Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 51,041 to 51,060 of 58,959
  1. Ursell Family Papers

    Personal papers of Dr. Siegfried Ursell, German-Jewish refugee in the UK. 5WWI medals in a box (1914 - 1918); Jewish Registration cards for Siegfried and Helene Ursell (1939); Inaugural dissertation by Siegfried Ursell, printed document (1908); Postcards from Hutchinson Internment Camp (1940); Certificate of Medical Register in the UK (1944); Application for British Nationality (1947); Various correspondence (1933/1939/1961); Lists of furniture and books (1939); Correspondence relating to inventory and move to the UK (1939); Various official documents and correspondence (1933 - 1939); Unive...

  2. Hans Feld Papers

    Papers and documents relating to Dr. Hans Feld, German-Jewish film critic and journalist. The collection includes personal documents and letters relating to Hans Feld and his wife and son as well as manuscripts commenting on the radio and emerging film industry in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. The collection also contains all of his appointment diaries stretching from 1922-1978.

  3. Freud Family Papers

    The collection contains 147 pieces of correspondence between members of the Freud family, the largest part of which is between Sigmund Freud and Sam Freud. The letters are generally sent from family members in Vienna, Austria [Sigmund and Anna Freud], to family members living in Manchester [Samuel Freud and Pauline Hartwig]. The correspondence mainly covers the period between the First and Second World Wars, and contains detailed information about Sigmund Freud's living conditions in Vienna at that time. The letters are personal in content, containing news of family events and the health of...

  4. W.P. Crozier Papers

    Accounts, both typescript and holograph, of interviews conducted by Crozier, with 62 statesmen and politicians, between 1931-1944. The interviews are concerned with European politics and the Nazi threat, the Jewish National Home and the Far East (India and China). There are 175 major interviews with 23 leading politicians, including Stanley Baldwin, Eduard Benes, Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, David Lloyd George, Arthur Henderson, Sir Samuel Hoare, Leslie Hore Belisha, Ivan Maisky, Herbert Morrison, Jan Masaryk, Sir John Simon, Sir Robert Vansittart. There are also 57...

  5. Esther Simpson correspondence and papers

    The main collection (items 1-1437) comprises Esther Simpson's personal papers, certificates, photographs, press-cuttings, miscellaneous documents, and correspondence to and from Esther Simpson, as received from her. Another large collection (15 boxes) of similar material from among her possessions, received after her death, remains unsorted and unlisted. Small collections received subsequently from other sources have been numbered - 1438-82, 1483-1501, 1502-33 - and are itemized in the handlist. The items date between 1918 and 1997.

  6. Personal recollections of H.C. Plaut

    Bound photocopied typescript recollections 'Memories of a German Jew' (nd).

  7. Franz Muller papers.

    • University of Leeds Special Collections
    • Liddle Collection GE 20
    • English
    • 1821-1977
    • 2 boxes; manuscript, typescript, photographs, and printed material (mainly photocopy). Includes photographic slides, the nose cap of a German shell, a medal ribbon, a split bullet, and his birth certificate.

    French-German dictionary (1821); 51 photographs, mostly from Alsace, with negatives and photocopies (1917-1935, nd); Programme for Kaiser's birthday at Charleville (27 January 1918); 58 photographic slides (nd); Nose cap of German shell (nd); Photographic slide (nd); Medal ribbon (nd); Split bullet (nd); Photocopied Muller family tree (nd); Typescript recollections 'Dad' by his son, Dr H.G. Muller, with photocopied certificates and wedding photograph from 1926 (nd); Transcript of lecture 'Balloons at War' given by his son, Dr H.G. Muller, to the Yorkshire Militaria Club, accompanied by 52 i...

  8. Additional papers of the Leeds Academic Assistance Committee

    Comprises a minute book, bank statements, cheque books, a card index file, and the Society's fourth report, November 1938

  9. Correspondence, memoranda and other papers of the Leeds Academic Assistance Committee, 1933-1940

    Correspondence, memoranda and other papers of the Leeds Academic Assistance Committee, 1933-1940, founded to collect funds for the support of academic refugees from Nazi Germany.

  10. Correspondence and papers of Ralph Miliband

    • University of Leeds Special Collections
    • MS 1712
    • English
    • 1940-2002
    • 29 boxes on 10 shelves, manuscript, typescript, press-cuttings, and printed material. Includes a few audio cassettes.

