Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,801 to 3,820 of 58,959
  1. Documentation of the Narodnaya Samopomoshch association in Mogilev, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the Narodnaya Samopomoshch association in Mogilev, 1942-1944 Included in the collection: - List of members of the association; - Regulations; - Budget; - List of property; - Instructions.

  2. Various materials regarding the Jews of Wasserburg am Inn

    Various materials regarding the Jews of Wasserburg am Inn

  3. Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee in Baranovichi, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee in Baranovichi, 1939-1941 Included in the collection are protocols and decisions regarding the nationalization of private homes and buildings owned by Jewish residents of the Baranovichi region.

  4. Documentation of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party in Gomel, 1938-1941 and 1944-1957

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13249695
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1944-1957
    • Letter List of candidates List of Communists List of factory managers List of residents List of workers Official documentation Personal documents Questionnaire Survey report

    Documentation of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party in Gomel, 1938-1941 and 1944-1957 The Collection includes reports of the Communist Party committees on the various levels; letters containing opinion reports regarding Jewish Party members; lists of Communists, directors of factories and organizations, residents who received medals of Honor and lists of workers who were evacuated; questionnaires of delegates who were sent to Communist Party conferences; personal documentation of Jewish Communists; documentation of the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War ...

  5. Documentation of the Hungarian government authorities in the Carpathian Ruthenia area, 1939-1944

    Documentation of the Hungarian government authorities in the Carpathian Ruthenia area, 1939-1944 Included in the collection: - Orders and correspondence of the local authorities in Mukachevo regarding Zionist activities, rights and financial problems of Hungarian Jewish organizations; - List of property of the Jewish communities in Uzhgorod; - Documentation of Marton Berkovich, born in 1903, from 1942; - List of Jews from the Berehovo district whose real estate property was confiscated.

  6. Documentation of the Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien (Belorussian District Government) in Minsk, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien (Belorussian District Government) in Minsk, 1941-1944 Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien (Generalbezirk Weißruthenien) is one of the territorial-administrative units in the (Reichskommissariat Ostland) Eastern District of the Reich. This administration existed between 01 September 1941-03 July 1944. The Collection contains instructions and orders of the District Governor situated in Minsk, an order from General Schenkendorff, German Army Home Front Commander, documentation regarding the establishment of an auxiliary police force in Bel...

  7. Card file of the Jewish residents and refugees from Pinsk in alphabetical order, 1939-1941

    Card file of the Jewish residents and refugees from Pinsk in alphabetical order, 1939-1941

  8. Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Shitomir, 1943

    Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Shitomir, 1943 Included in the collection is correspondence between the Reichskommissar der Ukraine (Reich commissioner of Ukraine) and the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Shitomir.

  9. Card index of Jews murdered in the Iaşi pogrom (June-July 1941) and a card index of survivors (former deportees), compiled by the Romanian branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) after the Holocaust

    Card index of Jews murdered in the Iaşi pogrom (June-July 1941) and a card index of survivors (former deportees), compiled by the Romanian branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) after the Holocaust A. Card index of Jews murdered in the Iaşi pogrom (June-July 1941) In the collection there are 465 file cards, including personal information regarding the victims of the pogrom in Iaşi. In addition to the name of the victim and the date of his/her murder, data regarding the cause of death is also written on the file cards, as well as data regarding the person making the declaration (that is t...

  10. Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes and collaborators in the Kherson region of the Soviet Union in 1944

    Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes and collaborators in the Kherson region of the Soviet Union in 1944 - Protocols of the local committee in the Kalininskoye district regarding the murder of Jews during 09-12/1941; - Survey report regarding the murder of Jews in the Kherson region during 1941-1942; - Information regarding the murder of Red Army POWs in camps in the Kherson region; - Documentation regarding the deportation of residents and the murder of Jews of the Kherson region during the German occupation.

  11. Documentation of the Reichsverkehrsministerium (Reich Ministry of Transportation), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsverkehrsministerium (Reich Ministry of Transportation), Germany, 1933-1945

  12. Documentation from the Landratsamt Saarbruecken (Saarbruecken district authority) in the Saar region

    Documentation from the Landratsamt Saarbruecken (Saarbruecken district authority) in the Saar region

  13. Documentation of the Versicherungsbehoerden (Insurance Offices) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Versicherungsbehoerden (Insurance Offices) in Hamburg

  14. Documentation of the Central Executive Committee in Belorussia, 1927-1931

    Documentation of the Central Executive Committee in Belorussia, 1927-1931 The Collection includes protocols from meetings of the Cherikov Municipality.

  15. Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, 1935

    Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, 1935 Personal cards of Jews completed as part of the 4th National Population Census conducted in Latvia, 1935

  16. M.52.DADpO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Dnepropetrovsk Region

    M.52.DADpO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Dnepropetrovsk Region This Sub-Record Group includes documentation of the Dnepropetrovsk municipality regarding the function and composition of the Judenrat (including the names of the Judenrat members and the name of the Judenrat representative in the municipality), 02 October 1941; appeal by the mayor of Dnepropetrovsk to the Stadtkomissar, regarding the establishment of the Dnepropetrovsk Ghetto, 1941; documentation of the municipality, regarding Jewish elderly people and orphans in the municipal home for disabled people in Dnepro...

  17. Documentation of the Frauenwirtschaftskammer (Women's Economic Chamber) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Frauenwirtschaftskammer (Women's Economic Chamber) in Hamburg

  18. Documents of the Umwandererzentralstelle (UWZ-Central Bureau for the Transfer of Populations/ the Central Emigration Office), Litzmannstadt/Posen, 1939-1945

    Documents of the Umwandererzentralstelle (UWZ-Central Bureau for the Transfer of Populations/ the Central Emigration Office), Litzmannstadt/Posen, 1939-1945 The "Warthegau District" is the name given to the areas of Poland that were annexed to the Third Reich in October 1939, and were intended for total Germanization. This process was carried out by creating legal discrimination among three population groups: Germans, who were from the beginning a small minority, Poles and Jews, by deportation and annihilation of the two last groups and their replacement by German settlers from the areas of...

  19. Documentation of the regional draft office in Stanislav, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the regional draft office in Stanislav, 1944-1945 Included in the collection are reports regarding the "Aktions" of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in Ukraine during 1944-1945.

  20. TR.17.OBUiADwSz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Szczecin, Poland, 1964-1981

    TR.17.OBUiADwSz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Szczecin, Poland, 1964-1981 Included in the collection are information pamphlets of the State Museum of Auschwitz Camp, 1976-1981; list of places of Nazi criminals in Police; documentation regarding Nazi criminals suspected of the murder of inmates in the Police labor camp (a sub-camp of the Stutthof concentration camp); list of labor camps in the area of the Szczecin region; documentation regarding German camps in Poland during 1939-1945, including documentation regarding gh...