of Stopnica region and Jews living there in the interwar period. Includes plans of revitalization of the region, Starost's correspondence with daily paper "Epoka", newspaper clippings and articles, population statistics, files of finances and ownership of real estates, bills, bank documents, and hospital statistics.

  4. 1946 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1946" "War's Aftermath 'Round the World!" Includes war crimes trials in Nuremberg, Pope (Pius XI) creating new cardinals, a plane crash in Belgium, and atomic test bombing of Bikini Atoll.

  5. Selected records of the commune Odrowąż Akta gminy Odrowąż (Sygn. 530)

    List of owners of buildings in the Commune Odrowąż, 1941-1942 and a register of residents of the village Stąporków Nowy from 1934-1943.

  6. Hannah Zimmerman papers

    The collection is comprised of affidavits, a passenger list of voyagers on the RMS Queen Elizabeth aboard which Hannah Zimmerman and her parents arrived to the United States, and a luggage tag. It also includes photographs of Hannah Zimmerman as a young child. With the exception of one wartime photograph showing Hannah circa 1 ½ - 2 years of age, the photographs of Hannah were taken while she and her parents lived in Bratislava after the war, and later as displaced persons in Munich prior to their immigration to the United States in 1952.

  7. Mishloach Manot… 5701

    "Mishloach Manot… 5701" (Hebrew), a handwritten booklet made for the festival of Purim and presented to the head of the Lodz Ghetto Judenrat, Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski. [Lodz], 1941. The booklet, presumably made by a resident of the Lodz Ghetto, contains several word plays in the spirit of Purim: the author's name (Ya'akov Brickman) encoded within a verse written on the title page; seven blessings arranged in the form of a star of David; an acrostic poem with the first letters of the lines spelling the Hebrew name "Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski". An inscription on the title page reads "From the...

  8. Association for the Protection of Foreigners in General Government Związek Opieki nad Cudzoziemcami w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie (Sygn. 763)

    Applications, notes, instructions, permits, address books, and correspondence of the Związek Opieki nad Cudzoziemcami (Association for the Protection of Foreigners) in the Generalne Gubernatorstwo (General Government ), Poland.

  9. Family; US soldiers on leave in Italy (color)

    Family footage, possibly around 1931 in the United States. House with a long driveway, a woman leans over the front porch railing to look at a car leaving the driveway. A well manicured lawn, with lots of flowers and stones. Couple walks into the garden. They talk. An older man sits on the porch. Another woman joins the couple in the garden. (2:36) A woman laughing and smiling presents a bouquet of flowers to the person behind the camera. (3:15) Woman stands and poses for the camera. (3:39) In color, four men in US Army uniforms and one in a suit walk out of a gate. They smile and pose for ...

  10. Selected records of the Communal Council in Sędziszów Gminna Rada Narodowa w Sędziszowie (Sygn.1666)

    Contracts for the lease of Jewish real estate, ordinances, circulars, minutes of meetings, budget and financial documentation, correspondence related to abandoned properties, martyrdom and war damage. Includes registers of Jewish properties and population statistics,

  11. Selected records of the Communal Council in Wodzisław Gminna Rada Narodowa w Wodzisławiu (1670)

    Protocols, registers and correspondence related to abandoned Jewish properties, martyrdom and war damage. Includes reports regarding the restoration of property ownership.

  12. Selected records of the commune Boszczynek Akta Gminy Boszczynek (Sygn. 2222)

    Consists of selected files of Commune Boszczynek. Includes lists of local stores, lists of voters to the Sejm (Polish Parliament), 1935-1938, the population book of villages Boszczynek and Bełzów, and general files related to ownership of houses, farms, and other lands.

  13. 1930 Germany; Cardinal Faulhaber

    Title card: "Oberammergau 1930" A town in the distance surrounded by mountains. (00:38) St. Peter and Paul’s church in Oberammergau. (1:05) Buildings with detailed murals, people walking around in lederhosen, fancy suits, and nice dresses. (2:15) Title card: “Einweihung des neuen Buehnenhauses durch Cardinal Faulhaber, Muenchen.” [Inauguration of the new stage by Cardinal Faulhaber, Munich.] Michael von Faulhaber was a senior Catholic prelate and Archbishop of Munich for 35 years, from 1917 to his death in 1952. Children in white robes on a stage. Cardinal Faulhaber and other clergymen walk...

  14. Kreisgericht und Landesgericht Leoben: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court and state court in Leoben, Austria.

  15. The Hildegard Simon Lustig and Herlinger family papers

    Consists of period correspondence and later translations pertaining to the experiences of Hildegard Simon Lustig, a survivor of the Holocaust born in Vienna, Austria who was deported from Nagykanizsa, Hungary in 1944, and her extended family. Letters in the collection were authored by and addressed to Herlinger and Lustig family members of Vienna, Austria, Prague Czechoslovakia, and Nagykanizsa, Hungary.

  16. Selected records of the District Court in Piotrków Trybunalski Sąd Okręgowy w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim (Sygn. 893)

    Records of court criminal cases investigated by the District Court in Piotrków Trybunalski. Includes documents on hiding a stolen cow, appropriation of money, theft, robbery, rape, and others.

  17. Spice container

    Spice container which belonged to the Altman family in Germany. It was given to Theodore Levite, whose mother was Marie Altman Levite and later to the donor who was a relative by marriage.

  18. Seymour and Ethel Reiss papers

    Consists of a 10 page letter written by Seymour Reiss to Ethel Waxman, his later wife, in June 1945 relaying his experience touring Dachau in the wake of the liberation of the camp.The collection also includes a photograph of the couple at Coney Island and photographs and documents relating to Seymour's military service in the European Theater.

  19. Selected records of the commune Złota Akta Gminy Złota (Sygn. 2322)

    Commercial and industrial records from 1933; lists of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) and Senate from 1922 and 1927; books of permanent population with an alphabetical index.