Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,381 to 3,400 of 58,959
  1. Documentation of the district administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the district administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942 - Instructions by the Gebietskommissariat (district commissioner) in Kostopol; - Statistical data regarding the nationalization of property and the sale of Jewish homes, 19/12/1941-29/09/1942; - Appeals to the Kostopol municipality by two Jews, regarding receiving a food allotment, 04-05/1942; - List of children born in the Kostopol district, 1937-1938; - Instructions by the mayor of Kostopol, regarding the sale of clothing and shoes of Jews that were left in the municipal area, and the sale of clothing and shoes to poor pe...

  2. M.41.TsNANANB - Documentation from the Central Scientific Archive of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

    M.41.TsNANANB - Documentation from the Central Scientific Archive of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus The collection includes testimonies and memoirs of residents of Belorussia regarding their experiences in the ghettos, including the establishment of Judenraten, forced labor, starvation and murder of Jews, underground activities, and service in various partisan detachments and in the Red Army, 1941-1944.

  3. Documentation of the Jewish community in Cernauti, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Jewish community in Cernauti, 1941-1944 Included in the collection is documentation of the Centrala Evreilor din Romania (Jewish Center in Romania) in Cernauti, including: - List of names of Jews; - Request by the Jewish community to cancel the transfer of Jews to forced labor and to receive work permits; - Information regarding sending help to the Transnistria area; - Lists with names of senders and receivers of banking securities from cities in the region of Balta and Mogilev Podolski; - Request to receive help by the Jew, Alfred Sigal, referred to the administration ...

  4. Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in Neunkirchen (Amtsgericht Neunkirchen) in the Saar region, 1925-1935

    Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in Neunkirchen (Amtsgericht Neunkirchen) in the Saar region, 1925-1935 Included in the collection are excerpts from regulations of German and Nazi organizations, in which they ban the membership of Jews.

  5. Documentation handed over to the Osoby Archive in Moscow from the Pushkin State Museum in Moscow regarding the confiscation of books and art

    Documentation handed over to the Osoby Archive in Moscow from the Pushkin State Museum in Moscow regarding the confiscation of books and art

  6. תיעוד של בית משפט השלום (Amtsgericht) ב-Warendorf (ווסטפליה)

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12421296
    • English, Hebrew
    • Legal documentation Official documentation Personal documents Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Bestand: Amtsgericht (district court) Warendorf In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including details regarding those who perished and their deportation; correspondence with German authorities, in...

  7. Materials from the Judaica Memoiren (Jewish Memoirs) Collection, from the Archive of the City of Munich

    Materials from the Judaica Memoiren (Jewish Memoirs) Collection, from the Archive of the City of Munich

  8. Documentation of the Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Municipal Associations), 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Municipal Associations), 1933-1945 Documentation of the Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Municipal Associations), an association imposed on the local German municipalities and authorities established by the Nazis in December 1933. The files contain documents that relate primarily to the implementation of Nazi policies towards Jews, among others, on the municipal level.

  9. Documentation of the SS- und Polizeiführer commander affiliated with the office of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Rushin, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the SS- und Polizeiführer commander affiliated with the office of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Rushin, 1942-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions of the Police commander; - Survey reports regarding the organization of the Ukrainian Police, the arrest of Ukrainian Nationalists who support Stepan Bandera (leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - OUN), combat against the partisans, and attacks by the partisans; - List of heads of villages, their deputies and their accountants; - Files regarding the arrest of Communists, partisans, POWs an...

  10. Documentation of the (Heeresgruppe Mitte) Central Armia Group, in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the (Heeresgruppe Mitte) Central Armia Group, in Belorussia, 1941-1944 The Collection contains instructions of the German Army Headquarters regarding the fight against partisan units, reports regarding the situation of the Einsatzgruppen B and their activity, reports regarding the propaganda among the local population and reports of German Army units regarding the activity of the partisans.

  11. Documentation of the administration of the Shargorod district, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the administration of the Shargorod district, 1942-1944 Included in the collection are instructions and orders by the prefecture and governor of Transnistria, regarding the supply and distribution of the agricultural produce; instructions and directives by the district administration regarding the sowing of grain; documentation regarding the payment of salaries to the workers in the district administration and the rural administrations; reports by government clerks.

  12. Documentation of the Municipal Department for Social Sevices in Tallinn, 1919 - 1944

  13. M.52.TsDIALU - Documentation from the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv

    M.52.TsDIALU - Documentation from the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv Documentation in this Sub-Record Group includes many documents from the period before World War II, including personal files of professors from the University of Lwow, letters and documentation of Metropolite Andrzej Szeptycki, official documentation and legal documentation regarding members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), lists of Jewish residents who voted [in the elections] for the Polish Sejm, lists of voters in the elections for the Jewish Community Council in Lwow, lists of ...

  14. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, 1944

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, 1944 The collection includes documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, June-November 1944, and includes documents, testimonies and survey reports regarding the murder of Jews during the German occupation. The documentation includes statistical reports, arranged according to the districts of the Vinnitsa region; information regarding the mass murder of the Jews of Vinnitsa, including the dates, methods of murder and the murder sites; number of people murdered, and numbe...

  15. M.41.GAOOGO - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Gomel Region

    M.41.GAOOGO - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Gomel Region History of the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Gomel Region The regional authority established the Archive of the Communist Party in March 1940. The Archive was evacuated to the eastern areas of the Soviet Union in August 1941. Much of the documentation was destroyed during the evacuation as a result of the Germans' air-raids. After the liberation of the occupied areas of the Soviet Union, the central committee of Communist Party in Belorussia transferred some of the documenta...

  16. Documentation from regional authorities in Westphalia

    Documentation from regional authorities in Westphalia

  17. Documentation from official institutions in Westphalia

    Documentation from official institutions in Westphalia In the Collection is documentation from the following institutions: Staatsanwaltschaft Münster: JM/14892 (frames 241-256); Oberfinazpraesident Westfalen (Oberfinazdirektion): JM/14907 (frames 295-403); Bundesbahndirektion Münster: JM/14914 (frames 12-20); Landwirtscaftliche Kreisstellen: JM/14914 (frames 21-67); Sonderbeauftragte fuer die Abwicklung der Hauptvereinigungen: JM/14938 (frames 140-273).

  18. Documentation of the Kreishauptmann (district governor) in Lemberg, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Kreishauptmann (district governor) in Lemberg, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Circular of the Generalgouvernement propaganda department in the Galicia area, regarding statistical data concerning the area's residents; - Correspondence of the Generalgouvernement office, regarding the Jews; - List of Jews from Mosciska who were transferred to a labor camp and received permission to return in exchange for a deposit of money; - Lists of Jews from various places in the Distrikt Galizien; - Documentation of the German Police in the Galicia area, regarding the registra...

  19. Documentation regarding the partisans units active in the Kirovograd region, 1941-1944

    Documentation regarding the partisans units active in the Kirovograd region, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Lists of partisans active in the area of the Kirovograd region; - Reports regarding activities of the "Stalin" partisans detachment.

  20. Documentation of the elementary education department of the Executive committee in the Mogilev region, 1938-1941

    Documentation of the elementary education department of the Executive committee in the Mogilev region, 1938-1941 Included in the collection: - Personal files of teachers (education workers); - Lists of teachers (education workers); - Principals and teachers; - List of workers in the orphanages in the Mstislavl district.