Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 51,141 to 51,160 of 58,959
  1. Zbirka podataka o poginulim i nastradalim u toku II svjetskog rata na području opštine Mostar

    • Collection about killed and maimed during Second World War in Mostar municipality

    The fond contains records collected in 1952. and includes information about deceased and killed persons during the Second World War from the area of Mostar's county. Data includes names and surnames, places and dates of birth, location and circumstances of arrest (if any), place and circumstance of death, participation in Partisan units, etc.

  2. Zbirka partizanskih dokumenata

    • Collection of Partisan records

    Includes records created by Communist authoriries, Communist Party and other social-political organizations in Herzegovina during Second World War. Contains reports of regional committee, reports regarding the situation in Herzegovina, minutes from meetings of local Communist Party branches, orders and reports of headquarters and Partisan units, propaganda material, etc.

  3. Sudbeni stol u Mostaru

    • The Court of Mostar

    Court documentation, missing persons or deceased persons declarations, etc.

  4. Hercegovački Okružni Narodni odbor Mostar

    • Herzegovina Regional People's Committee Mostar

    Records contain data of Communist government in the region (Mostar, Trebinje, Bileća, Gacko, Nevesinje, Stolac, Konjic, Čapljina, Ljubinje, Ljubuški, Posušje i Široki Brijeg) during and after World War 2 and the aftermath of the Holocaust.

  5. Zbirka četničkih dokumenata

    • Collection of Chetnik records

    Records were created by Chetnik military units and authorities in Herzegovina from 1941 to 1945. Chetnik groups were involved in civil war against Communist Partisans and acted as collaborators of German and Italian forces. Includes reports and orders of Chetnik HQ for eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, military action information, arrests, reports about political situation in Herzegovina, status of Chetnik units, reports of intelligence officers, etc.

  6. Rimokatolička škola Travnik

    • Catholic school Travnik

    Contains records (mainly class books and registars) of Elementary Catholic school in Travnik, from 1881 to 1945. Significant part of student body were Jews from Travnik and the region.

  7. Dječačka narodna osnovna škola Travnik

    • Primary school for boys Travnik

    Contains class books/registers from 1921 to 1945. Registers contain information about students: names, family names, parent's names, adresses, DOB, etc.

  8. Matična knjiga rođenih Sarajevo

    • Parish registry Sarajevo

    Contains information about Jewish community members (births, deaths, etc.). Can be used to track Jewish heritage or family members, Holocaust victims or survivors..

  9. Collection of photographs and documents

    The Museum owns a collection of mostly photographs that depicts old synagogue, Jewish cemetery in Bihać, Jewish stores before the Second World War, etc. While basic, it might still be valuable for research into local Jewish community and Holocaust.

  10. Document collection of the Museum

    The part of Museum dedicated to Bosnian Jews (Jewish Museum) is located in old synagogue, in Sarajevo. The collection contains plenty of exhibits, but it also includes documentation and archival material among which are photographs, movie scripts, illustrations and paintings, lists of non-Jews who assisted or hid Jews during the Holocaust, book of Jewish victims, diaries, etc

  11. Uprava državnih nekretnina Sarajevo

    • The Office for State Property Sarajevo

    The Office for State Property Sarajevo was in charge of managing confiscated property seized by the new Yugoslav regime (Communist Party), but also managing of property whose owners were unaccounted for or perished in concentration camps (Jews, Serbs, etc.).

  12. Riznično upraviteljstvo u Sarajevu - Ured za podržavljeni imetak

    • The Office for Nationalized Property

    The Office for Nationalized Property in Sarajevo had details about and managed the properties of those who had to leave the Independent State of Croatia or they were taken to concentration camps. In most cases, this is Jewish and Serbian property.

  13. Komisija za ratnu štetu Narodnog odbora sreza Sarajevo

    • The Committee for war damages of Sarajevo County

    Contains details about damages/losses committed by occupying Axis forces and their local collaborators in Sarajevo region. The information presented mostly gathered with the aim of seeking war reparations.

  14. Kotarsko nadzorništvo narodne zaštite Sarajevo

    • District's Office for national protection Sarajevo

    Records that are part of the fond contain important information regarding the situation in Sarajevo and its immediate area during World War II (air raids and bombing of the city, lists of deceased people, information about property, etc.)

  15. Izraelička-Sefardička osnovna škola Sarajevo

    • Sephardic Primary School Sarajevo

    The school in Sarajevo for Jewish (Sephardi) children was formed in 1903. Records (books) of the school were preserved and kept in Elementary school "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Sarajevo, from which they were transferred to the Archive of Sarajevo. While not directly related to the Holocaust period, it is of significance for tracking information regarding Jewish families that lived in Sarajevo before World War 2, their addresses, education, family ties, etc. and comparing it to other data.

  16. Narodni odbor Grada Sarajeva

    • City Committee of Sarajevo

    Sarajevo, as a city and separate political and territorial unit became a separate government unit in 1945. City's People Liberation Committee was formed on 19th of April 1945 and operated until 21st of July 1945, shortly after the end of World War II in Europe (May 1945), when it was reformed and renamed to City's People Committee. The documentation deals with Sarajevo's five districts and has information about last stages of World War II and its aftermath and consequences.

  17. Državno ravnateljstvo za gospodarstvenu ponovu - podružnica Sarajevo

    • State Directorate for Economic Renewal - Sarajevo's branch

    Contains decrees issued by the State Treasury of the Independent State of Croatia regarding the confiscation of Jewish property in Sarajevo. Also included are correspondence regarding the confiscation of Jewish property, appeals by local Jews, and inspection of confiscated shops, stores and other property. Related to to the city of Sarajevo.

  18. Rizničko upraviteljstvo u Sarajevu - Ured za upravu židovskih nekretnina

    • The Office for Management of Jewish Estate

    The Office for Management of Jewish Estate was working in accordance with the laws of the Independent State of Croatia that enforced expropriation of Jewish property and Jewish companies and making them state-owned property. The fond contains records about confiscation of Jewish properties in Sarajevo in 1942; these provide information regarding the owners including names, addresses and property description.

  19. Župsko redarstveno ravnateljstvo Banja Luka

    • County's Police Directorate of Banjaluka

    Records contained in this small fond were created by the Police Directorate of the county, under the Independent State of Croatia, puppet state of Nazi Germany. This state and its police force persecuted Serbs, Jews, Roma, etc.

  20. Velika župa Sana i Luka Banja Luka

    • The Province of Sana and Luka

    The records contain information created by one of regional government of Axis-puppet state, the Independent State of Croatia. The county of Sana and Luka had it's capital in Banja Luka in northwestern Bosnia. Banja Luka was considered as potential capital of the Independent State of Croatia, as it was geographically it's center, and this was seen as politically prudent. But this move of capital from Zagreb to Banja Luka was never completed.