Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,681 to 3,700 of 58,959
  1. Documentation of the Estonian Jewish Cultural Council Board of Trustees in Viljandi, 1926 - 1940

  2. Documentation from the Landratsamt St. Ingbert (St. Ingbert district authority) in the Saar region, 1900-1955

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11662093
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1900-1955
    • Financial accounts List of Jewish residents Newspaper Official documentation Orders Questionnaire Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Survey report

    Documentation from the Landratsamt St. Ingbert (St. Ingbert district authority) in the Saar region

  3. Collection of passports of Jews, submitted to the prefecture of the city of Riga, Latvia during 1919-1940

    Collection of passports of Jews, submitted to the prefecture of the city of Riga, Latvia during 1919-1940 The passports were submitted to the local authorities for the purpose of renewal or for receipt of Latvian citizenship; the passports contain personal information, including passport photos of the Jews.

  4. Documentation of the municipal administration in Berdichev, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the municipal administration in Berdichev, 1941-1942 Included in the collection is documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district commissioner) in Berdichev, the Generalkommissar (regional commissioner) in Zhitomir and the mayor of Berdichev, regarding the registration of the population, the collection of winter clothing for Germans, [the decree regarding] wearing a yellow badge, and other matters, 1941-1942.

  5. Documentation of various institutions in Mogilev, 1939-1945

    Documentation of various institutions in Mogilev, 1939-1945 Varied documentation, including among others: correspondence with various government organizations in the city of Mogilev, protocols of meetings regarding a pension for bereaved families, requests by residents to receive heating wood, lists of workers, and announcements regarding the payment of salaries.

  6. Documentation from the Oberfinanzdirektion Duesseldorf

    Documentation from the Oberfinanzdirektion Duesseldorf

  7. Plaut Collection, regarding the Jewish Community of Hamburg

    Plaut Collection, regarding the Jewish Community of Hamburg

  8. Documentation of the Weltwirtschaftsarchiv (World Economy Archive) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Weltwirtschaftsarchiv (World Economy Archive) in Hamburg

  9. Documentation of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord

    Documentation of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord Included in the Collection are the record groups: - Gauschulungamt JM/14920 (frames 2-182); JM/14940 (frames 221-448) - Gaugericht Westfalen-Nord JM/14920 (frames 183-184) - NS Frauenschaft Westfalen-Nord JM/14920 (frames 185-218) - Hauptleitung JM/14940 (frames 2-159) - Gauinspekteure JM/14940 (frames 160-220).

  10. Documentation of the head elections committee of the municipal council in Grodno, 1939

    Documentation of the head elections committee of the municipal council in Grodno, 1939 Included in the collection are lists of members of the elections committee, candidates for the municipal council, and electors and voters.

  11. Personal collection of Dr. Nosson Gens, 1887 - 1940

  12. Documentation of the auxiliary regional committee to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Tarnopol region, 1944-1946

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13228700
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1944-1946
    • Diagram Exhumation report Newspaper clippings Official documentation Statistical report רשימת פושעים נאצים ומשתפי פעולה

    Documentation of the auxiliary regional committee to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Tarnopol region, 1944-1946 Included in the collection is documentation regarding the establishment of ghettos in the region; policies toward the Jews; employment of Jews for forced labor; murder of the Jews and liquidation of the ghettos in the Tarnopol region during 1941-1944; lists of Nazi war criminals and collaborators active in the Tarnopol region during 1941-1944, including letters of recommendation, biographies, orders, places and periods of service; Soviet newspaper clippings regard...

  13. M.52.DAZO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zakarpatye Region

    M.52.DAZO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zakarpatye Region History of the Archives: A regional archives was active in the Země Zakarpatskoukrajinská sub-division during 1919-1939. The Central State Historical Archives of Zakarpatska Ukraina was established in November 1945. The Archives' name was later changed to the Regional State Archives of Zakarpatye in 1946. During 1945-1954 the Archives was located in the city of Uzhgorod. A branch of the Archives was active in the city of Beregove as of 1953, in which documentation from the 16th century and until 1945 was to be found....

  14. Documentation of the regional Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in Szczecin, dated 1964-1981

    Documentation of the regional Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in Szczecin, dated 1964-1981 Included in the collection: Information booklets of the State Museum of Auschwitz Camp, 1976-1981; list of places of Nazi crimes in Police; documentation regarding crimes by Nazis suspected of murdering inmates in the Police labor camp (a sub-camp of the Stutthof concentration camp); list of labor camps in the area of the Szczecin region; documentation regarding German camps in Poland during 1939-1945, including documentation regarding ghettos, POW camps, prisons and detention plac...

  15. Official documentation of the German occupation authorities in Latvia, from the Westermann Collection in Riga

    Official documentation of the German occupation authorities in Latvia, from the Westermann Collection in Riga The Westermann Collection includes official documentation of the municipal administration of the Rigas Prefekturas (Riga Prefecture) Police; official documentation of Einsatzgruppe A active in Latvia in 1941; orders and instructions by the Sicherheitspolizei to the SD and SS in Latvia; instructions of the Generalkommissar and Giebitskommissar of Riga; Latvian antisemitic newspapers, from 1939-1940 and from the German occupation period; lists of Jews who were deported from Hamburg, D...

  16. Documentation of the municipal administration and local institutions in Romny, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the municipal administration and local institutions in Romny, 1941-1943

  17. Documentation of the German authorities and the municipality in Romny, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the German authorities and the municipality in Romny, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions, regulations and announcements regarding the supply of a labor force and food for the German Army; - Report regarding partisans activities; - Information regarding the payment of local taxes.

  18. Documentation from the Allgemeines Krankenhaus (General Hospital) in Barmbeck (a suburb of Hamburg)

    Documentation from the Allgemeines Krankenhaus (General Hospital) in Barmbeck (a suburb of Hamburg) The General Hospital in Barmbeck started to be partially active in November 1913, and it opened completely in August 1914 with a capacity of 2,400 beds. The hospital was a part of the system of regional hospitals of Hamburg State. For several years during World War II, the hospital was subjugated to military command, as part of the military medical system. The hospital was damaged by air-raids in 1942. The building was evacuated in May 1945 by order of the British occupation authorities, and ...

  19. Documentation of the municipal Executive Committees, regarding Nazi war crimes carried out in the Grodno region, dated, 1969-1970

    Documentation of the municipal Executive Committees, regarding Nazi war crimes carried out in the Grodno region, dated, 1969-1970 Included in the collection are documentation and lists of people who were murdered in Lida and Grodno during 1941-1944.

  20. תיעוד מה-Landesarchiv Berlin (חטיבה של Der Generalbauinspekteur fuer die Reichshauptstadt)

    The General Building Inspector for the capital of the Reich Berlin. The authority was created by decree of January 30, 1937 and had the central responsibility for the planned conversion of Berlin to the "imperial capital Germania". It was headed by Albert Speer and was directly subordinate to the chancellor of the Reich Adolf Hitler. Since October 1943, the authority was also charged with the preparation of the rebuilding of destroyed cities.