Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,541 to 5,560 of 58,959
  1. Polish Police Headquarters of the City of Warsaw Komenda Policji Polskiej miasta Warszawy (Sygn. 1710)

    The collection contains materials on the organization of the Polish, so-called Blue Police in Warsaw during the German occupation, operational activities of police officers, and lists of officers.

  2. World War II Selected Records from the French National Archives: 72 AJ Seconde Guerre Mondiale

    The collection includes selected records from the Archives of the Second World War History Committee and private papers. Records include the memoirs of Colonel de Milleret, an organization chart of the German services in France, a lexicon of French resistance, personal narratives, reports, and printed materials. The records document the confiscation of illicit profits, the establishment of German troops in France during the Second World War, and the French resistance. The collection also includes records documenting Professor Duvoir’s participation in the International Commission of Forensi...

  3. Arthur and Ruth Balsam collection

    Collection of postcards, received by Artur and Ruth Balsam in New York City from family in the Łódź ghetto; documents and correspondence relating to the Artur and Ruth (Rosalia) Balsam journey to the United States and attempts to track down the fate of their loved ones.

  4. Schwarz family papers

    The collection documents the Hungarian Holocaust-era experiences of the extended Schwarz family, including George and Magdolna Schwarz, their daughter Mariette, and Magdolna’s sister Klári Kovács (née Haberfeld) and her husband László Kovács. Included are identification papers, immigration documents, and photographs.

  5. Presentation by Rachel Bodner

  6. Selected Documents from the Monastery of the of Notre-Dame de Sion, Paris (Archives of the Fathers and Brothers)

    This collection is from the archives of the men’s’ religious order of Notre-Dame de Sion (NDS) in Paris and documents the monastery’s efforts in saving European Jews, especially children, during the rise of Nazism and the period of the German Occupation during World War II. It consists of printed publications by the order in French, handwritten ledgers keeping track of children entrusted to NDS during World War II and who sometimes remained with Catholic families after the war, diaries of the priests and brothers, and a history of the congregation composed by one of its members, Father Cols...

  7. 1945 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1945" "Now it can be seen! British Battleship Bombed!" "Nazi U-Boat scores direct hit on HMS Barham" "Hitler’s V-2 bomb exposed by Allies" "Millions mourn the death of President Roosevelt, Truman succeeds as President" "Soviets last offensive in the heart of Berlin" "Prime Minister Churchill reviews British and Canadian troops" "American flag raised on Iwo Jima" "Atomic bomb destroys Nagasaki" "Millions of GI’s come home on ships" "Carrier Saratoga steams into San F...

  8. Dr. Arthur Kessler papers

    Papers related to Dr. Arthur Kessler's compensation claims Papers related to Chaia (Schulsinger) Kessler's compensation claims

  9. Sąd Grodzki w Skierniewicach (Sygn.1656) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected files of civil criminal cases related to repayment of debt, beatings, insulting public officials, embezzlement, theft and other matters. The cases relate to Jews who were inhabitants of Skierniewice. The files contain personal data about participants of lawsuits.

  10. Children play in the snow

    Sledding in snow in Brno in February 1940 in front of their home. Antonin and Michaela take turns on the sled in the streets of Brno with their nanny. They play in the snowy gardens behind the home, shoveling snow in toy wheelbarrows, and trudge through the deep snow. 01:01:14 The camerawoman and mother, Toni, films from indoors, note the window pane at the bottom of the frame. On the streets, a nanny throws a snowball at the children, “Benzol” advertisement in the BG. 01:02:56 A man sweeps snow on the roof of the family’s three-story house, showing a rare view of the house from the frontsi...

  11. Gardelegen liberation photograph

    Contains a black and white photograph of three corpses of prisoners shot by the SS laying in the doorway of a barn just outside of Gardelegen; caption on verso: "March 1945 / Gardalagen [sic] / 20 miles east of Hanover Germany."

