Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 51,081 to 51,100 of 58,959
  1. Copy of a list of Jews in Denmark complied by the German authorities during World War II

    Microfilm copy of `Judenakten im Dnischen Reicharchiv Copenhagen'.

  2. Papers of R. Ainsztein

    Correspondence, working papers and notes for his publications; papers on Western economic sanctions against Russia, the destruction of Polish Jewry, the Warsaw Uprising; press cuttings (UK, Russian and Polish press), including material on Israel and the Yom Kippur War: 1959-78

  3. Papers of P.Goldberg

    Treasury of prayer Papers relating to the United Synagogue and Chief Rabbinate: List of the United Synagogue archive by Cecil Roth, 1930; Act of Parliament, 14 Jul 1870; Acts of Parliament, 1880, 1926 and 1954; 2 deeds of foundation and trust, 13 Jan 1871; annual reports, 1923-40 [not complete]; account of joint celebration, 1931; notes on synagogue membership, 1936; 2 copies of the United Synagogue newsletter, 1941; laws and bye-laws of the Burial Society, 1955. Notes of day to day decisions by Sir R.Waley-Cohen, 1945-6; notes of general meetings, 1945; notes on staff and salaries, 1931-45...

  4. Archives of the Council of Christians and Jews

    Executive committee minute books, 1941-78; correspondence files for the executive committee, annual general meetings, the Standing Conference of Local Councils of the Council of Christians and Jews, local associations of the Council of Christians and Jews, as well as subject files, with papers on Aid to Christian Lebanon, 1976-80; the Association of Nazi Camp Survivors, 1960-7; a meeting with the Dalai Lama in 1973; and Rainbow Group material for 1978-80. Minute books for the board of management of the Christian Council of Refugees, 1940-51, and the minutes of the Christian Council of Refug...

  5. Copies of papers relating to the Jewish community in Liverpool

    The papers contain: copy of part of a letter from [Samuel Nathan ?], Durham, addressed to Kate, 26 Dec 1841, with typescript transcript of the whole letter; typescript article `Liverpool Jewry in the eighteenth century'; copies of maps of Liverpool, 1765, 1785 and 1803; copy of a letter from M.Greenberg, Cape Colony, addressed to Walter, describing his experiences in South Africa, 14 Apr 1898; copy of an account [by M.Greenberg ?] of his journey to and experiences in South Africa, 1895-6; copy of a biography, 1943, and two obituaries, 1950, of Moss Greenberg.

  6. Papers of Chief Rabbi J.H.Hertz

    Personal papers, c.1904-70, including early letters from Hertz's children, Hertz's marriage certificate, British naturalisation papers and other private papers, correspondence of Rose Hertz and other family members, private papers and correspondence of Daniel Hertz, letters of congratulation and condolence, and family photographs. Correspondence relating to Hertz's appointment as rabbi of Adath Yeshuran, Syracuse, and rabbi of the Orach Chaim Congregation, New York, 1893-1913. Private papers and correspondence, 1913-46: correspondents include King George V and the royal family, Herbert Mert...

  7. Papers of Dr B.Homa

    Papers of Dr Bernard Homa including: (i) Papers relating to the Board of Deputies: constitution, as amended in 1945, together with the constitution as amended April 1949 with the report of the special meeting of the Board. Report of the committee on the constitution and bye-laws, Dec 1948. (ii) Correspondence and papers relating to Jewish marriages, 1935-51 (iii) Papers relating to the Jewish War Services Committee and Jewish Committee for H.M. Forces, 1947 (iv) Assorted correspondence, c.1884-1954, including letters from Rabbi A.A.Werner, 1901 and 1903; a letter from the Chief Rabbi's Reli...

  8. Papers of the Institute of Jewish Affairs

    The records of the Institute of Jewish Affairs have been divided into five main sections, as MSS 237-41, maintaining the subject arrangement that the Institute used for its documentation collections. The records of the London office and British section of the World Jewish Congress are distributed in several places in this arrangement. The archive contains: MS 237: information from the press and other sources MS 238: minute books, together with correspondence files of the London office of the World Jewish Congress, largely for 1933-53, but principally 1942-53 MS 239: correspondence files of ...

  9. Papers of Samuel Krauss

    Correspondence, 1891-1948, including correspondence with publishers and booksellers, 1892-1936, and correspondence about student theses; diaries, 1941-7; letters of condolence on Krauss' death, obituaries, seventieth and eightieth birthday papers, family papers and photographs, notes and greetings. Manuscripts and typescripts of works by Krauss, including material on Talmudic archaeology and history, the synagogues of Bratislava, Jewish liturgy up to the close of the Mishnah, Christian legislation on the synagogues and material, not all by Krauss, relating to the Jews and Byzantium.

