Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,421 to 3,440 of 58,959
  1. Documentation from the Reichswirtschaftministerium (Reich Ministry of Economy) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1942

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11026735
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1936-1942
    • Balance sheet Financial accounts Names of perpetrators Official documentation Record of persecuted persons Statistical data Survey report

    Documentation from the Reichswirtschaftministerium (Reich Ministry of Economy) from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1942 The following files are preserved in the collection: - A file dealing with insurance taken out by Jews, 1938-1939, including subjects such as the treatment of insurance claims submitted by Jews after the Kristallnacht riots (including a copy of the "Reichsgesetzblatt" [Reich Legal Gazette] from March 1939 containing the wording of the law on this matter - frame 1451, statistical reports and correspondence from December 1938 regarding the limit on claims pertaining to ri...

  2. Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee of the Novaya Mysh district, 1940

    Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee of the Novaya Mysh district, 1940 Included in the collection is a list of voters in the Nowa Mysz [Novaya Mysh] district, prepared in 1940, and a professional opinion regarding a Jewish teacher named Abram Rozen who worked in the Baranovichi region.

  3. M.52.GUOK - Documentation from the Main Department of Education of the Kiev City State Administration

    Documentation from the Archives of the Education Department of the Kiev Municipality Lists of orphan children who stayed in orphanage no. 4 in Kiev, 1941-1947; list of orphan children in the orphanages in Kiev, 1943; lists of children in special orphanage no. 6 in Kiev, including data regarding their place and date of birth, nationality, and the dates of the arrival and departure of each child (selected pages with names of Jews), 1945-1952.

  4. Documentation of the regional multidisciplinary industrial association in Mogilev, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the regional multidisciplinary industrial association in Mogilev, 1944-1945 Included in the collection are personal files of members of the association.

  5. Documentation of the University of Tartu, 1918 - 1944

  6. Documentation of the Galizische SS-Schützendivision (Waffen-SS Galicia Division), 1943-1944

    Documentation of the Galizische SS-Schützendivision (Waffen-SS Galicia Division), 1943-1944 Included in the collection are excerpts from the activities log of the Division, which acted under the supervision of the Ukrainian Nationalists in the Lwow and Tarnopol regions.

  7. Files of the Finanzaemter in Munich

    Files of the Finanzaemter in Munich

  8. M.41.NARB - Documentation of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia (Natsionalny Arkhiv Respubliki Belarus)

    M.41.NARB - Documentation of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia (Natsionalny Arkhiv Respubliki Belarus) History of the National Archive of the Republic of Belorussia The Central Archive for the October Revolution of the Belorussian Soviet Republic was established in the city of Minsk on 28 May 1927. The Archive moved to the city of Mogilev in 1930. The Archive underwent reorganization in 1938, and became the State Archive of the October Revolution and the Socialistic Construction. Following the outbreak of the war in 1941, the Archive's activities stopped. The Archive renewe...

  9. Documentation from the Bezirksamt Schoenberg in Berlin, 1926-1935

    Documentation from the Bezirksamt Schoenberg in Berlin, 1926-1935 The city of Schoeneberg and the town of Friedenau were incorporated into the city of Berlin in 1920, as the Bezirk (municipal district of) Schoeneberg. In this Record Group are files related to the construction sector, regarding synagogues and buildings belonging to Jewish institutions in the district's area.

  10. Documentation of the Estonian Security Police, 1941 - 1944

  11. Documentation of The Jewish Community in Tallinn, 1859 - 1941

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13578605
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1859-1941
    • Administrative documentation Charter Correspondence Financial records Journals List of Jews Lists Newspaper Photograph Protocol Reports Sentence
  12. Documentation of the area Committee for Elections to the Polish Parliament (Sejm) in Election Area No. 44, Grodno, 1938

    Documentation of the area Committee for Elections to the Polish Parliament (Sejm) in Election Area No. 44, Grodno, 1938 The Collection includes a list of members of the Elections Committee to the Polish Parliament (Sejm) in the Bialystok region; lists of voters in Grodno.

  13. Documentation from the concentration camps and the POW camps in Germany from the OSOBY Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10633850
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1938-1944
    • Administrative documentation Financial accounts List of Nazi war criminals List of POWs Map Names of perpetrators Official documentation Order Personal documents Statistical data

    Documentation from concentration camps and POW camps in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944 The collection contains files regarding personnel matters, among them reports concerning transfers of staff members (including members of the Totenkopf units), promotion and the awarding of medals, and personal files of staff members; guidelines for Inspektion der Konzentrationslager (the supervision of the concentration camps) and guidelines issued by the Reichsfuehrer SS concerning administration of the concentration camps and the handling of the inmates, including matters pertainin...

  14. Documentation of the Hochschulwesen II (High School Administration II) regarding the University of Hamburg

    Documentation of the Hochschulwesen II (High School Administration II) regarding the University of Hamburg

  15. Documentation of elementary school no. 8 in Rovno, 1940-1941

    Documentation of elementary school no. 8 in Rovno, 1940-1941 Included in the collection are class logs in which lists of Jewish pupils appear.

  16. M.49.E- Testimonies of Holocaust Survivors collected by the Central Jewish Historical Committee in Poland, 1944-1947

    M.49.E- Testimonies of Holocaust Survivors collected by the Central Jewish Historical Committee in Poland, 1944-1947 The collection consists of approximately 7,200 testimonies collected by the Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna (Central Jewish Historical Committee) in Poland during its active years, 1944-1947. After the establishment of the ZIH (Jewish Historical Institute) the documentation was transferred to the ZIH Archives, and catalogued as Records Group 301. In the collection there is a large variety of testimonies given by Holocaust survivors regarding their lives in the ghettos,...

  17. Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in Völklingen (Amtsgericht Völklingen) in the Saar region, 1933-1943

    Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in Völklingen (Amtsgericht Völklingen) in the Saar region, 1933-1943 Included in the material that was photocopied for Yad Vashem are, in most part, orders and instructions given by the law authorities, including the German Ministry of Justice and the Courts of Law and authorities in the Saar region. The orders relate to Jews and to inmates and to their handling, among other matters. Included in the collection are two files that deal with trials that were held during 1933-1934, in which a Jewish lawyer participated.

  18. Documentation from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) which was active in Crimea, 1944

    Documentation from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) which was active in Crimea, 1944 The State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK), 1942-1951, was established by order of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union, 02 November 1942. The ChGK was responsible for the collection of documentary data and the preparation of material regarding the atrocities committed by Nazi criminals and the damage caused to Soviet citizens, kolkhozes and the State as a result of the occupation of ...

  19. Documentation from the archives of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1927-1947

    Documentation from the archives of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1927-1947 In the collection there are various files created by Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (on each file the Code Number "33" appears, [an indication of] documents pertaining to the Jewish Question). Also in the collection: Files pertaining to the legal status of the Romanian Jews (already in 1927); propaganda material; correspondence with Romanian diplomatic delegations abroad and foreign delegations in Romania; reports concerning the activities of Jewish organizations outside of Romania (mainly in the Un...

  20. Documentation of the municipal Jewish high school in Riga, 1921-1940

    Documentation of the municipal Jewish high school in Riga, 1921-1940 Circulars, orders and instructions of the Riga municipality's education department; the Jewish education administration and other institutions; correspondence with the department of middle schools, regarding educational activities and the composition of the teachers and pupils; reports of meetings and the teachers committee; lists of teachers; lists of pupils; elementary school diplomas; record books of grades [marks]; copies of matriculation certificates.