  12. Family visits cottage in Veverská Bítýška

    September 1938. Veverská Bítýška, at the family’s estate: School-age boys outdoors near a fish pond (Felix Landsmann (b. 1930) and Gustav Landsmann (b. 1926), died in Auschwitz).The Landsmann boys, with their cousins Michaela and Antonín, play in the meadow. 01:00:26 Woman in a patterned jacket (probably the boys’ mother Juliane (Lilli) Landsmann, died in Auschwitz) greets the children and waves to the camera. Antonín tumbles in the grassy hill. Michaela eats an apple. The toddlers play outdoors in a basin of water. Beautiful view of the raging river Bílý potok (following the flood of Septe...

  13. Selected records of the Łódź Anti-Beggar Society Łódzkie Towarzystwo Przeciwżebracze (Sygn. 240)

    Lists of people, including Jews, in a shelter for the elderly and cripples in Łódź, as well as lists of arrested beggars (including many Jews).

  14. Rudy Baum photograph collection

    The collection contains four photographs taken after Buchenwald's liberation in April 1945 that show American soldiers, survivors, and German civilians. All photos are stamped on verso with the name, address, and phone number of the donor as well as notes written in English that detail what is being depicted in each photograph. Includes images of victim bodies, German civiliians gathered around what is noted on verso to be a human skin lamp, and the gallows.

  15. Selected records of the commune Duraczów Akta gminy Duraczów (Sygn. 524)

    Registers of inhabitants of individual villages, industrial and commercial cards from 1941-1942, name lists and statistics of population from 1939-1943, and documentation regarding Jewish real estate, 1942. Includes the pre-war period records of the spa in Czarnecka Góra, a registration book of spa patients, also correspondence regarding the contribution to the Jewish religious community.

  16. Goldfeld and Rauchbach families papers

    Letters, documents, and photos related to Beate Rocker (nee Goldfeld), her parents Israel & Dora Goldfeld (nee Heitner) and her brother, Albert Goldfield (originally Goldfeld). Also includes a book of congratulatory telegrams for the marriage of Marie Brandstetter and Hermann Rauchbach as well as photos and a document related to their son Otto Rauchbach (later Rocker). Also includes Kurth Rauchbach (later Rocker)'s 1945 account of his wartime experience.

  17. Grupa Bojowa Reinefahrta w Warszawie 1944 Kampfgruppe Reinefahrt Warshau 1944 (GK 661)

    Records relating to the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. Includes German reports, information on the situation among Polish fighters and civilians in Warsaw, interrogations of Home Army officers (Teofil Suscitowski, Ryszard Jankowski, Henryk Wilczkowiak, Józef Hoffman), and documents of Sonderkomando Spilker (photocopies from the German archives).

  18. Eckstein children play at home in Brno

    May 1938. Michaela plays on the balcony of her home in Brno, Hlínky 35, with flowering plants next to the toy kitchen, red toy car, dolls, and books. Michaela holds an umbrella, and walks toward the camera. Her brother Antonín joins and they snack on pretzels. 01:02:12 Antonín and Michaela with sun-hats smile and play outdoors in the yard at Hlínky 35. Spring flowers in bloom. Michaela pushes a toy baby carriage along the gravel walkway. Antonín crouches and digs with a trowel in the sandbox (father Michael sits on the white bench behind and smokes a cigar). 01:02:57 Dark-haired woman in re...

  19. Russian TASS New Agency- a collection of news Radziecka Agencja Informacyjna TASS-zbiór komunikatów (Sygn. 1424)

    News from the Russian news agency TASS regarding: the Anders Army in the USSR and the East; the situation on the fronts of World War II and the Red Army; conferences in Yalta, San Francisco and Potsdam, and the results of Mikołajczyk's visit in Moscow; Soviet opinions about the Catholic church; The Krajowa Rada Narodowa (National Council) and the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego, PKWN (Polish National Liberation Committee); the situation of Polish people in the USSR and in the West; situation of Poland during the occupation; Polish territories occupied by the Red Army in 1944; post-war ...