  10. Papers of Cecil Roth

    A bird's-eye view of Jewish history Correspondence, c.1927-69, with letters between third parties, including A.M.Hyamson to Lord Cohen of Walmer, 1952, Wickham Steed to Neville Laski, 1934, and Hilary Jenkinson to Richard Barnett, 1955. Notes and working papers, including notes on Jews of and at Oxford, notes on statesmen of 16th century Turkey and the social history of the Jews in Europe, copies or transcripts of documents, photographs and other papers; genealogies of the Mendes Dacosta, Jurnet and Salaman families, the Liebman, Woolf and Solomon of Penzance and the Jacobs families. Lectur...

  11. Papers of Selig Brodetsky

    Papers and correspondence, relating to Brodetsky's early scholastic achievements, personal material and the Board of Deputies and Zionist matters, 1900-53, together with newspaper cuttings from 1916 onwards. Papers for 1939-53, when Brodetsky was President of the Board of Deputies, include correspondence with Chief Rabbi Hertz and Ivan Greenberg.

  12. Autobiography of Dr D.Fuerst

    Typescript autobiography of Dr D.Fuerst, with related correspondence, 1975.

  13. Papers of the Jewish Lads' and Girls' Brigade

    Minute books of the headquarters committee and the council of the Jewish Lads' Brigade, 1897-36, 1955-83 (10 vols.); minute book camp sub-committee, 1898-1909 (1 vol.); minute book of special meetings of the council, 1936-55 (1 vol.); camp order book of the London Regiment, 1901-2 (1 vol.); award book, 1908-38 (1 vol.); attendance book of the Hackney Boys' Non-Commissioned Officers' Union, 1916-29 (1 vol.) Photographs, including albums for the Birchington, Walmer and St Mary Cray camps, 1931-3; mementoes, 1920-53 Orders and typescript profiles of notable individuals associated with the Brig...

  14. Papers of L.J. Stein

    Syria Family correspondence, predominantly to Stein from his parents and his sister Agatha, c.1898-1919, including letters from Palestine, 1918-19, and while travelling in the Middle East, 1918. Other correspondents include Sir Moses Montefiore, Albert Hyamson, Israel Sieff, S.Landman, Lucien Wolf, S.Goldberg, Abraham Tulin, S.Adler, Robert Henriques and Joseph M.Proskauer, c.1913-65. Correspondence about an edition of the Weizmann letters, 1966-8. Papers relating to Stein's time at St Paul's School and at Balliol College, Oxford; papers relating to various societies including the Oxford Un...

  15. Papers of the Jewish Religious Education Board

    Minute book of the executive committee of the Jewish Religious Education Board, 1878-87, including annual reports, 1878-9, and annual reports of the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge, 1881-5. Teachers' training committee, students' book (men), 1894-1908, and teachers' training committee, students' book (women), 1898-1920. Seventeen volumes of 'The Director's Report', report of the director of Jewish Education to the general committee for Jewish Education, 1922-39. Four volumes and an index volume of notes on books by the director of Jewish Education, 1922- 40. Pape...

  16. The Times Copies of papers from the archives of relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    The Times Copies of papers from the archives of relating to the exposure of the 'Protocols of the elders of Zion', c.1921-70

  17. Papers of the United Jewish Friendly Society

    The new leader Papers and correspondence about the dissolution of the society; certificate of incorporation, pamphlets on the rules for friendly societies, a reference book of the UJFS, a copy of the rules, a guide to the friendly societies act and industrial assurance acts, and reports from the national conference of friendly societies, 1967-8. Minute books for the UJFS Grand Lodge, 1954-70; minutes of the directors' meetings, 1963-80, minutes of the executive committee, 1969-79; minutes of the honorary officers meeting, 1963-80; minutes of the convalescent home committee, 1969-79, minutes...

  18. Copies of papers relating to the Plymouth Hebrew Congregation

    Extracts from the birth and death register of the Plymouth Hebrew Congregation, 1829-37.

  19. Papers of Jewish benevolent societies

    Order Achei Ameth Bertram Strauss Lodge number 15: minute book, 1921-30; income and expenditure book, 1915-30; account book, 1922-30. City of London Benevolent Society (established to assist widows of the Jewish faith): minute book, 1923-8. Sir John Falstaff Benevolent Society (for assisting the poor, irrespective of creed, during the winter months): minute books, 1931-9; ledger, 1910-42.

  20. Papers of the Bayswater Jewish Schools

    Correspondence files: chronological sequence, 1920-38; alphabetical sequence, 1886, 1924 31. Papers on general school matters; staffing and finance; copies of syllabuses, course and examination papers; papers relating to school journeys and to prize distributions; c.1932-81. Appointments of staff, 1929 31, 1941 4. Financial papers for the building fund and building appeal, 1923 30. School laws, ante 1881-1920s.