Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,561 to 5,580 of 58,959
  1. Eckstein family in Summer 1939

    August 1939. Nannies swing Michaela and Antonin in a sheet in the garden of the family home in Brno, filmed probably from the balcony of the home. Pan of the grand outdoor space. 01:01:04 A woman practices somersaults beside the pools for the children; Antonin and a nanny playfully slap her and she laughs. The children play outdoors. 01:01:34 Father Michael joins them. 01:02:06 Children snack outdoors at the table with other unknown children and their female caretakers. They chase each other in the grass beside the family home and occasionally pose for a portrait. Michael follows the kids i...

  2. Cairo Conference; Marines capture Tarawa

    News documentary with intertitles and English narration produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade" 1943. "Allied Chiefs Meet! In Egypt and Persia!" of the Cairo Conference involving Churchill, Roosevelt, and Lady Chiang and Chaing-Kai Shek of China. Film opens in Egypt with shots of pyramids. Churchill, Roosevelt and Chaing Kai- Shek seated with representatives standing behind. Narrator indicates the fate of Japan is being resolved by China, the United States and Great Britain and that strategy is being planned on a unified basis. The war meeting shift...

  3. Polish Red Cross Provincial Board in Kielce Polski Czerwony Krzyż Zarząd Wojewódzki w Kielcach (Sygn. 363)

    Selected records of the Polski Czerwony Krzyż (Polish Red Cross) in Kielce. Consists of reports of the Rada Główna Opiekuńcza, RGO (Central Welfare Council), lists of war graves, lists of victims of German crimes and war losses, help of the Polish Red Cross for prisoners of war, information about the fate of the Jewish population. Includes lists of Jewish soldiers who died during World War II and reports of the situation of Jews during World War II.

  4. Ury family photographs

    One photograph of Ludwig Ury and his son Fritz Ury in Berlin in 1928 and one photograph of Ludwig and his wife Else Ury. Fritz moved to England in 1926 and later sponsored his father Ludwig, who survived by fleeing to England in 1939.

  5. Selected records of the commune Kazimierza Wielka Akta gminy Kazimierza Wielka (Sygn. 2227)

    Lists of voters (with accurate personal data) to the municipal council from 1933-1934, minutes of the council meetings from 1934-1936 and 1937-1945; the book of tribute (tax) from 1941-1942; lists of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) and Senate from 1928; various documents related to issuing and the register of ID cards; population control books and the index to the register of residents of the commune from 1931-1938.

  6. Dyrekcja Policji Kryminalnej w Warszawie Kriminaldirektion Warschau (GK 714)

    Orders, and reports regarding officers and employees of the Criminal Police in Warsaw, diagrams showing the organizational structure of various divisions of the Police in Warsaw, correspondence in personnel matters, as well as investigations regarding forgery of money.

  7. Paris May 1, 1945

    Roll 0015. Paris City Snapshot on May 1, 1945. Snowy winter day. Few people walking in the snow. Traffic. Armored truck outside a Paris building. Trees and rooftops. Eifel tower and sunnier skies. Father and son have a snow ball fight. Others surround the Eifel Tower, all white promenade.

  8. Selected records of the commune Bliżyn Akta Gminy Bliżyn (Syg.125)

    Statistics, population book, lists of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) and Senate, includes many Jews, citizens of pre-war Poland.

  9. Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich we Wrocławiu (GK 183)

    Contains lists of camps, lists of KL Gross-Rosen prisoners, file of the Gross-Rosen camp, interrogations of former prisoners of Gross-Rosen and sub-camps in Miłoszyce and Laskowice, inspection report of the camp, investigation of the mass grave in Rogoźnica, exhumations and examination of corpses, lists of war graves, and correspondence regarding prisoners of war.

  10. Selected records of the County Department in Jędrzejów Wydział Powiatowy w Jędrzejowie (Sygn. 1654)

    Correspondence, protocols and a register related to abandoned Jewish properties in commune Sobków, Poland.

  11. Christmas in Brno, prewar

    Michaela and Antonin dressed as angels, singing for the camera beside the Christmas tree in 1939. INTs, a decorated Christmas tree at the Eckstein home in Brno. Children in costume pose and touch the dangling ornaments. They kneel beside the ornamental manger under the tree, hold their hands in prayer and sing for the camera. Pan up, star on top of the tree. 01:02:21 Toys. The children, in different outfits, perform a skit for the camera in a different room. Back beside the tree, the nanny guides them through a song and helps them place more ornaments on the tree. She entertains them with a...

  12. Selected records of the commune Moskorzew Akta Gminy Moskorzew (1909)

    Registers of born and deceased members of religious groups: Evangelical, Orthodox and Jewish in the Moskorzew commune, files for the years 1916-1918.

  13. Starosta Grodzki i Powiatowy w Lublinie Der Kreishauptmann und Stadthauptman in Lublin-Land (GK 699)

    Notifications about the deaths of Poles imprisoned in concentration camps (including KL Lublin, KL Auschwitz, KL Ravensbruck), prisoner-of-war camps and prisons (prison in Lublin).

  14. Selected records of the commune Przedbórz Akta gminy Przedbórz (Sygn. 531)

    Lists of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) and Senate, list of property owners, and certificates-excerpts from the register of permanent residents.

  15. Bernhard Haas papers

    Two handwritten notebooks kept by Bernhard Haas, a Jewish prisoner in the Atlit detention camp near Haifa, 1944. Includes journal, poems and transcripts of letters. The date and place of writing are recorded on the first page of each notebook: Camp 195, Haifa, February 1944 / Camp 119, Atlit-Haifa, April 1944. The first notebook opens with a brief summary of Haas's life story until his arrest, including his childhood in Giessen, being orphaned of both his parents, the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany, his voyage to Palestine from Trieste, his studies in the Mikveh Israel agricultural s...

  16. US airmen

    US airmen standing around in the middle of a street, joking and laughing, there is a garbage can with a fire inside it. "11th SQDN" (?) posted next to doorway. CU, US soldier sits in a covered jeep. Jeep with "...HQ 2" on bumper. The men stand in a circle looking at papers. Sign on far building, "...Dispensary". Some get into the back of a covered jeep. On the corner, boys shine the shoes of a soldier.

  17. District Police Headquarters in Opoczno Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Opocznie (Sygn. 1187)

    Reports on communist activities of Jewish groups, on political organization the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe), and on occurrences against Jews, daily diaries of civil crimes committed by Jews (1932-1933), registers of photographs of criminals with information about committed crimes (1932), and daily notes of police duties (1935)

  18. Oral history interview with Paul Kester

  19. List of people from Radautz, Romania who perished in the Holocaust

    Contains two "Yizkor" leaves (memorial leaves) prepared by the "Chessed shel Emet" society, one for men and one for women, with lists of deceased Jews (who, presumably, perished during the Holocaust) from Radautz (Rădăuți), Romania. Includes three printed leaves with additional lists of names of deceased Jews, perhaps proof prints for memorial leaves. On verso of one of the leaves is a handwritten copy of a Romanian letter from 1919. Undated, likely mid-1940s.

  20. Criminal Police of the Protectorate Protektorátní kriminální policie

    Records of the Criminal Police of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, featuring alphabetically arranged registration cards of prisoners; alphabetically arranged cases of prisoners accused of so-called economic crimes; reports of suicide attempts and injuries; cases of so-called protective custody (Schutzhaft); daily reports; reports of deaths; lists of persons deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp; transport lists from the Kounicova dormitories in Brno-Žabovřesky which were used as a prison and execution site.