Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,361 to 3,380 of 58,959
  1. Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for the Cultivation of the Arts) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for the Cultivation of the Arts) in Hamburg

  2. Documentation of the University of Hamburg

    Documentation of the University of Hamburg

  3. Collection of the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht committee for legislation in the Netherlands after the war, 1946-1955

    Collection of the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht committee for legislation in the Netherlands after the war, 1946-1955 Establishment of the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht as a government committee in the Netherlands in 1946; the aim of the committee was to advise the Netherlands government regarding the revocation of the Nazi occupation legislation, and regarding legislation for the transition period in order to return the Dutch legal system to order; Included in the collection: Survey by the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht, regarding subjects related to the anti-Jewish legislation in the...

  4. Documentation of the regional Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Bialystok, dated 1945-2003

    Documentation of the regional Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Bialystok, dated 1945-2003 Included in the collection: Lists of residents of the Bialystok region who perished in camps and prisons, including in Mauthausen, Dachau, Ravensbrueck, Dzialdowo, Bialystok, Gross-Rosen, Stutthof, Bergen-Belsen, Dora, Buchenwald, Majdanek and Auschwitz camps; official documentation of the regional Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in Bialystok, including lists of people who perished; confirmations of death of residents who perished during the wa...

  5. Documentation from the Reichsnaehrstand (Reich Food Manufacturers Organization) and the Landesbauernschaft Bayern (Farmers Organization) in Bavaria

    Documentation from the Reichsnaehrstand (Reich Food Manufacturers Organization) and the Landesbauernschaft Bayern (Farmers Organization) in Bavaria

  6. Documentation of the Nowogrodek Communist Party Municipal Committee, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Nowogrodek Communist Party Municipal Committee, 1939-1941

  7. Financial reports of the Commerz- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft from Berlin and from Hamburg from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1939

    Financial reports of the Commerz- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft from Berlin and from Hamburg from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1939 In the collection there are files of financial reports of the Commerz- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft from Berlin and from Hamburg, 1936-1939, prepared by the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhand Aktiengesellschaft Company. The original title assigned to this Record Group by the Osoby Archive, referring to the company that prepared the reports, is erroneous.

  8. Personal files of the Senatskanzlei (Senate Chamber) in Hamburg

    Personal files of the Senatskanzlei (Senate Chamber) in Hamburg

  9. Documentation of the area office for recruitment of laborers in Grodno, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the area office for recruitment of laborers in Grodno, 1942-1944 The Collection includes work summons for Jews in the Grodno Ghetto for work in various companies in the city; correspondence of various factories in Grodno with the local employment office (Arbeitsamt) regarding Jewish laborers from the Grodno Ghetto, procedures for payment of wages and requests for Jewish craftsmen, exit permits for Jewish laborers and fleeing Polish laborers.

  10. Documentation of the Jugendbehoerde I (Youth Office I) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Jugendbehoerde I (Youth Office I) in Hamburg

  11. Documentation of the local authorities in the Kolomyja district, 1942

    Documentation of the local authorities in the Kolomyja district, 1942 Included in the collection are instructions regarding the confiscation of winter clothing from the Jews and the resettlement of the Jews in the Distrikt Galizien (Galicia region).

  12. Documentation of the rural administrations in the Sumy region, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the rural administrations in the Sumy region, 1941-1943

  13. Documentation from the Wedding Magistrates Court in Berlin

    Documentation from the Wedding Magistrates Court in Berlin Files of individual Jews, regarding mainly wills and listings in the Land Registration Book (Grundbuch).

  14. Documentation of the National-Socialist Union of Law Defenders and of the Reich Legal Office, Germany

    Documentation of the National-Socialist Union of Law Defenders and of the Reich Legal Office, Germany

  15. Documentation of the Konzentrationslager (Concentration camps administration), Germany

    Documentation of the Konzentrationslager (Concentration camps administration), Germany

  16. M.41.GAMn - Documentation from the Minsk Region State Archive

    M.41.GAMn - Documentation from the Minsk Region State Archive History of the Archive The Minsk Region State Archive (GAMn Archive) was established in 1938. The Archive was not active during the period of the German occupation, 1941-1944. All the documents describing the period before the October Revolution (the Bolshevik Revolution) were transferred to the Belorussian Central State Historical Archive in 1963. 600,000 files from the Minsk Region Communist Party Archive were given to GAMO in 1996. Material from the period of the October Revolution in 1917 until the present time has been prese...

  17. Collection of Kapitän Michael Sommer en Fa. Union, for the purchase of raw materials for the Wehrmacht in the black market in the Netherlands, 1942-1922

    Collection of Kapitän Michael Sommer en Fa. Union, for the purchase of raw materials for the Wehrmacht in the black market in the Netherlands, 1942-1922 Two companies purchased goods by command of Oberst Veltjens, Goering's representative in the Netherlands, 1942-1944; Kapitän Michael Sommer served as the person responsible for the purchase of raw materials for the Wehrmacht in the black market in the Netherlands, which was carried out in the context of the Vierjahresplan of the Blau-Aktion (black market); Included in the collection: Correspondence between Kapitän Michael Sommer and various...

  18. Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Textiel (Textiles Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1945

    Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Textiel (Textiles Office of the Netherlands), 1940-1945 Included in the collection: Official documentation of the Omnia Treuhandgesellschaft, the German Office for the Aryanization of Jewish Businesses in the Netherlands, 1940-1945; Official documentation of the Wirtschaftspruefstelle - German Ministry of the Treasury, Department for the Confiscation of Businesses, 1940-1945; Lists of businesses owned by Jews in the Netherlands; Documents of the Rijksbureau voor Textiel, regarding compensation to Jews in the Netherlands for the confiscation of merchandise ...

  19. Documentation of the Zentrale Vereinigung osterreichischer Emigranten (Central Association of Austrian Emigrants) in Paris, 1938-1940

    Documentation of the Zentrale Vereinigung osterreichischer Emigranten (Central Association of Austrian Emigrants) in Paris, 1938-1940 The Association was founded in Paris, France, in May 1938, with the goal of uniting the Austrian emigrant organizations under one roof. The documentation contains correspondence and organization fliers, reports regarding activities of Austrian emigrant organizations in various places, as well as diaries and memoirs of the emigrants and lists of Austrian citizens in camps.

  20. Collection of Schoorl camp in the Netherlands, 1940-1941, and correspondence regarding Schoorl camp until 1979

    Collection of Schoorl camp in the Netherlands, 1940-1941, and correspondence regarding Schoorl camp until 1979 Included in the collection: Personal documents, including letters, poems/songs and paintings; Photographs of Schoorl camp and a map of Schoorl camp and the surrounding area; Orders by the Schoorl camp administration, regarding discipline, freedom of movement, cleanliness, the receipt of postal items, and other matters; List of inmates in Schoorl camp, 1940-1941; Documents including a statement of defense by K. Berg, commander of Schoorl camp and Amersfoort camp; Appeals to various ...