    Socialist Register Comprises: (1) Papers and correspondence from his earlier years in Britain, i.e., 1940 onwards, including school examination papers and a report; (2) Personal diaries and audio cassettes, 1948-1994; (3) Miscellaneous lecture notes from various stages in his career; (4) Papers and correspondence relating to his career in Britain, both at the London School of Economics and as Professor at Leeds University, 1949-1977; (5) Papers and correspondence relating to his career in North America, 1977-1994; (6) Notes, correspondence, drafts, and offprints relating to his publications...

  11. HAHN, Professor Dr Otto (1879-1968)

    Typescript text in German entitled 'Beziehungen zu Nichtariern' ('Relationships with non-Aryans'), dated Jul 1945, relating to the treatment of Hahn's Jewish friends and colleagues in Germany, 1933-1945.

  12. Zangwill papers (Harry S. Ward Library)

    Correspondence of Israel Zangwill with his lecture agent, Gerald Christy, 1895-1906 Copies of Israel Zangwill's papers, 1886 onwards, including correspondence with Dr Moses Gaster, 1886-1914, and with his literary agent, 1893-1901; copies of personal papers relating to Zangwill's early life and his schooling; copies of birth, marriage and death certificates; obituaries of Louis Zangwill; photographs, portraits and caricatures; cuttings and articles relating to Israel Zangwill's novels and to plays and theatre productions; papers relating to exhibitions; articles relating to Zangwill; papers...

  13. Papers of V.D. Lipman

    General correspondence and papers, 1943-90 (12 files); two series of research materials, including papers relating to Jewish buildings and ritual baths, on Hebrew scholarship in the sixteenth century, and Jewish labour; papers relating to the New West End Synagogue, London, 1887-1979; ritual murder, and Jews in British urban society, 1880-1914 (23 files) Papers relating to his publications, 1981-9 (6 files) Papers relating to teaching and academic institutions, including papers for his course at University College, London, 1981-90 (9 files) Papers on the national heritage, architectural con...

  14. Papers of Diana Silberstein

    Official documents, with correspondence, c.1936-46.

  15. Papers of M. M. Fidler

    Papers relating to clothing manufacture, 1943-56; Federation of British Clothing Manufacturers, 1943; British Rainwear Manufacturers' Association, 1960-2; H. and L.Fidler Ltd., c.1947-53, 1970 Papers relating to politics, local government and local organisations, including Prestwich council, 1951-69; the Bury and Radcliffe Conservative Association, 1974-82; Bury Easterly By-pass, 1970-2; Council of Manchester and Salford Jews, 1957-69 (3 files); Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region, 1975-86; Lancashire Education Committee, Division 19 (Prestwich, Radcliffe and Whit...

  16. Archives of the Union of Jewish Women

    Minutes of the general committee, 1902-18; executive committee, 1902-72; annual general meetings, 1960-71; council, 1963-70; general welfare sub-committee, 1946-59; Helen Lucas House committee, 1968-76; Delissa Joseph Memorial Fund, 1938- 64; case sub-committee, 1913-16, 1943-62; reconstruction scheme sub-committee, 1917-19; homes association sub- committee, 1927-37; and the loan funds sub-committee, 1933-5, 1943-59. Reports of meetings, 1902-25. Attendance registers for committees, 1958-71. Annual reports, 1903-61. Report of the Union of Jewish Women of Great Britain to the International C...

  17. Family papers of Leo Wolff

    Papers of Heyman Wolfsohn: six letters from the Judische Gemeinde and Thalmud Thora Verein about appointments in Berlin, 1866-87; two documents from the Berlin police about a residence permit, 1865; draft of emoluments, c.1837; letter from the District Council, Ostrow, about a post as teacher of religion, 1857; a testimonial of Wolfsohn's competence as mohel from the Raszkow community; contracts, 1841 and 1844; birth certificate and naturalisation certificate; mohel book; correspondence; testimonials; account of the illness of two daughters; list of children's birthdays; patriotic writings ...

  18. Photographs of Judaica

    Two albums of black and white photographs of Judaica.

  19. Papers relating to the Jewish War Memorial

    Letter from R.Waley-Cohen, F.C.Stern and Lord Swaythling about the Jewish War Memorial, with a reply, 5 and 6 May 1919; 'An exposition of the aims of the Jewish War Memorial', 1920; memoranda and articles of the association of the council of the Jewish War Memorial; and 'A tribute to Sir Robert Waley-Cohen, 1877-1952' produced by the Jewish Memorial Council.

  20. Papers of the Federation of Jewish Relief Organisations

    Files relating to the donations and the supply of food, clothing and other items to Israel and European countries, 1945-54.