Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,041 to 20,060 of 58,960
  1. Oral history interview with Harry Weinberg

  2. Michael Temchin family papers

    Photocopies of documents and correspondence relating to wartime experiences of Michal Temczyn, originally of Pinsk, including his service with People's Army in Poland.

  3. Liberation of Kiev

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel"/ "70-71"/ "Moscow"/ "November 1943" / "Directed by I. Kopalina"/ "Kiev is liberated" Aerial shots of countryside, aerial pan and various ELSs of Kiev. Titles: "The red army, successfully having infiltrated the Dnepr, has held fighting positions on the right side of the river and, having broken the German resistance, moved on toward Kiev, fighting as they approach the city." ELS Soviet soldiers loading and firing cannons. LS field of soldiers crawling across field. Aerial views of Soviet planes. CUs corpses, LS soldiers running across burning rubble. MS Medic bandag...

  4. Alexander Zemanek papers

    Contains a photocopy of a typescript letter, dated 1945, from someone in a Displaced Persons camp in Germany, to the donor's aunt in May 1945.

  5. A memoir relating to experiences in Lvov, Warszawa, and Berlin

    Testimony, five pages, handwritten, of author's experiences in Lwow, Ukrainian pogrom after occupation, interment at Janowska camp, escape, travel to Poland with Polish (non-Jewish) identification, times as forced laborer near Warsaw and in Breslau and Berlin-Neukoelln (Krupp), liberation.

  6. Carolyn Nast Dashef papers

    The papers consist of 13 photographic postcards depicting scenes from various cities in Europe and the United States and discussing Hitler's rise to power in Germany and the persecution of European Jews.

  7. Photographs

    Contains information about the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust who were mainly former citizens of Latvia and Lithuania.

  8. Gerd Leston collection

    Photocopies of two documents, "Military Government Charge Sheet" regarding the accused in the trial at Dachau, November 1945, and a typescript copy of memo signed by Reinhard Heydrich regarding Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938.

  9. A memoir entitled "Through Hell and Back" relating to experiences in Poland

    Testimony (memoir), typescript, 178 pages, titled "Through Hell and Back," by Michael Levitan, recounting author's experiences in Niemenczyn, Poland.

  10. Judith Bar-Nadav family collection

    Contains miscellaneous handwritten and typescript correspondence, including letters, notes, and postcards from Judith Bar Nadav's uncle and grandmother to the donor's mother, relating to the experience of some members of Judith Bar Nadav's family during the Holocaust in Czechoslovakia. Also included is a memoir written by Karla Weisson (Weissova), a friend of Judith Bar Nadav's mother. The collection also includes a typescript draft of a journal (memoir) with handwritten annotations written by Karla Weisson (Weissova) and relating to the author's Holocaust experiences, particularly at Raven...

  11. Letter from Russia

    Letter, photocopied, addressed to Louis Schubert of Cleveland, OH, from Chaim Schubert of Lwow (postmarked in Komarno, USSR), from early June 1941 (when Soviets still occupied Eastern Poland and Ruthenia, as that would be where Komarno would be). Letter in Yiddish, but not in Hebrew script.

  12. Henry and Mary Kress collection

    Testimony of Mary Kress (typescript, 10 pages) about her experiences in occupied Poland, as well as correspondence relating to speaking engagements she and her husband Henry gave at schools and community organizations around Orange County, California, 1980s-1990s.

  13. Kindergarten; town, church, park, market

    Froebelhaus Kindergarten in Berlin - INT: wooden toys, dolls. CU, children playing at tables, climbing up ladder and stomping down slide. 00:02:48 Signs: "Das Weisse Gold", "Sicherheits-Glas" Industrial exhibit and visitors in Dusseldorf. Manufacture of safety glass, scenes of spindles. 00:04:26 In Leipzig, EXT, St. Thomas Church, park, cars, birds. People going in and out of church doors. Nuns, upright citizens. 00:05:39 Street scenes, swastika flags, banner across road: "Untergrund Messhalle Markt." Newstand with papers, seen over backs of customers. 00:06:03 Farm scenes, tractor, hay. CU...

  14. Hitler arrives in Paris for signing of French treaty

    CUs, MCUs civilians in streets. Pan, people at tables in outdoor café. Large crowds of civilians. MCU, vegetable market, bread being sold on street. Large building in Paris. Train arriving in station, German troops FG salute, swastika in front of train. MCU, AA gun mounted on front of train. MCU, German army officials meet at rail station; a large group of soldiers in BG. INT, station showing German troops on guard. Pan, LS Eiffel tower. CU, men at work on linotype machine. CU, setting type case for printing. CU, INT, pulling proof from type. CU, newspaper coming from end of machine; worker...

  15. Bamidar

    Contains an issue of "Bamidar," a postwar publication in Yiddish for displaced persons, dated April 15, 1946.

  16. Oral history interview with Pearl Lang

  17. Memoir

    Testimony, 4 pages, handwritten, in Russian, with 1 page typed English summary translation. Brief description of Shtofenmakher's experiences in village near Odessa during occupation.

  18. A memoir relating to experiences as a refugee in China

    Testimony, typescript, 3 pages, about family's immigration to China from Austria.

  19. Selected records from the State Archives of L’viv Oblast

    Contains files relating to the activities of the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle in Galicia; the Ukrainian police in L’viv city and region; the Kreishauptmann Lemberg-Land; Feldgendarmarie in Rawa Ruska; Feldkommandantur 603 Lemberg; Gouverneur Distrikt Galizien; Polizeidirektion Lemberg; Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Lemberg; SS- und Polizeiführer Lemberg; Kreishauptmann Stryj; Stadtverwaltung und Krieshauptmann Drohobycz; and other police, judicial, and administrative units of the occupying forces and their local collaborators.

  20. Moses and Ruth Rontal collection

    Consists of scrapbooks, photographs, clippings, books, family tree information and clippings regarding the life and Holocaust experiences of Moses and Ruth Rontal. Moses, originally of Vilna, was the chief cantor in Radom prior to the war; he lost his wife and daughter in the Holocaust, survived several concentration camps, and met Ruth Gold, who also lost her husband and children in the Holocaust, in the Dachau concentration camp. They married in Stuttgart in April 1946 and arrived in the United States in May 1946, where Moses Rontal continued his work as a cantor. Includes photographs of ...