Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,641 to 3,660 of 58,959
  1. Documentation from the Brzesc nad Bugiem municipality, 1929-1939

    Documentation from the Brzesc nad Bugiem municipality, 1929-1939 Included in the file, among other material: - Documentation regarding renovation of the synagogue; - Documentation regarding properties of the Jewish community of Brzesc nad Bugiem; - Documentation regarding the "Tachkemoni" organization for national religious education.

  2. Collection of the Hilfsausschuß fur die Deutschen in den Niederlanden, 1940-1943

    Collection of the Hilfsausschuß fur die Deutschen in den Niederlanden, 1940-1943 The role of the Hilfsausschuß fur die Deutschen in den Niederlanden was the determination of damages and payment of compensation to German citizens who suffered from war damages in the Netherlands; the Hilfsausschuß was based on VO 21/41; Germans outside of the Netherlands were also entitled to compensation, on condition that the damage to property was caused in the Netherlands; most of the claims related to the property of Jewish refugees from Germany who had stored their household contents in storage rooms of...

  3. Documentation of the "Herzliya" Jewish youth movement in Riga, 1928-1940

    Documentation of the "Herzliya" Jewish youth movement in Riga, 1928-1940 Covenant of the Herzliya youth movement and protocols of meetings of the central committee; receipt books; lists of members of the movement; summaries of meetings and gatherings; reports regarding the activities of various Zionist organizations and activities of the aliya training agricultural farm; monthly inspections regarding the movement's activities; lists of donors; survey and pamphlet of the World Organization of the General Zionists in Latvia and overseas; correspondence by the Herzliya movement with the Jewish...

  4. Card files and personal documentation of Stutthof camp inmates from various countries and nationalities, 1939-1945

    Card files and personal documentation of Stutthof camp inmates from various countries and nationalities, 1939-1945 Stutthof camp was a Nazi concentration camp located 37 kilometers east of Danzig, near the city of Sztutowo in Poland. The camp, established in September 1939, was the first concentration camp established outside the borders of Germany. It was the last camp to be liberated by the Allied forces. During the period that Stutthof camp was active it had approximately 110,000 inmates imprisoned there, including 28,000 Jews. More than 80,000 of the inmates perished in the camp.

  5. Collection of M. H. Bregstein in the Netherlands, 1940-1956

    Collection of M. H. Bregstein in the Netherlands, 1940-1956 Bregstein was born in 1900. He was a lecturer in Law at the Hogeschool van Rotterdam during 1934-1939. He was appointed Attorney General of the Netherlands in 1940. He was dismissed from this position in the same year, due to his Jewish origin. After the war, he was accepted to the Council for the Restitution of Justice and Law in the banking securities registration department and was an advisor to the Netherlands Ministry of the Treasury in the matter of the property which had been confiscated by the Nazis.

  6. Collection of Dr. Hans Max Hirschfeld, secretary of the Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture departments in the Netherlands, 1940-1941

    Collection of Dr. Hans Max Hirschfeld, secretary of the Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture departments in the Netherlands, 1940-1941 Collection that documents the administration of the Dutch economy by the Germans and the attitude toward the Jews in that context in 1940-1941; Included in the collection: Circulars, correspondence and protocols of meetings of the Departement van Binnenlandsche Zaken in The Hague, regarding the dismissal of Jews from public positions, examination of the Aryan origin of clerks, and reports regarding the status of the Jews in the Dutch economy and in t...

  7. Documentation regarding refugees from Poland who arrived to Mogilev and Bobruysk, 1940

    Documentation regarding refugees from Poland who arrived to Mogilev and Bobruysk, 1940 Included in the collection are lists and questionnaires of Jewish refugees who arrived from Poland during 1939-1940.

  8. Documentation of the Gauwirtschaftskammer (Nazi Gau Economic Chamber) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Gauwirtschaftskammer (Nazi Gau Economic Chamber) in Hamburg

  9. Documentation of the Community Policy Head Office, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Community Policy Head Office, 1933-1945 Documentation of the Head Office for Community Policy from the Nazi period; The majority of the documents in the collection include references to policies towards Jews in the area of housing or excerpts of antisemitic propaganda.

