Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,821 to 3,840 of 58,959
  1. Collection of De Nederlandsche Landstand - The Netherlands Agriculture and Fishing Authority, 1941-1945

    Collection of De Nederlandsche Landstand - The Netherlands Agriculture and Fishing Authority, 1941-1945 De Nederlandsche Landstand - The Netherlands Agriculture and Fishing Authority was established in the Netherlands by the Germans in 1941, in order to take control over all matters related to agriculture and fishing; at the head of the authority stood E. J. Roskam, who was also the head of the Agrarisch Front, a section of an organization of collaborators with the Germans in the Netherlands.

  2. Documentation of the regional operational committee in Drogobych, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the regional operational committee in Drogobych, 1944-1945 Included in the collection are declarations by residents of the Drogobych region regarding the damage caused to them during the German occupation period.

  3. M.52.DAChrkO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Cherkasy Region

    M.52.DAChrkO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Cherkasy Region History of the Archives The Archive was first established in Cherkasy in April 1919; it was called the Regional Archive of Cherkasy in 1925. The name of the Archive was changed to the State Historical Archive of Cherkasy in 1932 and it became a branch of the State Archive of the Kiev Region in 1941. During World War II much of the documentation in the Archive was damaged. Following the establishment of the Cherkassy region in 1954, the name of the Archive was changed to the State Archive of the Cherkassy Region. A b...

  4. Documentation of the partisans movement headquarters in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12796532
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Investigation report Letter List of partisans Official documentation Order Personal documents Questionnaire Statistical report Survey report Testimony

    Documentation of the partisans movement headquarters in Belorussia, 1941-1944 Included in the collection, among other material: - Lists of partisans from various units that were active in Belorussia; - Personal cards and questionnaires of Jewish partisans; - Statistical data regarding the partisans movement in Belorussia; - Professional opinions of partisans commanders, regarding the fighters; - Lists of Soviet sappers; - Plans for action of the partisans movement headquarters; - Report to Platon, the general headquarters representative, regarding the participation of many Jews in the parti...

  5. Documentation of the district committees of the Communist Party in the Bialystok region, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the district committees of the Communist Party in the Bialystok region, 1939-1941 Included in the collection: - Questionnaires of delegates to the Communist Party convention; - List of residents and documentation of the neighborhood committee in Bialystok; - Lists of Communists and Soviet activists; - Documentation of the NKVD; - Documentation from the first convention of the Communist Party in Bialystok; - Instructions of the Communist Party regional committee; - Protocols of meetings; - Documentation of the Police and the NKVD, regarding political opinions and the propaga...

  6. Documentation from the Bezirksamt Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin, 1939-1943

    Documentation from the Bezirksamt Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin, 1939-1943 Most of the northeastern parts of old Berlin were incorporated into the city of Berlin in 1920 (when all of Berlin's suburbs were incorporated into the city), as the Bezirk (municipal district of) Prenzlauer Tor, whose name was changed to Prenzlauer Berg in 1921. The district's offices became active in April 1921.

  7. Documentation of the Court of Law in Kielce (first proceedings), 1948-1960

    Documentation of the Court of Law in Kielce (first proceedings), 1948-1960 Included in the collection are appeals and requests to the Court of Law in Kielce (first proceedings), submitted by Jewish residents in order to receive death certificates of relatives who perished during the war period.

  8. Lage und Monatsberichte (Situation reports and Monthly reports) of the Bayerishces Regierungspreasident und Polizeidirektionen (Regional President and Police Authorities in Bavaria), 1934-1939

    Lage und Monatsberichte (Situation reports and Monthly reports) of the Bayerishces Regierungspreasident und Polizeidirektionen (Regional President and Police Authorities in Bavaria), 1934-1939

  9. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Belostok, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Belostok, 1939-1941 The Collection includes reports of propaganda activity among the local population.

  10. Documentation from the Zivilkammer (Civilian Chamber) of the Landgericht (Regional Court of Law) in Ulm

    Documentation from the Zivilkammer (Civilian Chamber) of the Landgericht (Regional Court of Law) in Ulm

  11. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Mogilev region, 1944-1946

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Mogilev region, 1944-1946 - Reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the damage caused to the economy and the population in the Mogilev region; included in the report is a survey of the history of Mogilev and calculation of the damage caused to institutions in the city; information regarding the mass murder of civilians in Krichev, Merkulovichi. Gorodets, Palykhovichi and Shklov; calculation of the damage caused to agricultural institutions, according to areas and the types of damage; estimatio...

  12. M.52.DAViO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Vinnytsa Region

    M.52.DAViO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Vinnytsa Region History of the Archives The State Archives of the Vinnitsa Region was established in 1920 as the Archives of the Podole Region. During its first years, the Archives was intended as a place the storage and conservation of documents from the pre-Bolshevik period. The Archives was transferred to the responsibility of the NKVD in 1938. The Archives received the name: the State Archives of the Vinnitsa Region, in 1944. Since 1960, the Archives has been under the authority of the Implementation Committee of the Vinnitsa Reg...

  13. Collection of Riga House Committee books

    Collection of Riga House Committee books In the collection there are House Committee books arranged by street.

  14. Documentation of the Head Office for Technology and of the Reichs Directorate of the National-Socialist Association of German Technology, Germany

    Documentation of the Head Office for Technology and of the Reichs Directorate of the National-Socialist Association of German Technology, Germany

  15. M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region

    M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region History of the Archives: Concentration of the archival documentation in the Zaporozhye area began in 1925, and in the same year the regional archival authority was also established. With the cancellation of the sub-sections system in Soviet Ukraine in 1930, the State Historical Archives were established in the area, which were subordinate to the regional archival authority in Dnipropetrovsk. With the creation of the Zaporozhye region in 1939, its historical archives changed its name to the Regional State Historical Ar...

  16. Collection of the Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen, NAGU in the Netherlands, 1941-1944

    Collection of the Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen, NAGU in the Netherlands, 1941-1944 The Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen, NAGU was established by the Germans as a company for the handling of Jewish businesses, in accordance with the law in the Netherlands; the NAGU was, in actual fact, a body that served as a middleman in financial deals during the Aryanization process; NAGU received work orders from the Wirtschaftsprüfstelle, a department in the Ministry of the Economy and Economics, the Wirtschaft of the Reichskomm...

  17. Documentation from material in the Reichsstatthalter (State Treasury) in Bavaria, regarding Franz Ritter von Epp

    Documentation from material in the Reichsstatthalter (State Treasury) in Bavaria, regarding Franz Ritter von Epp

  18. Documentation of the port authority in Kerch, 1941

    Documentation of the port authority in Kerch, 1941 Included in the collection is a list of Jewish residents in Kerch, 1941.

  19. Documentation regarding the Jewish history and the origin of Jews, in the Staatsarchiv (State Archive) in Muenster

    Documentation regarding the Jewish history and the origin of Jews, in the Staatsarchiv (State Archive) in Muenster