Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,041 to 3,060 of 58,959
  1. Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Huiden en Leder (Leather Industry office) of the Netherlands, 1940-1945

    Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Huiden en Leder (Leather Industry office) of the Netherlands, 1940-1945 Included in the collection: Official documentation of Omnia, the Office for the Aryanization of Jewish Businesses in the Netherlands, 1940-1945; Documents regarding the administration of Jewish businesses by German appointees; Official documentation of Jewish businesses, including De Kroon en Van Gelder, shoe stores and leather merchants.

  2. Documentation from the Badisches Finanzministerium (Baden Finance Ministry), regarding Aryanization

    Documentation from the Badisches Finanzministerium (Baden Finance Ministry), regarding Aryanization

  3. Documentation of the Gebietskommissariat (district commissioner) in Kazatin, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the Gebietskommissariat (district commissioner) in Kazatin, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Official correspondence between the Gebietskommissariat of Kazatin and factors in the SS, the SD and the Police, regarding the murder of Jews, the confiscation of Jewish property, and Schitomir camp and its regulations; - Order by the SS und Polizeigebietsfuere commander in Kazatin to the commander of the Gendarmerie in Schitomir, regarding the behavior of two SS men toward Jewish inmates in a labor camp and the theft of food by Ukrainians, 01/11/1942; - Orders of the General...

  4. Documentation of the district operational committee in Kherson, 1925-1926

    Documentation of the district operational committee in Kherson, 1925-1926 Included in the collection: - Survey report of the district committee for national minorities matters; - Statistical information regarding the Jewish population; - Program and report of the central committee for national minorities matters affiliated with the Ukraine government; - Instructions, working program and correspondence of the committee for national minorities matters affiliated with the local authorities in Kherson, regarding the transfer of the Jewish population to agricultural settlements, 1925.

  5. Documentation of the Reich Women's Leadership (Reichsfrauenfuehrung), Germany, 1933-1942

    Documentation of the Reich Women's Leadership (Reichsfrauenfuehrung), Germany, 1933-1942 The Reich Women's Leadership, established in February 1934, included the German Women's Organization (Deutsches Frauenwerk), the umbrella organization of women's organizations in Germany, established in 1933, and the National Socialist Women's Union (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft), established in 1931. It was headed by Gertrud Scholz-Klink, who received the title of "Leader of Reich Women" (Reichsfrauenfuehrerin), November 1934. The two organizations and their female leaders did not have any real ...

  6. תיקים של Amtsgericht Tiergarten

    Municipal District Office Tiergarten Moabit and Tiergarten-Sued were incorporated into Berlin in 1861 and the Tiergarten in 1881. In 1920, the district Moabit. The actual Tiergarten and Tiergarten-Sued and the former suburb Schoeneberg were merged to form the 2nd administrative district of the new city of Berlin, under the name "Tiergarten". The district office Tiergarten took up its activity on March 24, 1921. In the course of the new demarcation of the administrative districts in 1938, the Schoeneberger suburb became part of the administrative district Schoeneberg.

  7. Registration books of the incoming and outgoing documents [correspondence] of the Jewish education administration in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1934

    Registration books of the incoming and outgoing documents [correspondence] of the Jewish education administration in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1934

  8. Documentation of the Reichsministerium fuer Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung (Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Public Education), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsministerium fuer Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung (Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Public Education), Germany, 1933-1945

  9. תיעוד של בית משפט השלום (Amtsgericht) ב-Wattenscheid (ווסטפליה)

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12421314
    • English, Hebrew
    • Legal documentation Official documentation Personal documents Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Repertory: Amtsgericht (district court) Wattenscheid In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including details regarding those who perished and their deportation; correspondence with German authoritie...

  10. M.52.Crimea - Documentation from the State Archives of the Republic of Crimea

    M.52.Crimea - Documentation from the State Archives of the Republic of Crimea History of the Archive: The Archive was established on 22 May 1919 as the Central Archive of Crimea. The Archive was affiliated with the Taurica University until November 1920. As of November 1920 it was the Central Archive of Crimea. The Archive was divided into two archives in April 1926, and became the Historical Archive and the Archive of the October Revolution. The two Archives were merged into the Central State Archive of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Crimea (Krymskaya ASSR) in April 1941. From...

  11. Documentation of Soviet central government in Estonia, 1940 - 1998

  12. Personal files of Jews, in the Bavarian Ministry of Justice

    Personal files of Jews, in the Bavarian Ministry of Justice

  13. Documentation of the Gerichtsvollzieherwesen (Execution office) of the Court of Law in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Gerichtsvollzieherwesen (Execution office) of the Court of Law in Hamburg Included in the Collection are files from the Execution office regarding Jews, arranged in alphabetical order, including detailed lists of property.

  14. Documentation of the local authorities in Kiev, 1930-1946

    Documentation of the local authorities in Kiev, 1930-1946 Included in the collection: - Appeals to the authorities by Red Army soldiers and disabled soldiers, regarding housing in Kiev; - Declarations and official correspondence with the authorities by Jews who returned to Kiev from the East or from the evacuation, regarding the restitution of homes they owned before the war; - List of orphan children; - Survey reports regarding the activities of the Jewish Theater in Kiev.

  15. Documentation of the Croatian Ministry of the Treasury regarding the confiscation of Jewish property and the appointing of Treuhandlers (non-Jewish trustees), 1941

    Documentation of the Croatian Ministry of the Treasury regarding the confiscation of Jewish property and the appointing of Treuhandlers (non-Jewish trustees), 1941

  16. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Grodno, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Grodno, 1940-1941 The Collection includes reports reviewing propaganda activities in the district and pre-election activities; reports from the Committee meetings.

  17. Files of the Sozialbehoerde I (Social Agency I) in Hamburg

    Files of the Sozialbehoerde I (Social Agency I) in Hamburg

  18. M.52.DATO - Documentation of the State Archive of the Ternopil Region

    M.52.DATO - Documentation of the State Archive of the Ternopil Region History of the Archive: The archive was established in 1939 as the Regional Historical Archive of Ternopil. In 1941 and until the present it has been called the State Archive of the Ternopil Region, except for the period of 1958-1980 when it served as the Regional State Archive of Ternopil. During the period of World War II some of the documentation was transferred to Uzbekistan, but most of its collections were destroyed during the war. Following the liberation in late 1944, the archive renewed its work. The Sub-Record G...

  19. Documentation of the administration of the Drohobycz district, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the administration of the Drohobycz district, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions and directives by the German authorities regarding the Jews in the Drohobycz district; - Requests for the issuing of exit permits from the Drohobycz Ghetto; - Announcements by the Police and SS commander in Drohobycz, regarding the execution of civilians accused of hiding Jews and for having contact with partisans.