  10. Documentation of the Waffen-SS, 1942 - 1945

  11. Documentation regarding the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in Riga, 1921-1940

    Documentation regarding the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in Riga, 1921-1940 Description of the Collection: The Jewish National Fund (JNF) covenant; reports of meetings of the JNF administration and meetings of members of the JNF; work regulations; diaries of the JNF and Keren Hayesod; lists of members of the board and members of JNF branches; correspondence with the press department regarding the publication of the fund's periodical; lists of JNF members, and correspondence regarding donations; lists of donors; receipt books; diagrams; personal cards of members, arranged according to the Latv...

  12. Documentation of the Estonian Cooperative Health Insurance Fund branches, 1923 - 1940

  13. Documentation belonging to the gendarmerie unit in the Khoyniki district, 1942-1943

    Documentation belonging to the gendarmerie unit in the Khoyniki district, 1942-1943 The Collection includes primarily reports and instructions from the Gendarmerie Headquarters in Zhitomir, as well as instructions from the (Gebietskommissar) district commissioner in Reytschitza and correspondence of the unit, particularly with the regional Gendarmerie Headquarters in Reytschitza. The material contains, among others, research reports regarding partisans, reports regarding partisan activity and regarding the activities of the German units against the partisans and documentation regarding volu...

  14. TR.17.OBUiADwRz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Rzeszow, Poland, 1945-1946

    TR.17.OBUiADwRz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Rzeszow, Poland, 1945-1946 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who perished during the war period, submitted to the Court of Law in Przemyśl for first proceedings in order to receive declarations of death, 1945-1946.

  15. Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Meschede district, Westphalia

    Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Meschede district, Westphalia

  16. Documentation of the Criminal Police in Shitomir, 1942

    Documentation of the Criminal Police in Shitomir, 1942 Included in the collection: - Orders by the Gebietskomissar (district governor) in Shitomir regarding the fight against the partisans, regulations regarding detention and the treatment of detainees; - Article from a weekly (publication).

  17. Documentation of the handicrafts schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1926-1940

    Documentation of the handicrafts schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1926-1940 Included in the collection is correspondence with the handicrafts school in Riga and correspondence with the association for Jewish education; correspondence with the handicrafts school in Liepaja regarding the educational process, the budget, the practical work during the summer and the appointment of new teachers; correspondence with the "Bikur Cholim" hospital school for nurses.

  18. Documentation of the Belorussian Institute of Agriculture in Gorki, 1916-1941

    Documentation of the Belorussian Institute of Agriculture in Gorki, 1916-1941 Included in the collection are lists of students, lecturers and employees at the institute; personal documents of students and employees at the institute, requests to receive salaries, and instructions by the administration regarding students and employees at the institute.

  19. Documentation from the Court of Law (Amstgericht) in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin: Wills of Jews, 1935-1939

    Documentation from the Court of Law (Amstgericht) in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin: Wills of Jews, 1935-1939 Files of the Court of Law, that deal with the handling of the Wills of Jews, most of whom resided in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin (and a minority of them in the Treptow neighborhood in Berlin). The files include details regarding the possible inheritors, death certificates, and other personal documentation of the family members (mainly birth certificates and marriage certificates), and Inheritance Orders (Erbscheine) from the Court of Law. In several files there are de...

  20. Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in St. Wendel (Amtsgericht St. Wendel) in the Saar region, 1933-1939

    Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in St. Wendel (Amtsgericht St. Wendel) in the Saar region, 1933-1939 Included in the collection are, in most part, the regulations of local associations (the Red Cross organization, Volunteer Firefighters, and sports organizations), including a clause that bans the membership of "non-Aryans" in the organization. Also in the collection: a file that includes an order from 1933 that details the conditions of the detainees in the prison in St. Wendel; the file mentions Jewish detainees.