Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,301 to 19,320 of 58,960
  1. Warsaw telephone dIrectory

    Telephone directory for the city of Warsaw, issued during the year of the German invasion.

  2. Malka Goldberg - Warsaw

    FILM ID 3869 -- Camera Rolls Goldberg 176,177 No clapperboard. Audio operator speaking French and street noise to 1:34. Lanzmann and Corinna Coulmas start by asking Malka Abramson Goldberg about her business, children, and grandchildren. Goldberg then tells them that she was in the Warsaw ghetto, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Ravensbrück, and Malhof before immigrating first to Sweden and then to the city in which the interview takes place (probably Tel Aviv). At Lanzmann's prompting, Goldberg explains that she was part of the resistance, but does not remember specific dates such as when she was arre...

  3. Correspondence and documents relating to Westerbork concentration camp

    Contains copies of correspondence and documents, circa 1942, relating to the experiences of Menil and Rosa Strawczynski's (donor's parents) at Westerbork.

  4. Irwin B. Zeisel's recollections of his experiences in the United States Army in Germany

    Contains a photocopy of the typewritten recollections of Irwin B. Zeisel, a United States Army Staff Sergeant in the 304th Medical Detachment, 76th Infantry Division, during World War II. He describes conditions he witnessed in Buchenwald and other unnamed concentration camps and unnamed displaced persons camps in Germany. Handwritten editorial corrections are included.

  5. Records of Hidegseg trial

    Copies of documents in the custody of the Budapest Municipal Archives from the trial of the guards of Hidegseg.

  6. Cracow

    Scenes of Kraków, Poland, including Nisko, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Wieliczka, and Mielec. FILM ID 3891 -- White 85 Nisko 1-7 00:20 A gloved hand holds up "Nisko 1” in front of a snowy backdrop. Snowy fields in a rural area. Simple wooden fence with low, grey buildings on the horizon. "Nisko 2” Snowy fields. Riverbank. “Nisko 2” The river. Snowy fields, with one tree, bare of leaves, in the middle. Two trucks drive along a road in the far-off horizon. More trees and the river. “Nisko 3” The river. Another snowy field. Trees; some appear to still have leaves. Patches of green grass are visible ...

  7. Robert McKeever papers

    Contains documents and photographs relating to Robert McKeever's service as a member of the Judge Advocate Division of the U.S. Army, and his involvement in investigating of German nationals , who committed atrocities at Dachau, Dachau-Allach, Landsberg, and Terezin concentration camps.

  8. Ernst Heumann collection

    Contains correspondence and financial reports concerning the publication of Aufbau by the New World Club (also known as the German-Jewish Club), an organization of German Jewish emigrants in New York. Also included are files concerning Aufbau advertising manager, Hans Schleger, and a May 1941 issue of International Science, a publication of the New World Club.

  9. Gertrude Schneider

    Gertrude Schneider was a Viennese Jew deported with her family to the Riga ghetto. The interview, which also includes Schneider's mother and sister, covers topics such as the perception of Viennese Jews by Latvian Jews, sex and pregnancy in the ghetto, and the March 26, 1942 deportation Aktion. At Lanzmann's urging, the women sing several Yiddish songs they learned in the ghetto. FILM ID 3221 -- Camera Rolls #3,4,5 -- 01:01:00 to 01:26:41 CR 3: A few seconds of a street scene in New York, then Dr. Gertrude Schneider is shown sitting on her couch. Lanzmann asks her why she wrote her book abo...

  10. Rosalie Klein memoir

    Testimony: Typescript, two pages, recounting family's deportation from Berlin, and time in Krakow and Płaszów.

  11. Hans Prause

    Hans Prause was an engineer with the German Reichsbahn who was stationed in Warsaw, Radom, Lvov, and Malkinia. He talks about the good relations between the German and Polish railroads, preparing trains before the invasion of the USSR, the situation in Lvov, hostile relations between the Poles and the Jews, and visiting the Warsaw ghetto. He defends the fact that he signed orders by saying that the trains would have gone regardless of anyone's signature. He defends Ganzenmüller regarding transports to Treblinka. FILM ID 3331 -- Camera Rolls #1-4 -- 01:00:07 to 01:33:56 Rolls 1-2 Prause sits...

  12. Oral history interview with Ari Tornur

  13. Kurt Rosenthal papers

    The Kurt Rosenthal papers consists of letters addressed to Kurt Rosenthal and his sisters, dated 1940-1941. Some of the letters were written while Kurt Rosenthal was imprisoned in Les Milles and Gurs internment camps in France as an “enemy alien.” The letter dated November 8, 1940 informs about the arrival of Jews in Gurs internment camp from Baden.

  14. Book

  15. "My Private War"

    Testimony: Typescript (26 pages) of a rough draft of author's experiences, titled "My Private War," in which he describes experiences of breaking out of Lwow and living underground in German-occupied Ukraine in 1942-1943.

  16. Martin Pereira collection

    The Martin Pereira collection consists of a registration form and passport issued to Martin Rodrigues Pereira, March 11, 1941, in Hilversum, the Netherlands, containing transit stamps documenting his journey through France and Portugal on his way to Cuba and Argentina; letters from the Civil Defense authorities of Townhall of Hilversum regarding volunteer duty for the Air Defense, May 10-12, 1940; an identity card issued to Martin Rodrigues Perriera in 1939 for membership in the Dutch Youth Hostel Organization ("Ned. Jeugd-Herberg Centrale"); an identification card issued in 1933; and an id...

  17. Helena Pietyra - Auschwitz

    Helena Pietyra describes her experience living near the city of Auschwitz, Poland. FILM ID 3448 -- Interview Auschwitz Pietyra -- Camera Rolls #1-3 -- 01:00:04 to 01:24:13 Roll 1 Madam Pietyra sits in the living room of the apartment she occupies in Auschwitz. Pietyra is citizen of Auschwitz. She was born in Auschwitz and has never left. She recounts that Auschwitz was a predominantly Jewish city before the war. Most of the city was occupied by the Jewish citizens, including the apartment Pietyra lives in, while only a few buildings belonged to Catholic citizens. Overall, the Jews were like...

  18. Leib Teitelbaum identification card

    The identification card ("Ausweis") is for civilian internees of Mauthausen concentration camp and states that Leib Teitelbaum, No. 1072, was interned at Mathausen from March 13, 1945, to May 6, 1945.

  19. Dov Schilanski (audio only)

    Dov Shilanksy (1924-2010) was born in Siauliai, Lithuania. He survived the Holocaust and moved to Israel in 1948. He fought in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Six-Day War, and the Yom Kippur War. He was an Israeli politician and Speaker of the Knesset from 1988 to 1992. This interview was conducted in the Knesset. FILM ID 3618 -- Schilanski Israel 74 FILM ID 3619 -- Schilanski Israel 75 FILM ID 3620 -- Schilanski Israel 76 FILM ID 3621 -- Schilanski Israel 77 FILM ID 3622 -- Schilanski Israel 78

  20. The Jews of Werlau

    Copies of a published article in German and a unpublished manuscript in English, which describes Werlau, Germany during the prewar and WWII era, and the Holocaust; discusses the town's residents, professions, etc.; discusses the end of the Jewish community in the town; tells about the numerous pogroms and the deportation of Werlau Jews to Theresienstadt (Terezin) and to Auschwitz.