Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,901 to 3,920 of 58,959
  1. Documentation from the Generalstaatsanwaltschaft (Public Prosecutor's Office) in Hamm

    Documentation from the Generalstaatsanwaltschaft (Public Prosecutor's Office) in Hamm

  2. Documentation of the municipal administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the municipal administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942 Included in the collection: - Applications of Kostopol municipality workers requesting to receive residence permits in apartments and homes that were owned by Jews; - Documentation regarding the Jews in Kostopol, including the number of Jews in the ghetto, places of work, and the burial of murdered Jews.

  3. M.41.GAOOMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region

    M.41.GAOOGO - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region History of the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region The regional Archive of the Communist Party was established in Mogilev in March 1940. Before its establishment, the responsibility for the conservation of the Communist Party documents was imposed on the History Department starting in 1925, and as of 1927 the responsibility was imposed on the Communist Party Archive of the Mogilev region. During the period of the Great Patriotic War (World War II), the documentati...

  4. Documentation of the administration of the Balki district, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the administration of the Balki district, 1942-1943 Included in the collection are secret orders by the governor of Transnistria and the command of Guard Division no. 1 regarding the establishment of a ghetto in the district area; persecution of Communists; order given by the governor of Transnistria regarding the deportation of the Jewish residents to ghettos; correspondence by the district prefecture with the Jewish colony in Balki regarding the segregation of the ghetto, use of Jewish laborers for loading and unloading vans, and complaints by the Jews against the colony'...

  5. Documentation of the Privatkanzlei Adolf Hitler (Private Office of Adolf Hitler) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1933-1944

    Documentation of the Privatkanzlei Adolf Hitler (Private Office of Adolf Hitler) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1933-1944 The collection contains letters and requests of citizens and various office holders that were sent to Adolf Hitler, and in some of the cases, the Private Office responses as well. The letters include greetings for the Fuehrer on various occasions, declarations of loyalty and admiration, various works (articles, poems, plays), photographs, as well as requests for assistance on various matters, such as requests that Hitler visit certain places or write greetings to cert...

  6. תיעוד מה-Bezirksausschuss/Bezirksverwaltungsgericht Berlin, שנים 1932-1941

    District Committee / District Administrative Court Berlin The capital Berlin separated in 1875 from the Provincial Association of Brandenburg and, according to the Provincial Order of June 29, 1875, formed together with the adjacent areas a city district. With the Administrative Court Act from July 3, 1875, each district obtained a District Administrative Court at the official residence of the district president. According to the Law on General Administration of July 30, 1883, Bezirksausschuesse (district committees) were set up to standardize the intermediate authorities, and to these admi...

  7. Personal files related to Jews, in the Bavarian Finanzministerium (Ministry of Finance)

    Personal files related to Jews, in the Bavarian Finanzministerium (Ministry of Finance)

  8. M.52.DASO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Sumy Region

    M.52.DASO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Sumy Region History of the Archives: The regional archival administration in Sumy was established in 1925. Its function was to collect documentation from the local archives, to absorb documentation of the archives that were dismantled, to create original collections and to establish the newspaper archives. In 1930 the archival administration underwent reorganization and it became the local administration of Sumy. In 1932 it became the Historical State Archives of Sumy. Upon the establishment of the Sumy region in 1939, the State Histo...

  9. Documentation of the Ministry of the Interior in Tallinn, 1918 - 1940

  10. Collection of documents from documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Kirovograd region, 1944-1946

    Collection of documents from documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Kirovograd region, 1944-1946 The collection includes documentation from the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Kirovograd region during 1944-1946, regarding the murder of the local population, including Jews and Soviet POWs; documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Ustinovka, Malaya Viska, Novo Arkhangelsk and Podvysokoye districts, 1941-1944.

  11. Documentation of the Executive Committee of the Molotovskiy neighborhood, in Belostok, 1941

    Documentation of the Executive Committee of the Molotovskiy neighborhood, in Belostok, 1941 The Collection includes lists of delegates of the City Council in Bialystok; list of residents in the city; documentation regarding employment in the city and other matters.

  12. Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant (Diamond Industry Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1954

    Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant (Diamond Industry Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1954 Establishment of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant by the Germans, as a department of the Rüstungsinspektion Niederlande for the promotion of the industry in the Netherlands in 1940; the Rijksbureau voor Diamant was given the responsibility for the registration of all of the diamonds in the Netherlands and the issuing of permits for all actions related to the diamond industry and diamond trade; Included in the collection: Forms/questionnaires of the Rijksbureau voor Diamant (government bureau for d...

  13. Documentation from the Amtsgericht Perl (Magistrates Court in Perl) in the Saar region, 1936-1958

    Documentation from the Amtsgericht Perl (Magistrates Court in Perl) in the Saar region

  14. Documentation of Jewish societies and organizations in Estonia, 1909 - 1940

  15. Situation reports prepared by the Gestapo, from materials of the Preußische Staatsministerium in the Geh. Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

    Situation reports prepared by the Gestapo, from materials of the Preußische Staatsministerium in the Geh. Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz The Preußische Staatsministerium was an organization of the Prussian State governmental authority. It served in the past in particular as the State government, and during the period of the Weimar Republic and afterwards it served as a uniting body (Kollegium) of the government's Ministers, and as the personal office (Kanzlei - Bureau) of the Prime Minister of the State. The material that was copied for Yad Vashem includes situation reports (Lageber...

  16. M.41.GAMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Mogilev Region

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10431971
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Appeal to the authorities Application Correspondence List of forced laborers List of healthcare workers List of Jewish residents List of residents List of workers Official documentation

    M.41.GAMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Mogilev Region History of the State Archive of the Mogilev Region The Archive was established on 05 July 1938, and its documentation is comprised of documentation that was found in the regional archives of Mogilev and Kalinin. In 1941, it included 1,316 original collections that contained 650,000 conservation units. During the war, some of the documents were evacuated but most were destroyed (1,200 original collections). The Archive resumed its activity in the city of Krichev in 1943, and in Mogilev in 1944. During the same time all o...

  17. Documentation of the Estonian Army, 1917 - 1941

  18. Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940

    Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940 The aim of the Protestant Committee was to give help to Jewish or "partially" Jewish refugees who had been baptized to Christianity, or "Aryans" who were married to Jews; Included in the collection: Circulars, notes and correspondence related to the Protestant Help Committee in Amsterdam, 1940; Correspondence between the committee's chairman Professor V. H. Rutgers and various organizations and persons, including the Central...