Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 54,261 to 54,280 of 58,960
  1. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

    • Stadtverwaltung Wilna
    • Municipality of the City of Vilnius

    This collection holds "documents dealing with the use of the Vilnius Ghetto inmates for work, payrolls, food cards for Jews, lists of the Jews in Vilnius 1 and 2 ghettos (September 1941), requests by gentiles to buy confiscated Jews' property" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 11. The fonds consists of personal documents of residents (154108 personal cards), docum...

  2. Utenos žydų privatinė progimnazija

    • Private Jewish School of Utena

    Registers of the activities of the school, lists of pupils, correspondence with the Ministry of Education regarding education process, exams, educational programmes, and various questions; applications from parents to accept their children to the school, to receive benefits, etc.; copies of graduation certificates, lists of the teachers, etc.

  3. Žydų mokslo institutas (JIVO) Vilniuje

    • Žydowski instytut naukowy (JIWO) w Wilnie
    • Institute for Jewish Research (YIVO) in Vilnius

    Fonds consists of various documents collected by the employees of the Scientific Institute: documents of different Vilnius city and Vilnius region Jewish public organizations and institutions; Jewish community documents, correspondence with Jewish communities abroad; documents of activities of educational institutions, Jewish theatres, printing houses, trade unions; documents regarding pogroms in Byelorussia and Ukraine; press cuttings, the Vilnius ghetto documents; personal documents of the Jewish writers and poets with their notes, pieces of works, poems, lyrics; material collected by the...

  4. Jurbarko miesto savivaldybė

    • Municipality of Jurbarkas City

    Circulars prohibiting Jews from trading; reports regarding prohibition of issuing documents to Jews; punishment for locals who hid Jews; correspondence regarding Jewish property. Lists of Jewish landowners (with family names); documentation about Jewish property. Certificates for those who were given Jewish property. Various kind of reports, including about number of Jews in Jurbarkas, obligation to wear Star of David, etc.

  5. Marijampolės apskrities ir valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of Marijampolė County

    Files from the municipalities of 22 small rural districts of Marijampolė County. Lists of the residents (includes many Jewish names) of the district, lists of nationalized Jewish property, correspondence concerning the labour of war prisoners, list of the Marijampolė Judenrat, correspondence concerning food supply and Jewish property, lists of arrested Jews, lists of Jewish property and lists of local residents who have bought Jewish belongings and property (October 1941).

  6. Panevėžio miesto savivaldybė

    • Municipality of the City of Panevėžys

    The fonds consist of the personal documents (applications of residents to obtain passports); documents about the activities of the municipality (lists of businesses, schools, shops, etc. with information about the owners and lists of teachers, doctors, traders, shopkeepers, etc.); documents about attitudes toward Jews from summer–late autumn 1941 (lists of arrested Jews, documents about confiscation of private property, etc.).

  7. Žydų reikalų ministerija

    • The Ministry of Jewish Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

    The draft versions' of statutes, orders, circulars of the Constituent Seimas, protocols of the elections of the boards of the Jewish communities; documentation concerning education and organizations of the public societies; documents concerning taxes; protocols of the meetings of the authorities of the Ministry of the Jewish Affairs; documents related to the establishing of various Jewish organizations in Lithuania; correspondence with the chiefs of the counties concerning everyday questions; correspondence with Jewish organizations in foreign countries; documents concerning the establishin...

  8. Marijampolės apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Marijampolė County

    The subfonds No. 7 contains the files and documents on war refugees from Klaipėda region (German Memelland, which was occupied by the Nazis on March 23, 1939), the lists of the chiefs of the Jewish metrics registration departments (1920–1940), the applications of the residents (there are many Jewish names) to go abroad (January–December 1939), the lists of the residents (there are Jewish names) who were not allowed to go abroad (January–December 1939); orders and instructions from the chief of the county to the chiefs of the small rural district and the chiefs of the police precincts concer...

  9. Sudovi Oružanih snaga NDH

    • Court-martial of the Independent State of Croatia

    The collection consists of the writings of some of the military courts of the ISC/NDH from the period 1941-1945, with data on military-judicial practices of the Independent State Of Croatia (reports on criminal cases, the statements on the proclamation of penalties).

  10. Javno tužilaštvo Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske

    • The State Attorney office of the Socialist Republic of Croatia

    Public Prosecutor's Office was established in 1945. The Law on the Public Prosecutor's Office was adopted after the promulgation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1946, and the Public Prosecutor's Office of PRC acted as an organ of public prosecution in the country. Collection holds 9 boxes of the Indictment Ante Pavelic-Andrija Artuković, from 1951 for their extradition. Besides the text of the statutory provisions of the ISC there is evidence, testimony and statements of surviving camp inmates, lists of interned and murdered Jews, etc.

  11. Redarstvena oblast za grad Zagreb

    • The city of Zagreb law enforcement unit

    Most of the collection consists of police records with personal data and the reasons for the arrest. Among other things preserved there are certificates, paid invoices, purchase orders, records of persons who have changed their religion, records of the parish police jurisdictions, etc.

  12. Ravnateljstvo ustaškog redarstva. Židovski odsjek.

    • Directorate of the Ustasha police. Jewish section.

    Collection includes pleas of Jews not to have to wear the Jewish sign; pleas to have their aryan rights recognized for different reasons; requests for protection; reports on arrests of Jews and deportations; reports from camps. Preserved are also office records from 1941 and 1942.

  13. Beständeübersicht des Bundesarchivs

    • Beständeübersicht
    • German

    The Beständeübersicht allows users to browse through an overview of Bundesarchiv holdings in Department R (Reich) by tectonic hierarchy. For a non-hierarchical overview by current Bundesarchiv agency location, please go to the appropriate institution description(s): * * *

  14. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Gliwicach

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  15. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Giżycku

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  16. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Garwolinie

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  17. Komendantura Polowa w Radomiu [Feldkommandantur Radom]

    • akta administracyjne (okólniki, rozporządzenia i korespondencja w sprawach wojennych w związku z istniejącą sytuacją gospodarczą i strategiczną, plany przygotowań do ewakuacji, protokoły przesłuchań, lista obsady stanowisk komendantury)
  18. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Dębicy

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  19. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Częstochowie

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim
  20. Prokuratura Powiatowa w Czarnkowie

    • akta prokuratorskie dotyczące osób oskarżonych o współpracę z okupantem niemieckim